Does god exist?

Just once wouldn't you love for someone to simply show you the evidence for God's existence? No arm-twisting. No statements of, "You just have to believe." Well, here is an attempt to candidly offer some of the reasons which suggest that God exists.But first consider this. If a person opposes even the possibility of there being a God, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away. It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking. Photographs of astronauts walking on the moon, interviews with the astronauts, moon rocks...all the evidence would be worthless, because the person has already concluded that people cannot go to the moon. Is it normal to think this?

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 84 votes (51 yes)
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Comments ( 57 )
  • BannerMan

    The dumbest fucking question ever

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  • Darn! I was hoping you would "candidly offer some of the reasons which suggest that God exists," but then you just made a silly comparison to the moon landing. I'm disappointed, I thought you might have something inspiring to tell us.

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  • vera046

    It's not exactly like your astronaut on the moon theorie. Because there actually is evidence for that. There is no evidence that proofs the existence of God. Actually every single person with knowledge of history, science and religion will tell you that it's just as real as unicorns.
    God was made up in a time people couldn't explain most things on earth. We can explain them now. We know were mankind came from (evolution, not adam and eve) we know were earth came from (big bang, not god). Also are most stories in the bible already proven uncorrect, if not all. I thinks it's time we lett religion and god go.

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      Unicorns are real, you dick sandwich.

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    • HOW THE SEA HORSE DID WE EVOLV????????????? ok, i have been really stressed by you pathetic i am going to say this as calm as i can *deep breaths*. i want to know how we evolv! please. see? can you show me that we eloved?? nope you cannot. i can my belifs is not weak but my strength, my hope, my peace, my knowlege!! i know what evolvation is. and when i am older (if the lord terries) tha i will give all my credit to God as you may know i am a little girl, but, very high strung and smart when it comes to techno things and science so i know for a fact that evolution didn't have anything to do with us or your humans. i can go to bed at night knowing that my God pretects me. and look at your life and look at your christain friends lifes. is yours full of confusion? stress? hurts? and now look at theirs: Happy, spunky, and peaceful. what the difference our God is greater, our God is strounger, Our God is healer and SALAVATION!!!!!!!! he is giving them the peace and happiness, so after you read this please go to a church and really listen to the message (go to Assbleys of God) and learn this is my message to you impossible humans.

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    • Lockets

      Don't you yet realise that God designed evolution and the big bang? God created science, the universe and life? Science/astrophysics do not exclude God but we are now more able to understand the amazing universe that God created.

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      • Uzzie101

        You say that, but it doesn't actually mean anything. Where's the proof he ever did anything? Why didn't "he" include that in any religious text he inspired? You know why? He ain't there.

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  • 8Serene8

    Nope. Sorry to disappoint you all.

    He is just an adult imaginary friend taken way too seriously.

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  • Echoes

    Sorry but it's unwise to ask such a question to strangers without being sure if they're qualified enough to clear this huge dilemma. No offence to anybody.

    If you're really concerned about this issue then search for answers. Read what all parties say and find out the truth on your own. Start with the Abrahamic religions in their historical order; Judaism, Christianity both concluded by Islam), then jump to man-made religions like Hinduism and Buddhism, finally see what the atheists say, read books like The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking or God Is Not Great by Christopher Hitchens. Don't wanna read books? ok instead of wasting your time on facebook and myspace just google any of the above, the web is the greatest library in the history of humankind.

    I did all of that, it took me a long time but I finally found out the truth and I'm happy with it. I'm not gonna tell you where I landed because you're a free thinker and you need to find the truth on your own.

    One more thing, if you were born in family or raised in a society that believes in something that doesn't mean it's right. Be independent and find your way by yourself.

    Sorry for the long post.

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    • SassyFrassyLassie_old

      Echoes, that is The Best comment answering a IIN question about religion I've seen on this site so far!

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        love Echoes can i know about u@echoes

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  • No but Raptor Jesus is real

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  • BoredGuy

    so what we vote? Yes, for yes there is a god or No, for no there isn't a god?

    Btw, there is no god.

