Does matured guy laugh a lot less

Male, 25, I don't act my age. I tend to laugh a lot and get amused easily. Serious people and things bore me but I always think being able to be serious is part of looking matured in front of others which I am struggle of acting like one myself.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Tommythecaty

    Laughing is not related to maturity, it’s related to your ability to express an understanding of humour. To never laugh implies you have a mental deficit in that area. So you appear to be doing fine.

    Hope this helps.

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  • Goomats

    It's good to stay happy and funny. I'm 35 and I love to laugh. Being somber isn't mature, it's boring.

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  • my_life_my_way

    People I know irl say I’m immature because I don’t tend to take things seriously or see things as being that deep, it’s even ended friendships/relationships. But serious people always seem to be more miserable and uptight, like they’re always waiting for something to criticise, that doesn’t come off as mature at all

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  • noid

    See if you’re still laughing in another 25 years.

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  • Unknown_player

    I think maturity is owning who you are, with confidence and not caring of what others think and getting on with life. But since this seems like a sensitive thing for you I think the definition of maturity depends on who you ask and if a person downright calls you immature then you decide if you still want that person jn your life or not. You cannot control those around you, but you can control who is around you

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I think a big part of being mature is taking ownership in your actions when you fail. Immature people will always blame others for their own failures.

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  • bbrown95

    I don't think maturing means you have to laugh less. I think being able to find joy in life is great, and in no way immature. Of course, there is a time and place for joking and sometimes laughing is inappropriate in certain situations, but I think that overall being lighthearted and easily amused can be a good thing.

    Honestly, people like people who are fun to be around and don't take life *too* seriously. Obviously, there are times where it's necessary to be serious, but you don't have to be that way all the time. There's a middle ground between Beavis and Butt-head and stone cold!

    I think knowing the time and place for everything and acting appropriate for the situation shows maturity.

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  • Meowypowers

    It depends on the situation, I don't want a laughy boy in business but I don't want an extremely serious guy on a date.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It depends. Some people just laugh alot. But it can be a sign of being immature.

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