Does seeing pictures of animals cheer you up?
Does seeing this little dog and their levitating friend cheer you up?
Other | 8 | |
No | 28 | |
Yes | 44 | |
Aww! | 50 |
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Does seeing this little dog and their levitating friend cheer you up?
Other | 8 | |
No | 28 | |
Yes | 44 | |
Aww! | 50 |
Well I can't say I'm cured, but I wouldn't mind cuddling those little marshmellows. <3
Generally yes, but this picture saddens me greatly. The pets are clearly vying for the adoration of their master behind the photographing machine. The dog on the right inexplicably gifted with the ability to defy gravity. The one on the left, .poor, poor Archibald (that's his name), looking on with the melancholy gaze of the bested. "But I can balance on one foot," says Archibald, pleading for approval. But he knows...they all know, he'll never hold the spotlight when Howard and his freakish ability to hover above the ground is near.
Recently, there was some sort of study conducted using people in offices and the types of calendars, screensavers, etc. they had at their workplace. Those who had calendars, etc. depicting times past, particularly the late 19th and early 20th century, were found to be the brightest, most efficient employees and those with pictures of animals were the least efficient and typically regarded as airheads.
Usually, yes, but if somebody tries to cheer me up that way when I'm really upset about something, I feel like I'm not being taken seriously.
I can geek out for hours watching videos of cute animals doing things. I recently watched this video of baby goats that made me super happy. One little kid was bouncing off the backs of his fellow adorable.
I posted that video in my profile once!:D Is this it?
:D So cute!!
Thanks for posting the link. I'm on my phone so I couldn't do it. It's so freakin cute, love it!
Awww, I've played with kids that age. I miss it. I love goats, even if they're not as well-behaved as Buttermilk and constantly try to butt you. :D
Aww man, I've never really met any goats.:( They look so cute as well, hopping around all over the place!
Aww, I don't know how far you are from Morpeth, but this around your neck of the woods:
I've never been but I've been to loads of places similar and they're great! They'll have baby goats in a couple of months.
One of my posts...
So you can guess my answer to this. :)
I go on youtube especially for dogs but i find cats on youtube funny aswell - always setting themselves up for a fall :)
Interacting with certain animals I find therapeutic and likely to improve my mood. Looking at images of fluffy cute creatures doesn't quite do it for me.
I'm also somewhat cynical about how certain breeds of dogs have been bred to be small and adorable, regardless of what physical limitations and health problems this can cause.
Depends. If I'm in a terrible mood, nothing can cheer me up, but if I'm just on the way to a bad mood, then they help immeasurably.
Absolutly. I think you'd have to be almost inhumane if your heart did not melt when your a picture of gorgeuos little animals (especially babies). <BR><BR>You can all the wonder and trust tin their eyes. Yeah I'll be honest I cried when I saw their picture. I always do cry though when I see puppies. xx