Does physical attraction make a difference in how you see someone?

I don’t mean like being rude or a selfish jerk. I’m talking about how they approach someone they are interested in and how their hobbies are viewed. Here’s a couple of examples:

Average guy: I’m into Star Wars and Minecraft.
Girl: Ok.
Average guy: Have you ever played it?
Girl: No.

Good looking guy: I’m into Star Wars and Minecraft
Girl: Wow! So you’re a cute geek. My favorite! Tell me more!

Plus as an attractive, in-shape guy, you don’t need to be witty and super skilled in your approach. If you sit close to an attractive girl in class or walk up to someone, just say: “Hi, how are you?”, “Hi, Cassy! How’s your day?” Simple. No pickup lines, no openers, no teasing, no negging. Just a plain hello. Greet them.

This is why I advise guys like myself: If you struggle with socializing and are shy with approaches, lose weight and hit the gym. I’m going for two meals a day for a month in order to lose 10 lbs and then getting a little muscle on the arms. That will help me be confident in the fact that I don’t have to be Jerry Seinfeld or a quick witty comedian because my Asperger’s doesn’t allow me to. Changing your personality and being more fun/extroverted is unnecessary as long as you meet some physical criteria.

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57% Normal
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Comments ( 10 )
  • LloydAsher

    No matter how pretty you are that does not resolve how shitty a person you are to me.

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    • 1WeirdGuy


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    • I wholeheartedly agree. But I doubt that not being witty and having nerdy interests qualifies as being sh*tty.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You are right. Being in shape is always a plus. Also learning how to deal with rejection is important. There's so many girls out there if you are atleast decent looking, are getting out meeting people, and arent fazed by rejection you're bound to find someone.

    Ive been hearing about this Meetup app it sounds like a really good way to meet people.

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  • adobeslats

    nah, Star Wars and Minecraft are boring no matter how cute you are. Anyway it’s more about your level of confidence. basic self care like staying in shape definitely helps you look more put together. But you’d still need to work on your shyness. Even with Asperger’s you can learn to be more socially adept if you want.

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    • Some people don’t like select hobbies, others do. I work on what I can and working out/staying in shape are practically quick methods that can be done with discipline.

      I’ve tried to be more socially adept and I still don’t get it.

      -Like if I’m on a date with a girl, I can’t read her body language and lean in to kiss her by feeling the moment. I don’t go with the flow. It’s better to ask: “May I kiss you?”

      -I’m not very witty because if you asked me to name a few five letter words starting with C and end in L, it takes me a few minutes, so I’m not creative in conversation. I’d rather ask the girl questions and women are surprisingly receptive when an attractive guy asks stuff about them.

      -It’s hard to be funny and tell stories and get people hurting and laughing. A good looking person can tell a joke that’s not very impressive and people will enjoy it because they’re paying more attention.

      After 5 years of watching comedy and going to bars practicing wit, I didn’t notice getting better. Maybe spending 5 hard months to achieve a healthy body will help shift things.

      P.S. What to know something funny? The people who talk about how personality is everything, THOSE PEOPLE, don’t have a great personality in my book. Why? They curse so much and are like “Be cocky and f**king own your s**t”. And: “Looks don’t mean s**t, be G*d dam interesting” and “I don’t give a f**k about your looks”. I’ve spoken to these people in the past and cannot stand them because they get drunk and high WAY TOO OFTEN. Logic says that conservative, mild mannered people care about looks more because they’re not impressed by a badas* personality, so to speak. Different strokes different folks.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    It's a sad fact.

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  • Holzman_67

    Not always.

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  • Wow3986


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  • kikilizzo

    Not really.

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