Does mtv insult the islamic sense of honor?

Many Islamic extremists would like to assassinate the CEO of MTV, and other purveyors of sexuality in media and internet. What do you think about this?

Very insulting. Their culture is repressive. 22
Mildly insulting. They should update their antiquated values. 8
Not insulting at all. Western infidels are unchaste. 7
Irrelevant, MTV is an invasion of their national consciousness. 10
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Comments ( 13 )
  • NotStrangeBird

    I initally read this as the "Islamic sense of humor".

    But there is absolutely no such thing in the world.

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  • dappled

    Extremists can hold whatever view they want but as soon as they start murdering people (or even threatening to), they should be dealt with.

    I can't comment about MTV in particular because I've deliberately avoided it (and music videos) all my life.

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    • bristexai

      MTV doesn't have music videos anymore.

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      • dappled

        Wow. When they did go away and what do they show instead? It's not those bloody Kardashians, is it? Actually, I bet it is, isn't it?

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    • OswaldCobblepot

      Some music videos are actually really great; MTV, however, is pretty much just awful.

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      • dappled

        Aye, I haven't managed to avoid them completely. I have seen some pretty great ones too. But the majority of what I've seen has been more an advert for the video director as opposed to adding much to the song.

        Also I guess I worry about attention. Music used to be enough. Even classical music is presented with something else to focus on, like the vacuum cleaner on the Last Night of the Proms. I liked it. I really did. But can't we sometimes just have the simplicity of a single thing being just what it is?

        I think we're living our lives wrong. Capitalism says more, more, more and I favour focus.

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        • OswaldCobblepot

          I don't agree with you that music videos are a form of this modern competition-for-attention thing. I'm pretty skeptical that it's even a thing, so…

          I see them—at least the better executed ones—as working *with* the music to create an enhanced experience. The more vapid examples are probably nothing more than commercials for director & musician alike, but there are definitely videos & songs that work together as a cohesive piece of art, such as BT's This Binary Universe, in which the album & film were created in parallel.

          They don't necessarily have to be developed together, though, to be great as a single work. As long as it adds something to the "story" of the song, I'm all for music videos like this one:

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          • dappled

            Ahh, I do believe it. I've noticed myself with the TV on, the computer on, and thinking "What else can I do? Something is missing". Perhaps that's just me but I've certainly seen similar behaviours in others, such as people flipping between four or five websites or fora, just waiting for something to happen on one of them. My grandma always did just one thing at once.

            Difficult for me to argue the point about music videos in particular, though, because I've seen so few and I don't like talking too much about something I don't know much about. I hopefully have broadband later today which gets past 10k per second (I've seen it do six bytes per second in bad weather) so I'll take a look at the video. Might be that the very first thing I do with my whizzy new broadband is commit an act of personal sacrilege. Pray for my soul!

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  • dom180

    MTV insults my sense of honour by being awful.

    Seriously though, I think entertainment is always created to be culture (or, just as often, sub-culture specific), and it would take something very unusual to appeal to every culture's values. So long as they're not being deliberately offensive, I don't think they have a responsibility to appeal to culture's their media isn't designed for or marketed to.

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  • PboDude

    Who cares if those ugly inbred dogs get upset. They don't have to watch MTV, fuckin retards probly think the M stands for Muslim.

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  • they can't just BLOCK THAT CHANNEL?

    I don't condone either MTV or the jihad mindset.

    they think all infidels should die

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  • dude_Jones

    Interesting points everyone. I suppose you could argue that Western media puts mindless stuff on TV because it gets the ratings with people who are using the television as an electronic campfire.

    Perhaps the rating game works in the Middle East as well. The 4 pillars of Islam are hyped enough to suppress one's intrinsic sense of motivation to the point that a little skin on the tube becomes a welcomed way to mellow out. Religious "reaction formation" ensues. The "Great Satan of the West" becomes the object to transfer blame for one's own suppressed desires.

    Help me out here. I only know a couple of colleagues with a Muslim background. And, they are very moderate, well educated and out of touch with mindspace of Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

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  • robbieforgotpw

    Who cares what they think op?
    They're still living in the 7th century. They would confiscate tvs and put women in burqas.
    From one extreme to another...

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