Does god exist, is god evil
Yes God Exists But God is not Evil | 182 | |
No | 152 | |
Yes God is Evil | 27 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 32 |
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Yes God Exists But God is not Evil | 182 | |
No | 152 | |
Yes God is Evil | 27 | |
Other (Add a comment) | 32 |
God exists, we misinterpret the world as evil because of our imperfect materially contaminated perspective.
Religion = santa for adults.
No offense, but really, i do mean to be offensive.
God is a human concept that can't be true since being almighty is logically impossible.
If god existed, I'd say he/she/it would be evil.
God gives us all free will and that creates "evil" because we choose to allow it to happen. God is definitely not evil.
Why does god let pedophiles run fee, god should condemn them bastard, but no, god let's him Fuck kids... You and your god make me sick.. i would rather burn in Hell than sit beside a child molester in your heaven....
If god is real and all controlling then why does he let child rapist run free.. and don't give me the free will bull shit those kids have no free will and are terrified.... Fuck god, and Christians
there is no god, but if there was he would undoubtedly be evil, look at the state of our world.
If the world would follow Him, his advice, it would be a different picture, but since we have decided to act upon our own logic and reasoning, without caring what he thiks or have to say, only when things do not go our way. just think when you are baking a cake you see the delicous cake on the picture you want one to look and taste good just like the one in the picture you need to follow the recipe instructions, if it dosen't come outjust like you wanted, the question is: did you follow the directions?
1). God probably does not exist.
2). If a god does exist he probably does not know that we exist because all he did was set the universe in motion. In this case, he can not be said to be evil.
3). If god does exist and knows of our existence it is most likely due to omniscience and our existence means as much to him as an ant's existence does to us. In this case, he can be said to be indifferent, but not objectively evil.
4). If a god exists that has the traits defined in the Bible or any other text stemming from the Abrahamic covenant then such a god can be said to be responsible for all of the hardships of this life, implied by a verse from his own text: "If one knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin". By this logic God would be the greatest sinner and can therefore be called evil. That being said it is also up to such a God to decide our fate at the end of days, making it advantageous to worship God, despite his evil nature.
GOD is good faithful and full of graciousness,everytime I would get myself in trouble he was always there to get me out of it god is good he is not evil.
If you're talking about the god of the bible then no I don't think he's real and yeah he seems pretty evil. The other possibility is that there is a creator that created the world then fucked off and left us to our own devices. That seems more likely if there is indeed a god/higher power/whatever.
I'm not going to say he does exist but I also won't say he doesn't (I'm Agnostic, you see). I believe that if God does exist, he/she (God might be a woman for all we know), God is apathetic and just doesn't care. It doesn't mean that God is bad though. Maybe at one point God did care but due to Humanity's actions he/she just lost the will to continue caring or perhaps God never cared. Maybe God is really an alien that never even heard of us.
The stereotypical religious god does not exist. And if he did then I am damn glad I don't worship him. For he is truly the biggest asshole in the universe.
It's a matter of philosophy and right now we as a race don't yet know enough to say whether a God was responsible for everything or whether everything exists as an imperative of an infinite universe. But there's plenty of reason to believe that any particular God that people worship is a product of the superstitions of primitive cultures.
Albert Einstein answered a similar question...
does cold exist?he asked
yes of course ..haven't you ever had cold?
no sir !according to the law of physics cold does not exist thats the absence of heat..!!
does darkness exists sir?
yes of course it does exist ! he was answered..
darkness does not exist either its just the absence of light.. light we can study but not darkness..
does evil exist.. ?
NO its just like cold and darkness !god did not create evil its the result of what happens..when man does not have god's love present in his heart..!!
Stupid question is stupid. Unless you're dead, you can't answer this question with any certainly.
Do I believe in god? Yes. That's my choice, that's my faith.
I'm not the type of person to go around telling people what to believe, and I'm also not a hardcore by the book christian but I do believe in something greater than this world.
If this is it... this world, this journey of life, it would really suck.
The question will be what benefit is it to you, beliving in God, the davil belive in God and demons tremble before Him,but they are still in the Kingdom of darkness. Believe in His Son, accept He died for you for your sins, and your name will be written at that same moment in the book of heaven.
If god does exsist then I'm afraid he's got a very sick sense of humour. I refer to a particular case of a dirty scumbag rapist who was on day release. W.T.F is that all about!!!! and he bought a lottery and yes he won. His innocent victims should have got the money, mind you would they want it though! that's the question really.if I was one of his victims I think I would (want his money) my attitude would be this scumbag owes me for destroying my whole life, so yeah I'd have damn good time with the money. I would view it as something good out of something horrific! I am aware that this is just speculation though and you can't really say waht you would do unless you were in that situation. One women has sucsesfully sued him and given the money anonymosly to charity. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate her on her bravery and determination. xxx Sorry for getting off the point there xx
I am sorry if you are one of thos victims, but unfortunately, we live in a world that do not careto follow his instructions , if that would be the caese thing would be different for everybody. We live in a fallen world and things are going from bad to worse, and only the Lord can restore that sense of being whole again, maby in the physical sense, is lost , but in the emotional and spiritual you will came to have peace , will not be consumed, with anger and resentment, you are giving permission to the one who hurt you to continue doing it, and blame God for it, give Him your heavy burden and He will give you rest
Thankyou for your reply and for your good intentioned words but I am not a rape victim and pray I never will be. I'm afraid, however that I am a revengeful type of person though. Rightly or wrongly, morally or imorrally if anyone hurt me in any way I wouldn't rest till they'd suffered, too. The words eye for an eye are in the bible after all, aren't they. If we just went around forgiving people and not punishing these evil beings imagine what an even more terrible world we'd live in. Too many people are behind the perpertrator and the innocent victim seems to be forgotten about and that saddens me and makes me somewhat angry. xxx
there is a tale that god made the devil to test us and they work together (god is good the devil i gess helpsdecides who go to heven or hell) well thats what iv herd anyway lolololol0l
We make the decision, He offers you salvation thru the sacrifice of his Son Jesus Crist, but you decide to reject Him, how can he take you to heaven for a whole eternity!!! against your will, if you could not spend or meditate in his existance for 5 minutes. Would not be fair to you or anybody it will be a torture.
yes thats true... as per Muslims believe.. but you tell it in a bit childish way...
devil has challenged god that he will misguide all the people and god in return challenged him for he said the righteous wouldn't get misguided the true believers and those who deeply love me wouldn't walk on the path you show ..they would avoid you and try to control their hearts from all that is wrong ...for wrong will only harm them!! and he made a promise to those who will walk on the right path that they will be gifted with paradise...and then he sent humans down on earth and left them so as to be examined ... now our future is in our own hands..!! paradise or hell!!
No is not in our hands if you decide to put yourself in His hands, He will guide you, we could not take care of our salvation not even for a minute.
I will not avoid you, nor will I try to control you from evil or everything that is wrong,is your decicion.
And we are not like the muslims, Jesus did not just show you the way, He died for you and will carry you all the way thru, mohamed just "teached" you.
God is obsessed with penises. Its true He is fascinated by them. So much so that he dedicates an entire fictional book as to when and where a penis is to be whipped out, how, when where it should be used, and he LOVES males.
ha. seriously. a magical sky daddy. pshhh. on the real santa clause for adults is what it is OP