Does racism against white people exist?

Yes. 235
No. 28
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Comments ( 94 )
  • dinz

    Of course - discrimination crosses all colours/creed/sex. When did racism become a White only thing?

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    • VioletTrees

      Racial prejudice is a diff- you know what? Fuck it. I don't have energy for you people right now. You know how to google.

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      • Skitzo1

        Of course it does exist? Ever been to a school in a more than mixed cultural town? Ever seen some asian kids play spot the white boy? Find him, and beat him up? Spit on him because hes white? Im not saying this from experience. It happened to someone who tranferred schools to mine, he had the scars to prove it.

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        • VioletTrees

          Look up the difference between racial prejudice and institutional racism.

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          • Skitzo1

            cant be asked haha.

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    • Youruglyjustlikeme

      I am not white. I went to a bar got drunk blacked out and supposedly called every white person in the bar a racist. So what I draw from that is damn I'm a racist. I'm prejudice that certain whites are indeed racist. If I wasn't drunk id probably have held my tongue. But shit happens. I called the bar and apologized for my behavior. I knew it wasn't right to accuse ppl I didn't even know of being racist. Unfortunately I just happen to be one of the many Americans who are jaded about racism towards minorities from whites Americans. I'm so embarrassed about this story but it happened and I wish I could take back those painful words. Only thing I can do is educate myself and work on being kinder to others.

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    • davesumba

      Seriously. These days a better question to ask is "Does racism against minorities still exist." Seeing as how there is PLENTY of racism against white people, just look at all the Zimmerman rioters who think that the only reason a boy was shot is because he was black. Not the fact that it was a wannabe thug who participates in and has recordings on his cellphone of street fights, drug use, and violence.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I used to get bullied at the bus stop in middle school by a group of black girls because my family supposedly owned slaves and white people were racist against black people. Of course racism exists.

    (By the way, my family didn't actually own any slaves, we immigrated to NY before pioneering into Utah as the members of the first Mormon church. No we were not polygamists.)

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    • wigsplitz

      Wasn't the first Mormon church and settlement in Ohio and they eventually got chased away by angry mobs?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Yeah, we have the Kirtland temple there but shit got real in Nauvoo which was when we are told that they made the decision to go out West. Nauvoo is when the mobbing got really bad, one of my paternal ancestors of my last name was murdered by the angry mobs whilst his wife and child were able to escape. That's the one we talk about more due to the blatant "we're here and we're just going to fucking kill you" nature of the mob.

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        • wigsplitz

          It's an interesting history. How much do you know about your other ancestors? Is your entire family Mormon?

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    • BLAh81

      Uhm, I'm not saying you are racist, but isn't Mormonism a very racist religion? I think so.

      Also, Joseph Smith was a cunt I believe.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        I do not respect the first two links as actual Biblical study. I have a hard time seeing any criticism that actually uses the word "Boring" when speaking academically as a valid criticism. I've read many of their passages and they are by far, no where near the best criticism of the Bible I have ever found. It looks like teenagers that had a V for Vendetta against religion scribbling in a Bible.

        More than half of the Mormon church members are people that are non-white. Many of them hold the high priesthood or hold positions of authority, meaning that they were found to be just as worthy and as high of virtue as the white members. If we're being bluntly racist, we're doing a horrible job at it or there are a lot of self-hating non-white people out there. I'm willing to believe either.

        There has been a lot of stuff said about Joseph Smith, mainly from other churches that tried to slander his name and in much part from people that tried to steal his works and failed in their attempts. Most of the formal criticism came from other churches. If there are any atheist sources which display said criticism, likely the criticism was ripped off from other churches.

        There's plenty one can assume from any doctrine, both Biblical and the Book of Mormon. That's why Theologists in many churches work to clean it up. The problem is, they can often bend or twist doctrine into meanings that they see more fit.

        However, this post isn't about my religion. This post is about racism. If you have any other questions about it and if you wish to have an adult discussion with me about my religion, then you can PM me or wait until I post on a topic in which religion is a valid point of discussion. Thank you for your interest.

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        • BLAh81

          "I do not respect the first two links as actual Biblical study."

          Well, those links simply quote what it clearly says. It simply IS racist, whether you respect the links or not.

          "I have a hard time seeing any criticism that actually uses the word "Boring" when speaking academically as a valid criticism."

          I understand. I agree the website has quite some flaws. However, I don't think the usage of the word "boring" automatically discredits the whole website entirely. On the contrary, I think - despite its flaws - it CLEARLY demonstrates Mormonism to be a racist, historically fraudulent and overall batshit-insane faith. I mean, just the baptism of dead people is EXTREMELY cuckoo in my view (not to mention dsrespectful).

          "More than half of the Mormon church members are people that are non-white."

          That may be the case NOW, but before 1978 it wasn't. Apparently, God changed his mind. Sure, Mormons may be more tolerant now (which is nice), but unfortunately, they're also pretty hypocritical, since Mormonism REALLY IS racist.

          "If there are any atheist sources which display said criticism, likely the criticism was ripped off from other churches."

          Maybe so, but would that really matter? Truth is truth, no matter where it comes from, and the truth is that Joseph Smith simply was a racist and a fraud.

          "There's plenty one can assume from any doctrine, both Biblical and the Book of Mormon."

          Well, when it comes to certain topics perhaps, but the Book of Mormon is pretty clear on non-whites.

          "However, this post isn't about my religion. This post is about racism."

          Yes, that is true. Still, when you mentioned Mormonism, I just couldn't resist, as it's a very racist religion in my view.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            If you want to have this discussion, PM me. There are many reasons why I don't respect the links, that was one of them. If you wish to have a discussion regarding doctrine and you are truly curious, PM me with your questions and concerns or go to find a ward in your area and speak to the Bishop or missionaries of that ward. They are much more well read on church history and doctrine, asking me is like asking for professional psychiatric opinions from someone who has only taken one class.

