Does notice how men with fat fetishes are ugly gross losers?

It seems like it's the ugliest most undesirable men seem to be into fatties. Fat people either sex are gross and need lose weight. Men who force feed their girlfriends should be charged with abuse. I think it's okay shame them.

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Comments ( 71 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I certainly don't disagree with you. I haven't met anyone with a fat fetish who's into force feeding, and what not, and for this I'm really glad. I saw this awful movie called "Feed" a few years back, and it was really disgusting. I think it's very gross, unhealthy, and possibly even sociopathic to be into force feeding a morbidly obese person like that. It's like slowly killing them, it's really vile, and degenerate.

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    • barefoot_on_the_sand

      That movie is cool, though.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Ye, I think a lot of them don't even really have a fat fetish; they've just struck out with all the desirable women so they've lowered their standards.

    The ones that really piss me off are the white knight omegas who come up with complete bullshit about how pretty clearly ugly women are in order to get likes and pussy crumbs from the general female community.

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    • Exactly these men are losers

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  • leggs91200

    How in the hell do some people get turned on by watching someone else eat?

    There is a very old joke that McDonalds had a burger called the McSwaggart, you pay to watch someone eat one. But jokes aside, damn.

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  • nobodyknowsitsmehehe

    I've noticed that you usually see a big fatty with another big fatty or a big fatty with a really skinny bloke. I honestly wonder how 2 really big fattys manage to have sex, just the logistics of it.

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  • --

    I can't understand why you even care what others do, oh well.

    Fat people should lose weight! But only for health reasons, so they can feel better and have more energy.

    I don't have a fat fetish. I have a sexy skinny milf with big tits fetish. That being said I am not too picky but there is a limit on how fat someone is and if I would fuck em or not.

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  • Mammal-lover

    At work orientation it showed this chick walking and all I could think was this fat bitches stomach has a gut attached to it. So gross.

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    • leggs91200

      (scoff), our favorite TG lover on here would probably start in with some dumb crap about exercises she could do to tone up and how he would sleep with her if she lost weight.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        What moron are your reffering to?!?!?! What a selective scumbag to not bang fatties!

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        • It's called a preference not everyone has a SeaWorld fetish like you.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            A what? I bang women of all bodyfat percentages! From looking like their in the holocaust to having to go sideways through a barn door. Been there tapped that.

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          • leggs91200

            Oh my gyod hahahahah.

            Stop :D

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          • LornaMae

            I think fatties aren't really off his menu.

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            • leggs91200

              I don't even imagine inflatable women are off his menu.

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  • TerriAngel

    A lot of back and forth.
    fat is just a turn off for me.
    If you can eat anything while watching the 1,000 lbs twins on t.v.
    Good for you.
    I cant even enjoy a meal around fatties.
    Its disgusting.

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    • I seen the 1,000 lbs twins it's disgusting🤢🤮

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  • LornaMae

    Yeah, yeah. NEEEXT!

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  • litelander8

    Mind your own business.

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    • If they're endangering someone's health than that's a problem

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Yeah. While the fat fetish thing is really none of my business, I gotta say, I have no idea why those people would choose to stay fat and continue to gain weight for their partners. Like I used to be fat and it wasn't fun. I got laughed at for eating a lot of food in restaurants, my weight was also the first thing people would point out when they wanted to insult me, I never got hit on, my spine always hurt, and a simple trip to the kitchen left me out of breath. All of those things went away when I lost the weight and life is so much better. I never want to go back to that life.

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        • Cliche1234

          You're a soldier of your own body, killing all those asshole calories from further dragging you down into destructive path. Truly an inspiration to read.

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            Thank you very much!

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        • leggs91200

          Mexican food is likely THE highest calorie stuff in the world, I ain't even joking. It is good though.

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          • Cuntsiclestick

            Hispanic food in general is just unhealthy. My family makes nothing but that and all that grease just makes me physically ill now. Lol

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            • leggs91200

              I must say though, Hispanic/latina women have the best asses of any race.

              Something in that food must be doing good.

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  • GaelicPotato

    No u

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  • rocketdave

    I must admit that I'm not really into appearances, I'm more into how keen the person is in having sex with me and I with them.

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  • Carfentanil

    "thick" fetishes are quite common among men these days. I have a bit of one myself. I doubt you'd call me ugly...Loser? Maybe. Not ugly though

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    I love fatties and you wouldn't consider me ugly and unattractive.

    However, you aren't onto nothing because I agree that its abuse to force feed obese people and in general less attractive guys go for fatties. That's kind of how the system works. Less attractive matches less attractive of the other gender and give versa. That's why for me as an attractive guy can get fat chicks in bed like CLOCKWORK.

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    • DIO

      You're not an attractive guy. That's just cocky and subjective. You think you are. There's a difference. Being "buff" isn't attractive to a lot of women.

      There's no such rules. I've seen ugly people with beautiful ones.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Ok thanks for the final verdict mister never seen me before. There not *rules* just on average that's how things tend to work out more often then not.