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  • CheeseBiscuits

    There is no creator that deals with human affairs, ie. "God" He is imaginary. He is nothing more than a scapegoat for people who cannot think rationally and logically for themselves. So much disease, corruption, pain, despair, hunger, poverty, war, destruction in this world. If there is a god, he is the biggest douchebag to ever exist. Wake up people, it's the 21st Century for crying outloud! Why is the majority of the world still obsessed with an invisible man in the sky?! What the hell is the point in praying also? Doesn't God have some "Devine plan"? If God has a plan that pretty much is the destiny of mankind, of everything and anything, why would he change his master plan for every person who has a problem and prays? The bible promotes slavery, anti-masturbation, killing, and it contradicts itself time and time again! Don't believe me? Google it! Or just read the bible yourself! Religion has fueled more wars in the history of mankind than any other reason! Screw God, screw religion. Direct your own life and think for yourself, don't become another brainwashed idiot!

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    • The Answer

      To answer the question “Why did God create man?” it must first be determined from which perspective the question is being asked. From the point of view of God it would mean, “What caused God to create human beings?” while from the human point of view it would mean “For what purpose did God create humans?” Both points of view represent aspects of the intriguing question “Why do I exist?” ...both aspects of the question will be explored based on the clear picture painted by divine revelation. This is not a topic for human speculation, because human guesswork cannot possibly produce the whole truth in this matter. How can human beings intellectually deduce the reality of their existence when they can hardly understand how their own brain or its higher entity, the mind, functions? Consequently, the many philosophers who have speculated on this question down through the ages have come up with innumerable answers, all of which are based on assumptions which cannot be proven. Questions on this topic have even led a number of philosophers to claim that we do not really exist and that the whole world is imaginary. For example, the Greek philosopher Plato (428-348 BC) argued that the everyday world of changeable things, which man comes to know by the use of his senses, is not the primary reality, but is a shadow world of appearances. Many others, as was previously mentioned, claimed and continue to claim that there is no purpose for the creation of humans at all. According to them, human existence is merely a product of chance. There can be no purpose if life evolved from inanimate matter which only became animate by pure luck. Humankind’s supposed ‘cousins,’ the monkey and apes are not bothered with questions of existence, so why should human beings be bothered with them?

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    • Introduction The purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her lifetime. Everybody at some time or another asks themselves the question “Why do I exist?” or “For what purpose am I here on earth?”

      The variety and complexity of the intricate systems which constitute the fabric of both human beings and the world in which they exist indicate that there must have been a Supreme Being who created them. Design indicates a designer. When human beings come across footprints on a beach, they immediately conclude that a human being had walked by there some time previously. No one imagines that the waves from the sea settled in the sand and by chance produced a depression looking exactly like human footprints. Nor do humans instinctively conclude that they were brought into existence without a purpose. Since purposeful action is a natural product of human intelligence, humans conclude that the Supreme Intelligent Being who created them must have done so for a specific purpose. Therefore, human beings need to know the purpose for their existence in order to make sense of this life and to do what is ultimately beneficial for them.

      Throughout the ages, however, there has been a minority among humans who have denied the existence of God. Matter, in their opinion, is eternal and mankind is merely a chance product of accidental combinations of its elements. Consequently, to them, the question “Why did God create man?” had and still has no answer. According to them, there simply is no purpose to existence. However, the vast majority of humankind over the ages have believed and continue to believe in the existence of a Supreme Being who created this world with a purpose. For them it was, and still is, important to know about the Creator and the purpose for which He created human beings.

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    • now its up to you what you think anyway actually i just want to tell you all of that you people's are very good and very nice but really really don't know about so many things of this topical and very beautiful life it's only one can come again in this world so we must think very deeply and honestly why we are in this world.If we are just for ************************ sleeping then what is the deference in a human and animal because they already doing all of these ******* things in this beautiful but
      (not permanent ) world.So please think what we are doing and where we are going.I will tell you all hidden truths behind this life but later step by step...Love you all of them..Zaheer Mughal

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    • Everything is God

      The Hindu scriptures teach that there are many gods, incarnations of gods, persons of God and that everything is God, Brahman. In spite of the belief that the self (atman) of all living beings is actually Brahman, an oppressive caste system evolved in which the Brahmans, the priestly caste, possess spiritual supremacy by birth. They are the teachers of the Vedas and represent the ideal of ritual purity and social prestige. On the other hand, the Sudra caste are excluded from religious status and their sole duty in life is “to serve meekly” the other three castes and their thousands of subcastes.

