Does finland exist?

It's a conspiracy theory on the internet, that Finland doesn't really exist, but is in fact just an ocean used by the Japanese in secret.

It exists 21
It doesn't exist 9
Dunno 1
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Comments ( 38 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    I talk to a finish dude once a month on discord. Hes big into 3D printing and may or may not have made abunch of firearms.

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  • ospry

    God, I wish it didn't

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    • Why? Seems like a nice place, if it exists so to say.

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      • ospry

        Sorry for the tirade, lol. That kind of came out of nowhere

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        • LloydAsher

          Someone had to say it. As someone with deep finnish blood its good to hear. Most finnish people chose the northern states to live in as it's pretty close to Finland climate wise.

          That being said politically we are different because we live in America and actually integrated. The sentiment of the homeland is mixed. Most dont like how Finland has been dubbed "socialist" since it isnt. Culturally a few niches have been carved out as I'm a Yopper (google it). I've learned the important bits of finnish culture. Sisu, saunas and nisu.

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      • ospry

        Nah, Finland is fine. All the Nordic countries are fine. I just get so exhausted by idiot Americans who endlessly fellate the Nordic states for their universal healthcare and the Nordic Model economies that the countries have. Of course it works in countries with tiny populations of 4-10 million and where cultural roots have been in place for hundreds of years. What reason is there to believe that a system that works for a country of 6 million will readily translate and work flawlessly when implemented in a country of nearly half a billion people?

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        • LloydAsher

          The only reason which Finland can support such a safety net is because 99% of it gets to actual Finnish people. The finns are an insular people, got to be to survive there. Pitching in to survive makes a hearty but helpful bunch.

          America is fundamentally different culturally. That's why it wont work.

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        • RoyyRogers

          Thank you! Tell the Americans that... I been saying this!!!

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    What? No, it does not exist. You're obviously hallucinating.

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  • Cliche1234

    I wrote this comment while I am standing on Finland.

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  • Chap

    Hyvä suomi

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  • kikilizzo

    Yeah when I visited my neighbour country Finland I was actually just standing in the ocean the whole time.

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  • olderdude-xx

    If you talk to some Russians, they will tell you that it's a breakaway part of "greater Russia" and should be reincorporated (along with all previous Soviet Union countries).

    Ukraine is currently trying to Tell Russia "No" on that; and I think they will succeed in that.

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  • BleedingPain

    Finland is most certainly real, unlike hollywood back lot New Zeland

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  • Wryladradofft

    Finnish people are one of like three ethnic groups that I feel justified feeling superior to. If Finland doesn't exist then I'll lose that and I'd be really sad

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Fins beat Russia with like 0 military power. They just had abunch of beer bottles and they stomped em.

      Thats pretty cool.

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    • Why? What's your ethnicity? Why do you have a beef with finnish people?

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      • Wryladradofft

        I don't have a beef with Finnish people I just like feeling superior to them

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  • megadriver

    Finland is real. It's a weird place full of people drinking homemade alcohol, everyone has a sauna and has produced more rally drivers than any other country!

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    • From what I've heard, it seems like a cool place.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    I'm half-finnish, been there lots of times. I'm pretty sure it exists. lol

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  • raisinbran

    Finland is full of puffy faced drunks.

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    • LloydAsher

      Have you seen their women though? Genetics have blessed fins with good Genes.

      Unfortunately my finn genes have granted me "Asian" eyes. My eyes open as far as they allow me to. Great for sunny weather. Not so much when it comes to figuring out if I have open eyes or not.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Do yoy see in widescreen?

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        • LloydAsher

          I see normal I guess. Got sharp eyesight.

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      • Meatballsandwich

        Finnish girls are absolutely gorgeous! 😍

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    • Meatballsandwich

      I'm half-finnish. I can confirm that my face is indeed puffy. I'm not a drunk though.

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      • LloydAsher

        Cant stand alcohol. Japan spoiled me with it's good spirits. Barely tolerate what passes as seltzers. Japan was on top of that shit before america and perfected that shit.

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        • Meatballsandwich

          I'm not a fan of alcohol either. There is a pretty popular stereotype here in Sweden that finns are alcoholics, so people are always a bit surprised when I tell them I rarely drink, knowing my surname. lol

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          • LloydAsher

            Honestly I'm more of a weed person. Being drunk isnt that fun with the repercussions of hangovers and being just functional enough to figure out how to drive a car.

            Weed. If you go far enough you wont even be able to figure out that you didnt turn on the microwave and have been staring at it for the better part of 5 minutes.

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  • KholatKhult

    What’s left of it sure

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    • Do Moomins live there? Asking for a friend.

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      • KholatKhult

        I actually love those Moomin cartoons, they play in my home

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