Does gta san andreas have variable difficulty?

Does GTA San Andreas get easier everytime you die or does it always stay the same? I must know. I die ALOTLOTLOTLOT. I noticed that the train mission was WAYYY easy

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Yaboibigcheesy

    Could you please do some research or find out for me? It'd be awesome 🙂

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  • Wryladradofft

    I don't think so.

    The train mission isn't that hard imo. Not nearly as hard as people say at least. I always had trouble with the RC plane one though

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    • Yaboibigcheesy

      Omg I know right? It's like o.g rockstar why'd you make it this way. Are you sure the difficulty doesn't go up or down based on how skilled you are at the game?

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      • Wryladradofft

        I googled a little and all I found was an old gamefaqs thread:

        It looks like the answer is a solid "maybe, but nobody can say for sure"

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