      According to Hindu monist philosophers, humankind’s purpose is the realization of their divinity and -following a path (marga) to emancipation (moksha) from the wheel of rebirth - the reabsorbtion of the human soul (atman) into the ultimate reality, Brahman. For those following the bhakti path, the purpose is to love God because God created humankind to “enjoy a relationship - as a father enjoys his children” (Srimad Bhagwatam). For the ordinary Hindu, the main aim of worldly life lies in conforming to social and ritual duties, to the traditional rules of conduct for one’s caste - the karma path.

      Although most of the religion of the Vedic texts, which revolves around rituals of fire sacrifice, has been eclipsed by Hindu doctrines and practices found in other texts, the absolute authority and sacredness of the Veda remains a central tenet of virtually all Hindu sects and traditions. The Veda is composed of four collections, the oldest of which is the Rigveda (“Wisdom of the Verses”). In these texts, God is described in the most confusing terms. The religion reflected in the Rigveda is a polytheism mainly concerned with appeasing deities associated with the sky and the atmosphere, the most important of which were Indra (god of the heavens and rain), Baruna (guardian of the cosmic order), Agni (the sacrificial fire), and Surya (the Sun). In later Vedic texts,

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    • The Incarnation of God

      Perhaps the only common concept to most Christian sects regarding the purpose of mankind’s creation is that God became man so that He could die at the hands of men to cleanse them of sin inherited from Adam and his descendants. According to them, this sin had become so great that no human act of atonement or repentance could erase it. God is so good that sinful man cannot stand before Him. Consequently, only God’s sacrifice of Himself could save humankind from sin.

      Belief in this man-made myth became the only source for salvation, according to the Church. Consequently, the Christian purpose of creation became the recognition of the ‘divine sacrifice’ and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Lord God. This may be deduced from the following words attributed to Jesus in the Gospel according to John:

      “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

      However, if this is the purpose of creation and the prerequisite for everlasting life, why was it not taught by all the prophets? Why did God not become man in the time of Adam and his offspring so that all mankind would have an equal chance to fulfill their purpose for existence and attain everlasting life. Or did those before Jesus’ time have another purpose for existence? All people today whom God has destined never to hear of Jesus also have no chance to fulfill their supposed purpose of creation. Such a purpose, is obviously too limited to fit the need of humankind.

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    • Judeo-Christian Scriptures

      A survey of the Bible leaves the honest seeker of truth lost. The Old Testament seems more concerned with laws and the history of early man and the Jewish people than with answering the vital question concerning humanity’s creation. In Genesis, God creates the world and Adam and Eve in six days and ‘rests’ from His work on the seventh. Adam and Eve disobey God and are punished and their son Cain kills their other son Abel and goes to live in the land of Nod. And God was ‘sorry’ that he had made man! Why are the answers not there in clear and unmistakable terms? Why is so much of the language symbolic, leaving the reader to guess at its meanings? For example, in Genesis 6:6 it is stated:

      “When men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose.”

      Who are these ‘sons of God?’ Each Jewish sect and each of the many Christian sects who followed them have their own explanations. Which is the correct interpretation? The truth is that the purpose of man’s creation was taught by the prophets of old, however, some of their followers - in collusion with the devils - later changed the scriptures. The answers became vague and much of the revelation was hidden in symbolic language. When God sent Jesus Christ to the Jews, he overturned the tables of those merchants who had set up businesses inside the temple, and he preached against the ritualistic interpretation of the law practiced by the Jewish rabbis. He reaffirmed the law of Prophet Moses and revived it. He taught the purpose of life to his disciples and demonstrated how to fulfill it until his last moments in this world. However, after his departure from this world, his message was also distorted by some who claimed to be among his followers. The clear truth which he brought became vague, like the messages of the prophets before him. Symbolism was introduced, especially through the “Revelations” of John, and the Gospel which was revealed to Jesus was lost. Four other gospels composed by men were chosen by Athanasius, a fourth century bishop, to replace the lost Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the 23 books of writings of Paul and others included in the New Testament outnumbered even the four versions of the gospel. As a result, New Testament readers cannot find precise answers to the question “Why did God create man?” And one is forced to blindly follow the contrived dogmas of whatever sect they happen to belong to or adopt. The gospels are interpreted according to each sect’s beliefs, and the seeker of truth is again left wondering, which one is correct?

