Does he has feeling for me?

I have known this guy in a working place. He was just a casual labor working for 2 weeks. There is when we meet. Everytime he will follow me up and down. Just following me. Then after the 2 week end we added each other on facebook. Then we still keep in touch but not so often. But still keep in touch. Is been 2 year and a half. Then last year somewhere in April, he started to called me and talk to through whatsapp every night without fail and we talked for hours. He would purposely take off on wednesday just to go out with me. He make himself a schedule of his own and he will sent it to me every week to update me about his schedule. We definitely go out every week without fail. I remembered in one conversation once through whatsapp he mention about if i was a girl he would date me. I pretend i did not listen and asked him again he said never mind. He has past girlfriend before. And share with me he like someone previously. He is straight. And I am a bisexual person. I have feeling for him a long time but never have the guts to tell him or never will tell him. His action prove otherwise. Once we fight, then he did not talked to me for 2 week till my birthday that night exactly 12 he wished me. then he did not talked me again. Until 7 months later. He treat me very differently. Other people he treat them with respect. Just like how he treated me last time. Now a little bit rougher and more open. He even share with me his deepest secret. ANd cried once to me. He told me he never share it with anyone before. But just because of one argument he is not talking to me. Sometime he would whatsapp me ask me about product which i worked for that company. Thats all not even how I am. I am dying. I miss him I love him for almost 3 years but I can;t tell him. Not about ego. Whats the point he he dont love me at all. He miss him so much. He always say prioritize me first when he collegues or friend asked him to go out he asked me 1st whether i want to go out with him first. I am sad things change after one small argument. I just scolded him why he is so rude to the waitress thats all. I am sad since then he took it personal. I need to know does he has at least a little feeling for me?

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47% Normal
Based on 19 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • thejack

    I believe he is trying to use you in some way. All the long gaps of not talking etc. are suspicious. Any person who cares for you won't get mad and stop contact after such an argument. Think about what he might get if he dates you, it could be something work-related, money etc.; it could be he loves your sexual skills only, too. That's enough for a guy to stick around but only use you. As for the crying and sharing a secret; it could be a trick of his to actually make you believe that he cares. Do not get me wrong, he could have an attachment to you, after all you've spent so many years talking, however, understand what I am saying and remember it always, for any person you encounter - if a person truly cares for you they will not be able to break contact for no more than a few days; and they won't get mad at you for something so small like a remark. I suggest you think over what he might get out of from being with you, and I suggest you kind of expand your circles and start being more open for other new friendships with guys.

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    • paultiong

      And when we always hangout, he always volunteer to pay for me. But when he go out with a mutual friend of mine, he is very stingy. He would smiled at me every time he see me. He would called me out instead of his friend. after the argument he did look for me but not very often.

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    • paultiong

      Hi TheJack, Thank you for your reply. He is totally a nice guy. No money is involve. I am just sad because is been years. Just want to ask, is it because he don't dare to tell me because he never had a gay experiences before? Does he has at least a little feeling for me at least? I had been looking for answer for the past few year.

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  • flamer180

    If you truely believe its cause of the fighting, then try to talk with him, and get over it.

    I understand if he's holding something in. Then it's not good, and should be talked through

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  • chase00chase

    Go on to Yahoo Answers for this

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  • Ellenna

    You're not dying! Well no more than everyone is.

    What a lot of melodrama about nothing much, most of which I couldn't be bothered reading because you DIDN'T USE PARAGRAPHING

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    • paultiong

      But still thank you replying.

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      • Ellenna

        You're welcome but you'll receive more helpful replies if your posts are easier to read

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        • paultiong

          Thank You Ellenna. Omg I was just lazy to elaborate. But thanks btw

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