Does talking about demons make them more active in the area you are?

I had been at my friends house, and we were outside when its dark, then my friend, lets call him Mr.G, said that he dident like it so dark outside, then i made a crack about, yeah, its so dark, a demons hiding in the yard behind us. My now girlfriend got upset, and told me nto to talk about that due to her having experiences in that same house. we had a full blown convo about this subject, then, i got a creepy feeling of anxiety and a shudder when down my spine, i told them i wanted to go inside. We continued to talk about it until the point i had to go home, and we had gotten out of her house at around, id say, 12:30 sunday morning. she said she had a creepy feeling after walking down the porch., we got in her car and she backed out of the driveway, andturned to the right, as we proceeded to go, i turned my gaze back toward the house. I had seen it only for a split second before the car had driven to far for me to see it anymore, a pair of, what i saw as orange eyes glareing over the raised porch, as soon as i looked in its direction its glare snapped at me, and i was frozen in the car., my friend asked what was wrong, but until we were a maile or so down the road, i coudent speak or move. I asked if she had just seen what i had seen, she said she hadent becasue she was driving, but she asked me if it was a pair of red eyes. I was taken by complete suprise, but then she explained she had seen them before. this was my first experiance like this ever, and im not sure what to do.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • thegypsysailor

    So, you are telling us you have a wacko girl friend? It's all right, we've all had one or two in our lifetimes, right fellas?
    Just sleep with one eye open and make sure all the sharp objects are hidden before bedtime, and you should be OK.

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  • Talking about them makes them more real in your perception so therefore they become more real. If you ignore them they are more likely to go away.
    I have had to yell at a few people for talking and making jokes about them. Its best not to say anything.

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  • jeebley

    Mr G.....

    Sorry bud, best to just ignore them. Be on a positive plane and they won't bother you. Don't even think about them.
    That was a creepy story though. Seriously, don't go into it. Bad scene.

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  • Anime7

    I think the house was already haunted before you even brought up demons.

    As for what to do about this, I have no idea. I am not a demonologist or a medium. So my best guess would be to get the house blessed.

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  • disthing

    Y'all loco.

    The only demons are the ones in your imagination.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    Just wear a garlic necklace and a tin-foil hat and you will be safe. It's also handy to have a hardwood stake and a large hammer with you and a revolver with silver bullets.
    If you have all of that together and you still have problems, you will need a professional demon exterminator.

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  • satansdisciples

    lol worship Satan then you wont have to fear demons cause they will protect you,positive you didnt see a demon,their invisible to most people.and yes im a theistic Satanist.

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  • zhongguoren

    just never go back

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  • OtherSide

    All this talk of demons has summoned them to this post. Do you not sense them? I shall perform an exorcism.

    Numquam ad vos.
    Numquam ego te, ut.
    Numquam ego discurrendi medio.
    Ut numquam me debes.
    Quae dicturus sum non valeant.
    Numquam ego te, ut mentiatur, noceat.

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    • Teh4HorsMen

      DAMN YOU! *disappears*

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  • Avant-Garde

    Good luck.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I think that it is quite possibly for negativity to be attracted and pulled toward you if think negative thoughts. Negative entities, be them demons, spirits, (etc), are not forces to be played with. The "joke" could have angered them and as such, they made their presence known. Your friend sounds very sensitive to be able to pick up on their presence. What other incidences has she picked up on?

    There are many cultures around the world who have various ways with repelling demons and other evil forces.

    Some swear by the Rowan Tree.

    I would suggest also hiring a psychic. I realise that while it is not always financially feasible, to move, if it is possible - I would highly suggest this.

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  • Sog

    No John, you are the demons!

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    • charlord3

      who is john?

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