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    • Although most people put the question of why we are created aside after occasional brief reflection, it is extremely critical for human beings to know the answer. Without knowledge of the correct answer, human beings become indistinguishable from the other animals around them. The animal necessities and desires of eating, drinking and procreating become the purpose of human existence by default, and human effort is then focused in this limited sphere. When material satisfaction develops into the most important goal in life, human existence becomes even more degraded than that of the lowest of animals. Human beings will consistently misuse their God-given intelligence when they lack knowledge of their purpose of existence. The degraded human mind uses its abilities to create drugs and bombs and becomes engrossed in fornication, pornography, homosexuality, fortunetelling, suicide, etc. Without knowledge of the purpose of life, human existence loses all meaning and is consequently wasted, and the reward of an eternal life of happiness in the hereafter is completely destroyed. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that human beings correctly answer the question “Why are we here?”

      Humans most often turn to other human beings like themselves for the answers. However, the only place that clear and precise answers to these questions can be found is in the books of divine revelation. It was necessary that God reveal the purpose to man through His prophets, because human beings are incapable of arriving at the correct answers by themselves. All of the prophets of God taught their followers the answers to the question “Why did God create man?”

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      1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
      Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few:
      The Earth.Water.The human brain.The eye.
      2. Does God exist? The universe had a start - what caused it?
      The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that? Scientists have no explanation for the sudden explosion of light and matter.
      3. Does God exist? The universe operates by uniform laws of nature. Why does it?
      Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winner for quantum electrodynamics, said, "Why nature is mathematical is a mystery...The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle."12
      4. Does God exist? The DNA code informs, programs a cell's behavior.
      All instruction, all teaching, all training comes with intent. Someone who writes an instruction manual does so with purpose. Did you know that in every cell of our bodies there exists a very detailed instruction code, much like a miniature computer program? As you may know, a computer program is made up of ones and zeros, like this: 110010101011000. The way they are arranged tell the computer program what to do. The DNA code in each of our cells is very similar. It's made up of four chemicals that scientists abbreviate as A, T, G, and C. These are arranged in the human cell like this: CGTGTGACTCGCTCCTGAT and so on. There are three billion of these letters in every human cell!!
      5. Does God exist? We know God exists because he pursues us. He is constantly initiating and seeking for us to come to him.
      6. Does God exist? Unlike any other revelation of God, Jesus Christ is the clearest, most specific picture of God revealing himself to us.
      What proof did Jesus give for claiming to be divine?
      If you want to begin a relationship with God now, you can.

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  • BUGABOO-666-

    God is nothing more than an excuse for the weak.

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      "Superstition is a natural refuge for those who are powerless." - Carl Sagan

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  • oneonone

    God love,s all He saved my life today

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  • VoLoPoK

    You have to be at least halfway retarded to consider it a possibility; i decided god didn't exist as soon as I understood what "god" was, when i was 6. God is just an idea like infinity or 0.

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  • DeathBlaze15

    GO GOD GO!!! :D (just kidding, Im no athiest.but i like Evidence xP)

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  • 8Serene8

    I agree with cheese biscuits 100%

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  • rockmum

    Look around, the miracle of life, animals, flowers, everything
    It's gods work, I don't need to see god to believe, cos I know!!! And gods awesome :)

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  • bubblicious775

    People look at the science behind all of this. But in all seriousness what the fuck made all the science? There is a god. And I'm looking forward to going to heaven

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    • BluntsRolled

      That's one problem I see with this is that every christian either assumes there's a place in heaven for them, or get so obsessed with the fear of hell that they pour insane amounts of time and money into church in order to ensure they get a ticket.

      Now I'm not saying your a bad person because obviously I don't know you, however we all "sin" but everybody seems to draw there own imaginary line where they themselves can commit "sins", (cussing, smoking, working on Sundays, pre-marital sex ect.) and yet still have room to bash others for the choices they make like they piss holy water, as if your all mighty "omnipotent" God doesn't see what you do/say behind closed curtains. Where do you draw the line? Where does my pastor draw the line? The pope?
      What about God himself? Nobody knows. Not to mention the countless OTHER religions you weren't born into, having there own beliefs.

      Don't think I'm some punk hipster kid thinking its "cool" to be Atheist either. I attended church, every Sunday, (and sometimes DURING the week) of every week, of every year, of my life up until I was about 16 or 17.