            If you're really serious in having a religious discussion, go for the head haunchos, not little fodder like me. I can only tell you so much.

            So once again, PM me, or speak to a Bishop or ward missionary if you're truly curious. Otherwise, I'm closing this discussion.

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  • kelili

    Yes, go to South Africa and you'll see what it looks like. I once dated a south african who told me that he hates white people for all the harm done to his people. He genuinely hated them.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yes of course it does.

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  • KingOfNowhere

    I find it hard to hate white people. I love you guys too much.

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    • Hahahaha.


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  • redoctober

    Were you born and rasied in a cave? Stupid question.

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    • BLAh81

      I'd say.

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  • sega31098

    Yes, the irony is that people are being racist because of the racist stereotype.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Please don't use -ism-----


    But, in all seriousness, yeah, of course it does. :D

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    • OswaldCobblepot

      What in the hell are you on about?

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      • Paradiddle

        I got a laugh out of Missy's comment~ The first part was a reference to what I think their name was suckonthis9, says all the time people's stories. As for the question, of course there is racism towards whites, everyone gets it, just some races get it more than others.

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    • anti-hero

      Am I the only one that is starting to think that suckonthis9 and missyleyneous are the same person? That would be a nice twist.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        And here's your answer:

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        • anti-hero


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  • SuperBenzid

    In Australia I have seen random violence from Aboriginals at White people and overheard very racist conversations by them on the train which seemed to contain racist hatred against just about every other race (Africans, Asians and Caucasian).

    There was this one time an Aboriginal women was being arrested and she jumped out to punch a white girl in the face that just happened to be walking past.
    Also when I got mugged in broad daylight by three Aboriginals they walked past other Aboriginals to do it. I imagine that was inspired by racism considering if it was random they would have mugged the others.

    Also when I've been out jogging I've been randomly attacked a couple of times by groups of Aboriginals, I have to imagine this was inspired by anti-white racism just because I'd never seen these people before and I was just jogging past them.

    I think I have experience quite a bit of anti-white racism in my life all things considered. Only from Aboriginals though, get on great with the Indians and Ethiopians that live near me.

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  • User-name

    Yep. I've seen it and accidentally done it by stereotyping. Currently getting better at it.

    -A regretful black person

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  • lukeiscool24

    whites are omg are you shitting me i put on the caps and now it lowers the damn thing WHITES ARE #1 YOU ASSHOLES FUK THE NIGGAS


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  • isitnormalwtf


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  • Cambo_b

    It's sad to think that white people of today are blamed for the terrible mistakes of their ancestors can't we all Lear fron our mistakes and put aside our difference not diffrencecs just one diffrence black people have more melatonin in their skin white people have less other than that we are all human and our hearts beat with the same emotions

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  • Mordin_Solus

    Intergalactic Race feuds? of course. Humans Racist? Absurd, Salarians never care about color, maybe Humans should follow same pattern, learn from Krogan, Drell, Hanar, and Turian.

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  • Does racism exist?

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    • anti-hero


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  • jucedaguy

    Yo, wazzup me cracka's!!!

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  • tori

    Where do you live?
    Ugh. Of course there is.
    If you are white, come to my city. You will part of the 2 percent that's white and all the racism you could ask for.

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  • anti-hero

    Sure, you can be racist against anyone. That is what makes the world a beautiful place, cracker.

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  • Yesno

    Ask Obama

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  • jacobzzz

    Yep, move to Canada. First nations hate white people very much.

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  • There only racist towards snotty white people.

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  • suckonthis9

    Have none of you mother-fuckerists learned anything?
    Go do your mother-fuckerism where it's appreciated, which is nowhere.

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    • suckonthis9

      Who's the fullovist who wrote this fuckist piece of shitism?

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    • anti-hero

      Violation. Profanity.

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      • charli.m


        *gets popcorn and clicks favourite*

        Carry on :)

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        • anti-hero

          You better share that popcorn Mel.

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          • charli.m

            Of course :)

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      • suckonthis9


        Profanity, by itself, or in some circumstances (such as parody, satire, direct quotations, characterization, etc.) is not a violation.
        Since the brain-dead piece of shit, who created this thoughtless piece of garbage post, has not fessed up to it, no violation has occurred.

        Why would the moderators approve this thoughtless piece of shit?

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        • anti-hero

          Violation. Rule # 93. Never question the mods.

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          • suckonthis9

            There is no "Rule # 93".

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            • anti-hero

              When did you read my rule book? That's right, you didn't. So you have no idea if there is a rule 93 or not.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          9 you have been ranting on and on about your stupid rules yet you're not following them yourself.
          We cannot permit this to continue. Your behavior is not meeting the high standards here at IIN.
          *issues fifty demerits*
          Please learn to conduct yourself more like a responsible human.

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          • suckonthis9

            As I had explained to Parrish, I had not violated the Rules. Read them carefully.
            Which Rule did I violate?

            "With others"
            Since no person (or a person who is at this time still anonymous) has fessed up to creating this post, and my comments were not directed at any real person, no violation has occurred.

            What this means, is that if you choose to create a post, you had better be prepared to own up to it.
            We don't need this type of thoughtless garbage circulating around, and inciting others.

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            • robbieforgotpw

              Oh in that case the demerits are rescinded.

              Ok everyone, it's ok to break the rules if you can Bill Clinton out of it. It "depends on what the meaning of (is) is."

              9 you're like slick Willy!

              Whatcha think about that second agenda 21 piece of mine? Any opinion on the living quarters discussed?

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            • michaels4p5

              you must be the blood loving person.

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