Does foreskin have any actual medical benefits?

I was circumcised shortly after I was born, and 24 years later, I have had zero problems with it. However, I have occasionally come across posts denouncing circumcision, claiming that it's "unnatural," "child abuse," "unconstitutional," and the like.
Thing is, in the select few times I've heard people discuss it, Literally everything I've learned about foreskin is negative. It's unsanitary, it requires cleaning much more frequently, some people don't like the way it looks, it smells worse than a circumcised penis (I have not verified any of these claims) and is just overall a huge inconvenience.
The anti-circumcision crowd, the ones I've seen, don't talk about any medical benefits, it's usually something like "psycho doctors are mutilating babies' genitals without their permission." Again, I don't believe they all think that way, it's just the posts I've seen.
I did look it up on Google before, and it seems circumcision is more beneficial than not. However, I am incredibly biased in favor of circumcision based on current knowledge, so maybe I subconsciously overlooked something. Is anyone open to discussing this?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • CozmoWank

    It can be used as a bacon substitute or fried like pork rinds.

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    • Boojum

      Hilariously disgusting sequence on Amazon's Preacher recently.

      One of the characters is a vampire with regenerative powers. He was taken prisoner by the evil Bible-bashers who run a multinational mega-corporation with their fingers in all sorts of pies.

      The episode starts with a classic fuzzy-lensed cosmetics commercial touting a miracle facial cream which the small print states contains foreskin cells.

      Cut to vampire strapped to cross with a complicated machine at crotch level that we see darting towards him and whining like a power saw as the vampire shrieks. Machine pulls back for a moment, advances and vampire screams again, and repeat.

      Cut to mangled, bloody slices of meat sliding down a chute to a bin.

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      • CozmoWank

        You're right, sounds disgusting but hilarious. I should check it out.

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  • If you have one it means you’re not a Jew, and the relief which that realisation provides is enough of a benefit.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    You did have a problem with it, when the circumcision was happening. Just because you can't remember it now doesn't mean you didn't go through that excruciating pain, when you were a baby no less. You might think it was worth it now, but if it had happened to you when you were old enough to tell them to stop there's no way you would have endured that torture.

    As for all the "it's unsanitary, it requires cleaning" nonsense, all it takes it a quick draw back of the foreskin while you're in the shower. Cutting off your foreskin to save a couple seconds in the shower is like pulling your teeth out to avoid having to brush them.

    Also I really hate to say this cos I'm basically deriding people who are victims of mutilation (but if it stops them from doing the same to other unconsenting people then it has to be said), but circumcised penises look fucking weird. They look unnatural.

    As for benefits, there are nerve endings in the foreskin so that sex feels better. You could be experiencing better sex if it weren't for your parents having you circumcised. Not to mention circumcisions sometimes go wrong, babies die every year from botched circumcisions.

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    • Your first paragraph makes a good argument for why it's performed during infancy. Not remembering that something hurt isn't too different from it not hurting at all. You're also conveniently ignoring the existence of anesthesia, which would be available if it's done at a hospital, so I doubt it would be "torture."

      I disagree with your simile in the second paragraph; teeth are a necessity for self-preservation, while the foreskin is not. Furthermore, while it might take a couple of seconds in the shower to clean, if it increases the number of showers that must be taken in a single day, I consider that inconvenient.

      All penises, circumcised or not, look weird. That's just the nature of penises. Whether one looks weirder than the other is completely subjective and doesn't really hold water as a counterpoint.

      "Better sex" is not a medical benefit, and pondering what could have been is an unproductive use of thought. I'm not sure if anyone could/would test that, as it would require an uncircumcised person who has had sex to undergo irreversible surgery to see if sex feels worse. Personally, I am not concerned with the quality of the sex I am not having. Lastly, complications can happen with surgery of any kind, the chance of something going wrong is never zero.

      I apologize if this response came off as a little hostile, but I do not appreciate your insinuation that my parents are bad people.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        Yeah if it absolutely had to be performed, then it would be better to perform it at a stage that you wouldn't remember it later. But it doesn't have to be performed. I disagree that not remembering it is like it never happened at all. Those babies are real and the pain they're feeling at the hands of those surgeons is very real. And once it happened then it happened, whether you remember it or not.

        Teeth aren't necessary to survive now that false teeth have been invented. In fact I actually used that teeth comparison because people used to get all their teeth pulled out (even though there was nothing wrong with them) once they reached a certain age, just to avoid any possible future cavities they might get. I've even heard of some people getting them pulled out right after getting married, when they were in their early 20's, just to avoid any future dentist bills.

        Fair enough, but then it's also a poor argument in favour of circumcision to say that people find uncircumcised penises weird.

        Better sex is a life benefit though and so is a good argument against circumcision. Pondering what could have been is unproductive indeed (and I am really sorry if I caused you to do so), but for anyone reading that comment who will have kids of their own one day, they can ponder what could be for their kids.

