Does talking about demons make them more active in the area you are?
I had been at my friends house, and we were outside when its dark, then my friend, lets call him Mr.G, said that he dident like it so dark outside, then i made a crack about, yeah, its so dark, a demons hiding in the yard behind us. My now girlfriend got upset, and told me nto to talk about that due to her having experiences in that same house. we had a full blown convo about this subject, then, i got a creepy feeling of anxiety and a shudder when down my spine, i told them i wanted to go inside. We continued to talk about it until the point i had to go home, and we had gotten out of her house at around, id say, 12:30 sunday morning. she said she had a creepy feeling after walking down the porch., we got in her car and she backed out of the driveway, andturned to the right, as we proceeded to go, i turned my gaze back toward the house. I had seen it only for a split second before the car had driven to far for me to see it anymore, a pair of, what i saw as orange eyes glareing over the raised porch, as soon as i looked in its direction its glare snapped at me, and i was frozen in the car., my friend asked what was wrong, but until we were a maile or so down the road, i coudent speak or move. I asked if she had just seen what i had seen, she said she hadent becasue she was driving, but she asked me if it was a pair of red eyes. I was taken by complete suprise, but then she explained she had seen them before. this was my first experiance like this ever, and im not sure what to do.