Dog neglect: what should i do?! help!

My roommate has a dog. She is never home to walk her. When I was fostering a dog I used to walk both of them because it would be unfair to leave my roommates dog behind.

I am no longer fostering, so I don't have a reason to walk her dog.

The dog goes dawn to dusk without being walked. The dog is afraid to go in the house so she holds it until she just can't anymore. I end up cleaning up the poop & pee.

What should I do?! This is not my responsibility!

Confront roommate about her dog neglect 137
Let the dog poop, pee & probably develop bladder infection 7
Stop cleaning up, see how long it takes roommate to notice poop & pee 15
Walk the dog myself 17
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Confront your room-mate; people should be confronted about animal abuse and neglect. But, for goodness sake, if you know the dog hasn't been outside and the room-mate is nowhere to be seen, take it out yourself - don't let it suffer. And don't let your room-mate know you're doing it because they may start relying on you to do it all the time.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Euthanize your roommate

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Leave the dogs presents in your room mates things.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Confront your roommate. If she refuses to change call Animal Protection (I think that's what its called.)

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  • Moonbow

    Take the fleabag to the pound and surrender it, leave the door open and let it run away .... There's more than one way to take care of a situation like this. You shouldn't have to be cleaning up dog piss and shit, so stop whining and do something about it!

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  • anti-hero

    First give the dog a little help and take it for a walk. It is easier than cleaning it up. Then confront the roommate and if they don't change their ways after a given time. Find the dog a new home.

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  • Mando

    Confront her directly and tell her to look after it or find a home that will. Tell her she has a set time to smarten up or you'll call the humane society. In the mean time look after the dog.

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  • ProseAthlete

    If I could have, I would've picked a combination of A and D. The first priority is to take care of the poor dog. I know it isn't your responsibility, but it's better than making the animal suffer and having to clean up after her anyway. Maybe it's just me, but I cannot stand by and watch an animal suffer when I could do something about it, even if that something isn't my responsibility.

    You have every right to confront the hell out of your useless turd of a roommate. I get that she isn't home to walk her, but if she can't find a way to deal with that, she needs to pay you or someone else to take care of the dog or find a new home for her pet.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    It is not hygienic to let the dog shit all over and not clean it. I think report her to animal control or call the cops. They will kick her out if they know this kind of thing is something she is use to. That or kidnap the dog since she clearly does give to shits about it if she wont even let it out to take a shit.

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