Does the modern woman respect men?

Do traditional women even exist anymore? The kind who respected men and actually did what men requested of them? It seems like the modern woman expects men to just do as they are told, even if what they are told to do is illogical.

Almost as if the modern woman is in charge, but only when its smooth sailing, if a crisis emerges its expected that the man "man up" and take care of it and than once it has been solved, the woman goes back to being in charge.

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Based on 57 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • ashieviews

    Why should a woman do what a man tells her, and vice versa. We all should be able to treat one another with respect, it should never go one way.

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    • Ellenna

      I thumbed you down by mistake - sorry! You're quite right

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      • ashieviews

        It's ok, no worries love.

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  • I don't get this. You want women to do what men request of them but don't want men to do what women request of them?

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    • IMissMary

      Men ask

      Women nag

      You naturally don't want to do anything someone is nagging about.

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  • BrokenQuill92

    Oh lookie yet another whiny ass substandard neck beard bitching about how women don't jump when he says so! Dude get a life. Women are perfectly happy doing something at a mans request if she's well treated. Respected. We don't like weak whiners like you.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Kudos for using the phrase neck beard.

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      • snarkygirl


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    • penisdump

      Exactly. Don't even question it, OP, or your manliness will be attacked.

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  • shuttuppnerddplz

    Why should traditional women exist? If you wanna be respected then show your respect first

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  • mysistersshadow

    Do traditional women exist? Like are all ppl that appear to be women actually transexuals or... something else? What does respect and doing what your told have to do with each other? Your question is very confusing becos you seem to imply a double standard.

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  • green_boogers

    Many modern women want the privileges of an equal partnership without the responsibilities. (Some men can be like this as well.)

    My sense is that women that put feelings on the back burner when making decisions are the best partners to have. That said, many "modern marriages" lapse into brother-sister type relationships.

    Nurturing in society has been in decline for decades. As there becomes less of it remaining, the decline accelerates.

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  • Kittenfever

    ugh, women don't have to do anything men say - just like men don't have to do anything women say. traditional roles are decreasing and thats a good thing, trust me.

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    • Cigsznass

      Trust you? How do you know? Aren't you like 15? What could you possibly know about traditional roles. I would love to pee in your asshole. It be so hot. That's untraditional, how do you feel about that? Can I trust you that it's a good thing?

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      • Kittenfever

        aww how sweet :)

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    • Cigsznass

      Why is that a good thing? Your like 10 years old, what do you possibly know about traditional roles or adult relationships.

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  • thegypsysailor

    God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the world round, and laughed and laughed and laughed.....
    nuff said?

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    • Legion

      God-Mode Trolling at its finest!

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      • jr__

        He said God!

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  • IMissMary

    Today's women are worthless

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  • IMissMary

    American women have horrible personalities and are really not suitable for mates. Bad part is, they are trying to spread their thinking to women of other cultures around the World. Good part is, many cultures from around the world are not biting.

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  • 53739

    I agree that Western men have been mentally and psychologically castrated as a result of the feminist movement which has the stated goal of empowering women but really serves to make men weak, submissive, and obedient. The funny thing is that in this generation, men have been stripped of all their masculine power and pride and men play along with this because they think it will make women happy, when in fact women are wondering where all the manly men went.

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  • Leonard_Hatred

    In the western world that kind of women is rare. To find a woman like that you need to go to a country where the women have not been infected by the worst aspects of feminist thinking and dogma.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    librarians are the best. business in the front party in the back

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    they are zombies in the truest sense of the word.

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  • ForizzleChizzle

    Modern women respect men. Modern women are just as they were for ages...except modern American women. Southern women are more traditional but most everywhere else in America, it's more about pleasing the women every second of every day just for them to stay near you

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