Does god exist or not?

As agnostic can anyone tell me if the f***** in the sky exist or is he imaginary.h
Help me out with proof (no trolls unless you funny)

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63% Normal
Based on 24 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Forestheart

    First of all, your way of asking the question is inappropriate.
    Of course He exists. The fact that you deny his existence, even though you don't have the ability to explain the simple things that happens around you, means you're both ignorant and arrogant.
    Think about the ancient people, to us they appear to be fools with little knowledge about the world. A thousand years from now people will think about us the same way. The universal truth is that us humans don't know as much as we think we do. Our overconfidence often mislead our beliefs.
    The reason we sometimes doubt His existence is because we can't find any hard evidence. But at the same time we don't have a single evidence to prove that god doesn't exist.
    That is why it's a matter of belief, cause such a perfectly functioning systematic world and the miracle of life can not be just a coincidence.

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    • TheSkyisGreen

      Excellent choice of words :)
      I couldn't have said it better myself.

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    • nobody13

      Personally, I think takes just as much ignorance and arrogance on your own part to claim without doubt that god (whatever the hell you mean by that) exists, and then ramble on about humans having overconfidence in their beliefs.

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      • Forestheart

        Thanks for your reply. You're a nice example of the overconfident ignorant idiotic fools I'm talking about. This will help the OP understand better.

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    • dahztoyevskeet

      "Of course He exists. The fact that you deny his existence, even though you don't have the ability to explain the simple things that happens around you, means you're both ignorant and arrogant."

      Why is god necessary to explain "the simple things that happen(s) around you?" There are demonstrable scientific causes for many of the things that happen around us; gods, goddesses, and pixies aren't necessary for their explanation. Adding god to the mix is superfluous and adds additional complexity and additional assumptions where they aren't needed.

      Also, how do you know that only one god exists (and additionally, how do you know it's a 'he')?

      "Think about the ancient people, to us they appear to be fools with little knowledge about the world. A thousand years from now people will think about us the same way. The universal truth is that us humans don't know as much as we think we do. Our overconfidence often mislead our beliefs."

      Yes, ancient people believed in many silly things, including notions such as Zeus being responsible for thunder, and winter being the result of Persephone having to live with Pluto (Hades) during the winter months. Ancient people believed that gods are responsible for the many "simple things that happens," around them. They were wrong in believing that their gods were responsible for anything, what makes you so sure that your god is different? Humans might not know everything, but that doesn't make them "ignorant and arrogant," for not automatically believing in god, especially when (GASP) there's a lot of things that they don't know, including whether or not god *actually* exists!

      "The reason we sometimes doubt His existence is because we can't find any hard evidence. But at the same time we don't have a single evidence to prove that god doesn't exist.
      That is why it's a matter of belief, cause such a perfectly functioning systematic world and the miracle of life can not be just a coincidence."

      This is confusing. So there's no hard evidence that he exists ("Of course He exists. The fact that you deny his existence... you're both ignorant and arrogant.") and it's therefore just a matter of belief... because the world can't just be coincidental??? You just offered what is presumably "hard evidence," right there, but "it's a matter a belief???"

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  • ______________

    For me it is the concept of intelligent design - I study the world around me and the tiny tidbit I know tells me that no way in hell did all this occur by random processes.

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    • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

      Problems with intelligent design :

      If something as complex as the universe requires the existence of an intelligent designer, surely something as complex as the designer also requires a designer and so would the designer of the designer and so on.

      If there is a designer, why does it have to be what ever God you believe that designed it? For all anyone knows, a dark matter rainbow goblin could have shit the universe in to existence. You can't prove that isn't the case.

      The flaws in human physiology are either evidence of a process the leaves, now useless, residual adaptations like evolution or evidence of an incompetent designer. Can an infallible being create a way for human to die if they don't swallow their food correctly? Would an infallible being create a useless organ that can get easily infected and kill a human--the appendix. Why do we need glasses? Why do our teeth decay long before death?

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      • ______________

        To me, if there is a designer, he wouldn't need to be created - his all powerful nature would see his qualities as impossible for us to comprehend. He would encompass everything, and would be infinite in many ways. Certainly, this explanation makes more sense than nothing resulting in everything, at least to me.
        Now, having believed that there was a God, I wanted to know more about him. It would seem logical to me that if this universe has a creator, he would leave some sort of message explaining things to us, and the Bible seems to be just that - it claims to be a direct message from an omnipotent God, telling us our origins, giving us instructions, describing different notions. I choose to believe in the Bible, because to me it makes the most sense of all theistic religions that I have come across - and, after reading it, I have a sense, almost like a reassurance that it is in fact true.
        As for the flaws in human physiology that you have mentioned, the Bible explains them as us becoming imperfect as a result of sinning. I think life is a beautiful gift, despite my numerous flaws, though God through the Bible reassures that I, and fellow believers will be restored to perfection upon our deaths, which is an even greater gift.

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        • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

          "if there is a designer, he wouldn't need to be created - his all powerful nature would see his qualities as impossible for us to comprehend."
          Your first point is a contradiction. If we can not comprehend anything about him, how can you claim to know whether or not he was created? How do you know he would be infinite? Either you know something about a topic you have deemed incomprehensible or this does not support your point.

