Does my friend like me?

So I've known this friend for over a year now, I was introduced to him by another friend of mine. We talk and hang out but I wouldn't say we're super close, but we're good friends. He recently broke up with his girlfriend about a month ago, and out of nowhere he started texting me really flirty and sexual things, I was really surprised as all the time I've known him we've never talked about sexual topics or flirted, it was purely platonic. It made me feel kind of awkward and taken aback, I kind of just stayed friendly and polite but tried not to engage too much as it felt too awkward.

After this I've noticed he's been talking to me much more often, texting me almost everyday now when usually we'd only message each other a few times every week or so, he's also been asking me more personal questions. I kind of get a feeling he's trying to come onto me, but I'm not 100% sure and I don't really want to ask him upfront because I don't want to make the friendship really awkward.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • notsaying4life

    Far more likely than not from what you saying

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Sounds highly likely like he wants to make you a rebound so don't engage with him

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    Maybe. You also have to consider that he probably has way more free time now that he's single and might have been more like this before anyway though.

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  • litelander8

    You actually managed really well to not mention your gender. It only kind of matters.

    If he was with a chick and your a chick, yes. Vise versa, he’s a dude and so are you.

    But if it’s on a bisexual level, then yes, that would be a bit shocking. But still normal.

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