Does he have a reason to worry?

I'm joining the navy and soon I'll be leaving for basic training, I've currently been talking to a guy long distance who I really like who is a bit older than me and has two kids. He's afraid I'll find someone else but he said he'll understand If I do. We won't be able to talk as often as we do now for two months. I assure him he shouldn't worry and I really care for him but maybe he's right. We aren't in a committed relationship but we have made plans of meeting each other soon. We have talked on and off for like a year because before I felt things were moving too fast. But things are different now I feel like I love him and I am in love with him, but idk what I'll encounter while I'm away with different people, I never thought about that or thought it would be a problem until he said something about it, now I feel its something to worry about.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • CountessDouche

    I don't think he does. You'll be in an environment that doesn't exactly foster fact, you probably won't have one on one time with anyone, plus you'll be pretty sweaty, and gritty and worn out. Basic training doesn't exactly foster romance.

    Not to say it can't happen, but this issue isn't really about the fact that you might meet someone. It's about that fact that your boyfriend is insecure. He's jealous with no reason, and he's trying to keep you from meeting your goals because of that. It's something YOU should be concerned about, because it probably won't change.

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  • riffraffy

    He ought to be worried. He made the mistake of confiding his insecurities with his girl. Few things will cause a girl to lose attraction in a guy faster.

    Two months is hardly a great amount of time. The fact that you are already uncertain means this relationship is probably not meant to be. Just make sure to break things up cleanly if you decide to move on.

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    • CountessDouche

      Official owner of vag. Can verify that this is total bullshit.

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      • riffraffy

        I don't mind being told that I'm wrong so long as there's an explanation, vag-bearer. I know my advice is geared towards guys instead of yourself and the original poster, but I don't think it's wrong.

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        • mysistersshadow

          I think it was the insecurities part. For me another vag bearer it can go either way. If the insecurity is completely unfounded I find it a unattractive trait but if its just a vulnerability thats different and can make a stronger bond.

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          • riffraffy

            Just to make sure, I was purely talking from an attraction standpoint. There is a reason why every guy in a romance book is mysterious. This really goes into how women see lovers vs how they see friends. If a guy wants to be a lover and not a friend, he doesn't have the luxury of confiding his insecurities in her.

            And to make it rougher, no one's better at finding weaknesses in a man than a woman. But it's when she can't find anything--that's what drives her crazy for you. That's attraction!

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            • CountessDouche

              Ah- my apologies for the late response- I appreciate your demand for one!

              My notices are wonky : \

              Insecurity doesn't necessarily make a man unattractive, often it makes him more human. Whilst, I would agree that expressing huge insecurities upon an initial meeting might be a little off putting, I think most women find a rational amount of vulnerability to be attractive and honest, as long as it's not totally over the top.

              Anywho, insecurity can be kinda endearing and attractive in a sense, because it makes a woman feel as if she is seeing a hidden part of an otherwise manly facade...

              Mayhaps I'm just speaking for myself, but my lady parts disagree with your nonsense.

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