Does god have a sense of humor?
I always think he might. I don't know.
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I always think he might. I don't know.
One of my favorite quotes is, If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.
I think He does...look at the platypus. Also, the panda bear, it looks kind of like a ferocious black bear mixed with a ferocious polar bear but it is A) not a bear and B)totally chill and gentle; a vegetarian who likes to do summersalts.
If a being such as god exists he certainly has a sense of humor. Look at the faces people make when they orgasm. And the platypus.
It's common from societal brainwashing to think of God as sterile, stern and grumpy. God is an artist, a scientist, a musician, a comic, a lover, a fighter and much, much more.
Of course he does,hes god,yesterday i asked him if he was married or not?he said no,im legally married
if he wants to. god changes his mind a lot based on peoples actions and intentions.
Of course! I think that's why cats are so funny. Because God made them that way.
Look at this:
There is no compelling evidence that a god exists, so I'm going to say no he doesn't have a sense of humor.
Who knows. Its god. Half the people in the world deny his existence. I'm just gonna choose to focus on making sure he exists before I go wondering about his sense of humor.