        But let's assume your right, I'm ugly AF and a total dick in real life just as bad as on here, which is wrong. Then that means I have the fucking MAGICAL secrets to dating. Do I need to brag how much/how easily I get women/sex? My body count since roughly three months ago is 18, and for a month I didn't have any at all because I was home for winter break. For you math genius, that is 18 DIFFERENT women in bed over two months of being active. That's is over two new lays a week, not to mention seeing all but one of these women at least twice. So 17/18 of them come back for more, to me that's a sign I'm onto something. How many people do you think get this much action? I sure don't know anybody and it's not like I study a bunch for secret psychological seduction tactics or anything I literally just have your basic skill set which is average at best in terms of strategic escalation ect.

        Tinder has a reputation for a very unbalanced hierarchy where the top 20% or men get 80% of the women. This is true if you look at tinder statistics. I have been working tinder like a machine for months. Like 10-12 women getting sexual and at least double that of dates in less than 2 months, in a fairly small town to so the dating pool ain't big. I would say that level of sucess is pretty rare at least among my mates. That's what I'm basing this off, in addition to the fact that I am 6'4" which has been statistically shown to improve desirability with women and also incredibly muscular which has been repeatedly shown to help as well.

        Overall though, to me it's the results I get that prove I'm at least somewhat above average.

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        • You're a loser who's just bragging we all know fat bitches put out easier because they're desperate. Fatties are disgusting 🤢🤮

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        • DIO

          I never said you were ugly, I said beauty is subjective. You can't say that you are attractive. You can say that some women find you actractive.
          I'm not trying to be mean but nobody really cares about your sex life or what you think of yourself.
          This is weird how much you have to show of or prove something to others so much, like you have something to compensate for. I don't know what kind of trauma you've had to need to be the center girls attention this bad.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            I agree that its subjective, but that doesn't mean there is no such thing as attractive or unattractive. In general, most women have similar preferences and I fit more of those than most people.

            I no nobody cares, I only brought it up because that's how I know I am not unattractive. Unattractive guys don't get this kind of results. I shouldn't have to being it up but you created the nessecity. You can't just argue me on something and then get mad for "showing off" when I am telling you why I think I am indeed attractive in order to reply to your point.

            The rest is just you promiscuous-shaming basically. All the common arguments. I'm just bragging, I'm compensating for all this and whatever. Nope. I have a high sex drive, I like the act of chasing and seducing women and sexual novelty is a high priority. I'm also very bored at college so it gives me something to do that I enjoy, which is rare.

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            • DIO

              "Unattactive guys don't get this kind of results": How do you even know? It all depends on the way you talk to girls. You can't make a generalization based on your assumptions.
              There's no necessity. YOU need to brag and show off. Which seems to be common with modern kids these days because the current society has made all of you superficial.

              I'm not shaming you. What do you think I am? 12?

              This kind of behaviour is always, and I do mean ALWAYS a compensation for something. Maybe it's because your life is boring as you say. Some do this to avoid family issues. There's a lot of reasons.

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    • LornaMae

      🙄🙄🙄 that's literally what my eyes did when reading the second part of your comment.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Looool I'm at minus 3 for spewing facts. Where is DIO to defend facts now??? Save me DIO!!

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        • LornaMae

          Hahahaha, no Dio, Dieu, God, Deus or Baby Jesus can defend you now! You should've stopped at "I love fatties"!!! Lol

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          • LornaMae

            And be thankful for them liking you back!!!

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            • d0esnormalmatter

              I am thankful I make them orgasm to show my appreciation.

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            • LornaMae

              Or do they, really? HAHAHA

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    • Men tend to overestimate their own attractiveness.

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      • LornaMae

        Yeah, I'm not sold on his yet! *hoping I don't get a dick pic with roid balls to try and prove it*!!

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        • I keep getting dick pics I know what you mean.

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          • LornaMae


            Wait, I mean, which are you? The fatty, the fatty-lover or the casual observer?

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        • d0esnormalmatter

          Hell no I ha e never taken or sent a dick pic and don't plan on it. Balls are abnormally small but not like teensy. You'd have to have them in your mouth to tell the difference, which we can test! I'll even sweeten the deal and make this test free.

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        • blinkeredharlot

          Lmao you know you will

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          • LornaMae

            Can't wait!!!

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            I find it remarkable the percentage of your comments that somehow relate to or are about me. Its like I'm celebrity to you :)

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            • LornaMae

              Don't flatter yourself! Hahaha

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            • blinkeredharlot

              Woah its not like 90% of comments on the site are yours or anything. Not so remarkable when you think about the math eh chief?

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Yes that's correct. And perhaps I am however my dating sucess with minimal effort is quite astounding. Tinder has a reputation for a very unbalanced hierarchy where the top 20% or men get 80% of the likes or whatever. And I have been working tinder like a machine for months. Like 10-12 women getting sexual and at least double that of dates in less than 2 months, in a fairly small town to so the dating pool ain't big. I would say that level of sucess is pretty rare at least among my mates. That's what I'm basing this off, in addition to the fact that I am 6'4" which has been statistically shown to improve desirability with women and also incredibly muscular which has been repeatedly shown to help as well.

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