Does the planet have a future?

Is it normal to question whether the planet and humanity have any future? To specify, climate change is the main focus of my thoughts. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about what is being done to solve the issue of climate change?

Voting Results
72% Normal
Based on 75 votes (54 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • NotStrangeBird

    The planet will be fine. Humanity may or may not be doomed.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    If you're reading this, it means that when I was writing it, the planet had a future.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    every second that passes is past present and future.

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  • CreamPuffs

    Of course it has a future. The question is if it's a good or bad future for humans.

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  • Nokiot9

    We are an extremely resourceful people. I have no doubt that we have the ability to save the ocean of plastic, save the air from methane and green house gas, save the biosphere in its entirety from apophis. Apophis is the closest we will come to being totally destroyed. It passes twice. Once in 2016 and once much closer (under the Leo satelitte system). If we misinterpreted its course or it even minimally changes, we are gonna have to divert it or die. If we can all stop being so concerned with selfishshit and actually DO something... too Much silly stuff for us to disagree and fight over. We are so petty, us humans. The nukes brother me too. We have the power to turn the entire earth into a radioactive and icy graveyard hundreds of times over. And that's just US! forget about Russia and china and Libya and Pakistan and Korea. We are all gonna die!!! Lol

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  • SeverusFan23

    I don't know. I hope so.

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  • Which planet are you talking about?..MYANUS?

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  • pappusharma

    Will talk about it on 22nd of december... :D

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  • "climate change"

    Yes, let's worry about the O-Zone Layer first and foremost when there's enough nuclear weapons in the world to glass our entire planet in the space of an hour.

    It's human nature to gaze into the unknown and see gloom. You're normal.

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  • GuessWho

    "Does the planet have a future?"

    Not a very long one.
    People are trying very hard to ruin the world more than they already have.
    I don't think humanity will destroy the environment before they kill each other out. from humans' perspective, no, but it's looking more optimistic for cockroaches.

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  • dappled

    I'd be more optimistic if:

    (a) there is a major leap forward in energy production (nuclear fusion, say)

    (b) there is a major leap forward in superconductivity (at room temperature)

    (c) there is a major leap forward in the portable storage of electricity (batteries are utterly abysmal).

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    • malkiot

      Short of killing most of the population off, there is no way to solve our problems without advancing our technology. Most people are against killing off others...

      Edit: damn that attached to the wrong post

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