          "this explanation makes more sense than nothing resulting in everything, at least to me."
          Simply because something makes more or less sense to you does not mean it does not make sense. Energy with regard to time, like quantum particles, operates according to the uncertainty principal--you can not measure the exact energy of anything at no one point in time. This is because at the quantum level, things can literally be in more than one place. This principle applies to zero, also. As a result, zero can be both zero and nonzero. So, at the quantum level, nothing can be both nothing and not nothing (AKA something).

          "It would seem logical to me that if this universe has a creator . . ."
          Again, how can anything about a being you yourself have deemed incomprehensible be logical to you? That is a contradiction.

          "I choose to believe in the Bible, because to me it makes the most sense . . ."
          The bible is full of contradictions. The first one: in Genesis 1, humans were created after the animals and Adam and Eve were created simultaneously. In Genesis 2, Adam was created first, then the animals, then Eve. They both can't be true. One has to be wrong. Otherwise, it would be a contradiction. The bible is flawed. Therefore, anything said in it, cannot be taken at its word.

          According to you, belief in contradiction is apparently easy.

          Also, you never dealt with my point regarding the dark matter rainbow goblin. Like your belief in God, the belief in such a goblin can not be disproven. That is the flaw in both of those theories.

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          • ______________

            Indeed, I should have put the word 'some' before the word 'qualities' during my first point, that should clear that up. For example, the concept of existence is a straightforward notion to understand.
            As for the quantum physics you quote, I admit that I'm no expert however I know this; if you have nothing, there's nothing. Nothing means no energy, no physical matter - and hence the concept of time is eradicated, as there is no way to measure it if nothing changes.
            As for what you call the Genesis contradiction, you must have first assumed that both chapters must be in chronological order; but try reading through again, with chapter 1 being chronological, and chapter 2 being a non-chronological recap/summary of events. For example, the animals need not be mentioned before Adam in a recap, as he named them.
            I do not claim my beliefs to be fact, so the shit goblin has little impact. I have a faith in being correct, it's an integral part of Christianity, though I do not exlude the possibility of being incorrect.
            And, are you an evolutionist?

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  • flyingnostalgia

    Yes God exist. Its really hard for anyone to give a proof cus what i see as proof may not be a proof for you. But if you are thinking of anything scientific than that is not possible cus scientific metods goes by all that can be seen and exmained and comprehended by human mind. While God is uncomprehendeble.

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    • Niggers_like_white_women

      Your low intelligent quotient combined with your need to belong leads to your naive nature.

      It's why you believe as you do.

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    • ihatehippies

      Lol you believe in God? Yet you're always saying such terrible rude things.

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  • Stamex

    Religion can't be disproven.
    So, religion must be proven.
    No one has yet to objectively prove religion.
    Case closed.
    There is not god.

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  • green_boogers

    There is a proof that God lives inside your head. It's called the Ontological proof. Read more at Wikipedia.

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  • GodSaveTheQueen

    I'm afraid, old sport, that this question is a bit irrelevant considering that the Royals exist. Why else would everyone honor the queen and bitch about God? Not much a mystery is it then?

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  • lunarodyssey132

    that is a good question...

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  • gloryholeflasher

    We can't prove that God exists and you can't prove that He doesn't, although there is ample evidence to suggest that He does exist. It all boils down to faith.

    I believe in God, AND I feel like I'm having a good life. I believe that He sent His Son Jesus to pay for my sins so I can have eternal life. If it should turn out in the end that I'm wrong, and there is no God, what have I lost? I still had a good life.

    You don't believe in God, which means you don't accept His Son's sacrifice on your behalf. If it turns out that you are wrong, and there is God, then you have to pay for your own sins and you don't get eternal life.

    Each person gets to choose what they want to believe. Given these two outcomes which one sounds like a better deal to you?

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  • nobody13

    I can't prove that he doesn't exist, but just because you can't prove that something doesn't exist doesn't mean that it does exist. I can't prove that leprechauns don't exist either, but I'm not going to seriously consider the notion that they do exist just because I can't prove that they don't. Of course, you might want to clarify what you mean by 'god,' before asking if it exists; God has plenty of definitions and concepts, and before trying to discern the existence of any sort of god, you might want to determine what attributes this thing would have first. I might claim to believe in or be partial to a Spinozist or pantheistic god, or maybe even a deistic sort of god, but if your definition of god includes things like "created everything in its present state about 6,000 - 10,000 years ago, is omnipotent and omniscient, intervenes in human affairs, etc." I might be inclined to say that that god is likely nonexistent. Define 'god' first.

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    • TheSkyisGreen

      You can't prove his existence nether can you prove he doesn't exist. So in conclusion you simply don't know. It all comes down to belief and you don't believe.... So just shut up about it.

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      • nobody13

        I think you should take Eagwol's advice.

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        • TheSkyisGreen

          I'll wait my turn, thanks. But I'm more than willing to use you as a test subject.

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          • nobody13

            No thanks; I'd feel guilty if you slipped up and offed yourself in some idiotic fashion (considering your intelligence, that would be a likely outcome).

            BTW, how do you know I 'don't believe?' Did you even read my post, or is anything written beyond a "See Spot Run," reading level too complex for you?

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            • TheSkyisGreen

              You're hopeless.

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  • Eagwol

    I Guess someone could kill you if you really wanna know.

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  • dindu_nuffin

    Yes i exist and i am right here

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