      I'm 21 now, and I watched my mom chase this so called "God" for my whole life until her recent passing. It broke my heart to see her throw all of her time and money into something that's merely smoke and mirrors. I truly believe she would have lived a MUCH less stressful life if she wasn't so worried that she had to "buy" her way into heaven per-say.

      Hell I don't even think the big bang theory is 100% proof of how time started, but that doesn't make God the automatic default answer.

      TL:DR ~ Religion is poison. Proceed with caution.

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  • lalaforthehaha


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  • Hornet_13

    Yes i do!

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  • paradoxinsoxs

    No- but if someone presented me with truth I'd say otherwise

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  • imtherealpandabear


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  • danwolves


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  • Uzzie101

    Ask yourself this:
    What kind of god is he? Why should we worship something that apperantly created pain, suffering, natural diasters, death, hell...and worst of all...Man-Bear-Pig (-_-)

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  • huBelial


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  • rak

    Yes God exists

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  • amylee09

    u guys are crazy god dont exsists
    and he never will he is all in your minds you menatal people

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  • neo714

    Scientists say we evolved from monkeys! How the he'll is that possible???? If we evolved from monkeys how come there are a shit load of monkeys in the world why the fuck haven't they evolved????? All I know is that GOD exists and he is our creator and our savior:)

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  • Ilovejesusforever

    I totAlly agree with kaioshin!!!

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  • Devilsummoner

    God exist. The only God exist is Allah. :)

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  • kolanta

    God just exists by believers

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  • An0nym0us9001

    Raptor Jesus died for your sins!

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    • interest in the early Rigvedic gods declines, and polytheism begins to be replaced by a sacrificial pantheism to Prajapati (“Lord of Creatures”), who is the All. In the Upanishads (secret teachings concerning cosmic equations), Prajapati merges with the concept of Brahman, the supreme reality and substance of the universe, replacing any specific personification, thus transforming the mythology into abstract philosophy. If the contents of these scriptures were all that human beings had to choose from for guidance, one would have to conclude that God hid both Himself and the purpose of creation from humankind.

      God is not the author of confusion, nor does He wish difficulty for mankind. Consequently, when He revealed His final communication to humankind one thousand four hundred years ago, He ensured that it was perfectly preserved for all of the generations of human beings to come. In that final scripture, the Quran (Koran), God revealed His purpose for creating mankind and, through His last prophet, He clarified all of the details which man could comprehend. It is on the basis of this revelation and the prophetic explanations that we [must] analyze the precise answers to the question “Why did God create man?”...

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  • BoredGuy

    @ares.self what is the point exactly? Having delusion of a next life so we don't mind that some have shitty life, while others a much more privileged one? suppress the mass?

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  • imthatguy

    God is real

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  • first why question God? look around you! look at the oceans look at the clouds, sky, earth and even the trees etc. do you think that all happened by chance? by an explosion? no it didn't if it did than life wouldn't be here!! There has to be a God it is the only thing that makes sense and is the only thing that is real!! I know there s a God and i love him with all my heart, mind and soul!! take a breath without God helping you! see? its impossible cuz God is the reason why you wake up and blink so think about that and beleive in him.

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      Google the anthropic principle.

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    well if by god you mean the christian god then no, even if he does he's a asshole.

    Me personally I'm Pagan, but we are what some people call "Tree huggers" lol only difference is, is I bathe daily and I love bacon so I love meat ^_^ nom nom bacon lol

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  • danny19

    people STOP living in a fucking dream god never existed never has never will the reason i know that is because if he existed why havent we seen him ? why havent he spoken to us ???????????

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  • God does exist. Seriously. You've ever gone through something and needed someone to talk to? God's there. I talk to him all the time and I'll ask him things and believe me... I get answers.

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  • YeeP

    Guys, guys Scientology is where it's at.

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  • matilda10

    To all you that just said god isn't true, I hope you have never lost a loved one and get comfort from the fact that they are in heaven. IF THERE IS NO GOD THEN THERE IS NO HEAVEN!!! So you may aswell be comforted by the fact they are getting eaten by earth worms.
    Seriously, one day you will know that's god exists, but a little too late... Something you will have to live with for all eternity. You will then realise how foolish and vain your lives were.

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    • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

      So you want to take away my right to be properly dead? Heaven sounds exhausting. Anyway, the bacteria (not worms) deserve a meal.

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  • sexysam

    God and Jesus are the same people Jesus Is God

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