        That's exactly the reason why surgery should never be performed unless it is absolutely necessary. Circumcision is completely unnecessary and yet millions of people risk their babies' lives for it every year.

        I don't think your parents are bad people, sorry if I insinuated that. I do think people just make decisions like this without giving it much thought though, just because it's the societal norm, and maybe your parents did too. Plus they could've been fed misinformation that they couldn't fact-check on the internet like we can nowadays.

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    As far as I know protection
    Like that small lump of skin on top of the clitoris

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  • Boojum

    I was circumcised shortly after I was born, and I've got through 60+ years without it ever being a problem for me.

    From what I understand, the inner surface of the foreskin has a lot of nerve endings, and since there's a distinct difference in the sensitivity of the skin on my penis above and below the (not very obvious) circumcision scar, that seems to be true. I can see how removal of that skin might reduce the intensity of pleasure during sex, but I've always found all sorts of stimulation of my penis very enjoyable and I've never had problems reaching orgasm, so it seems to me that it's one of those cases where never having something means you never miss it.

    I'm also sure that the anti-circ campaigners are right that circumcision must decrease the sensitivity of the glans because it's constantly exposed.

    It's been a while since I had a look at an anti-circ website, but my recollection is that the language I read there was absurdly emotive. From how they described it, it would be understandable if a woman or an uncircumcised guy came away believing that the glans of a circumcised penis ends up looking like a sun-dried dried prune and as sensitive as a callused foot. That's simply not true in my experience. Like I've said, I've never had any problems reaching orgasm due to lack of sensitivity. Considering how women are much, much slower to reach orgasm through PIV sex (if they can at all), it's ridiculous to suggest that _decreased_ sensitivity for a guy is a huge problem, and what's best is that a guy should be so damn sensitive that he ejaculates in two minutes at most.

    Circumcision is surgery (albeit about as minor as can be for an infant), and things do occasionally go very wrong. I have every sympathy for guys who have a mangled penis due to their circumcision. However, my conclusion after reading anti-circ propaganda is that the guys who are truly enraged that they were cut as infants probably have all sorts of issues with their parents and how they were raised. I also suspect that many have sexual issues which are actually nothing at all to do with their circumcision, but it's easier for them to blame nasty doctors or their stupid parents for these than it is for them to address and sort out the problems that are actually in their head.

    What the anti-circ nuts don't mention is that it's also possible for foreskins to cause various problems. Phimosis, for example, can be extremely uncomfortable, cause inflammation of the glans that might result in permanent damage if not treated, make it difficult to reach orgasm and even make sex impossible.

    For some reason, I've come across a couple of articles in recent months where guys described their experience of being circumcised as an adult. It's clear that it's not a trivial operation and recovery is no fun at all. It seems to me that parents who take the view that it's something that their son should make his own decision about are, while understandably taking the moral high road, basically making it highly unlikely - for good or ill - that their son will ever be circumcised.

    I honestly don't know what I'd do if I should have a son (highly unlikely at this point of my life, but speaking hypothetically). I suppose I would leave things natural, just because I think things are generally better left that way unless there's a very good reason not to.

    The fact is that you're circumcised, and notwithstanding the peculiar "cures" that I recall seeing which supposedly allow a guy to stretch the skin of the penis enough to recreate a sorta-foreskin, you have little choice but to accept that. Your parents no doubt had this done to you for what they'd been led to believe were good reasons. Hating on them for allowing it to be done to you and getting all wound up about what you've lost due to circumcision is completely pointless.

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      Phimosis is a serious medical condition. The only reason they don't mention it is first of all because it's very rare and so isn't worth mentioning, and secondly because it's obvious that every single one of them would be all in favour of using circumcision in those cases to cure those people. They're just against using it for absolutely no reason. There are plenty of things that are absolute lifesavers to people with medical conditions but that are more commonly known as harmful things that stupid people abuse, like botox and steroids for people with cerebral palsy for example.

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      • Boojum

        While I was writing my post above mentioning phimosis, I wondered just how common it is.

        The Wikipedia article (yeah, I know...) says that its incidence is unclear. Apparently, it's generally accepted that 1% of uncircumcised men have pathological phimosis, but some papers cite an incidence of up to 50%, which probably includes the less serious forms.

        I agree that a 1% incidence of anything makes it uncommon. However, if the entire male population of the USA was uncircumcised and that figure was accurate, it would mean that 1.6 million American men would have phimosis.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    I honestly have no idea what benefits their could be. But I do know there is people who regret being circumcised so idk.

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  • Clunk42

    I mean, forcing someone to be circumcised as a child could be considered child abuse. I personally believe that one should decide whether or not they want to be circumcised. The only benefit of circumcision I've heard of is that circumcised people are less likely to contract STDs. Although, you really shouldn't have sex with people with STDs unless you already have their STD.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Last sentence is debatable.

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    • The most common benefit I've heard is that being circumcised prevents smegma.

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      • JellyBeanBandit

        So does showering.

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      • Clunk42

        I forgot about that. Yep, that's right.

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