Doing homework at 11pm the night before it's due

I am a high school student and whenever I get an assignment, I won't do it until the night right before it's due. I will do it around 11pm. I feel like I am bad procrastinator and I want to be able to start working on my homework the day I get it. I am so distracted by my laptop, cell phone and other things.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • tygeronherbed

    Im in college, and i should warn you that if you dont break that habit before going to university you will be in a world of hurt. Believe me, i have two 15 page papers due next thursday, and you can't write that much in one night. well, i have, but it isn't fun and it isnt good for you. Get into the habit of getting your shit done first thing, then you can chill out and not have to worry.

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  • CameraUrl

    I have that problem too...i never get enough sleep either...i do fine in my classes though..what i do is still like procrastinating but look at your homework at 11 andd see what you have...look at the quick easy stuff and then look at your schedule for tomorrow and see if you have any studyhalls or anything that you can do the homework before a certain class...or in a class where you dont need to pay attention and wont get caught doing some other teachers homework...dont pack yourself too tight but just iddentify what periods you can do work and what order they must be done in...on a good day you could get everyhting for all your classes done in the first two...also i like to try to finish the homework i get in the class when i get it or in the next class after ive goten it...makes less crap to bring yea that sme trying to help...i end up going into my room around 12:30 and then i do that....anything big you might have to just stay up and do...i personally start at 12:30 like i said and whatever happens i wake up at 5:30, get to school at 6 and i have an hour and a half to do my work in school where i feel i can do it...yea...i hope i both helped out and proved to you that youre even more normal then me haha^^

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  • AngelEyes

    It's pretty normal for a high school student.

    I was like that, until college.

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  • hotchickie81

    I'm glad I went to school before all this techology was around, lol.

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  • EvelynWMinnick

    We have the same issue, but try to avoid this ASAP because if it will become your habit than it will create problem in future.

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  • Ryuzaki666

    I finish my projects the morning they're due lol

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  • Hipster_Syndrome_Immune_Guy

    No.1 reason why i rejected an offer in university

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  • GMAN

    Night before 11pm... HA! I never did my homework at home. I had my schedule setup so I could do my homework my first couple periods. I suggest taking classes that give you lots of free time early in your day,like a study hall, keyboarding, art or gym.

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  • InsertBlankHere

    There was a study that showed that men who wait until the last minute to get a task done (and actually complete it) are rewarded by a flood of testosterone in the brain.

    The habit is harder to break because neurologically, you're receiving positive reinforcement.

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  • Josie_57

    i do the same. i always think, oh ill do it another time. and then next thing i know its the night before its due in and i get all stressed and normally do badly. just try and be more motivated and get it done earlier

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  • chillyboy88

    You shouldn't do that. Doing your homework at 11pm is going to cause you to get little sleep, and that is going to affect your grades in the long run if you're not extremely careful with your homework.

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  • i_dont_like_you_very_much.

    i do the exactly the same thing :)

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  • Sedition

    When I was in school, I was the procrastination king. Totally normal.

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  • lilmizzshawtybabe

    yeah its normal i do the same thing or i wont finish it

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  • thundercat

    Get a hold on yourself and do things on good time or you'll end with ulcers.

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  • dannylm

    i do the same thing.
    Your just lazy thats all its very normal

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  • GreenStranger

    Many people I know do this, but I personally prefer to get it done beforehand.

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  • bungee

    you have to change that habit it's not good doing it that late the night before it's due in and stressing! You normally have a certain amount of time to do the work, so even if you don't fancy starting it the first day you get it, then start it the next, and if you don't finish it then complete the day after that, bearing in mind other things could crop up some evenings which mean you can't do no work at all. So always try to do the work when you have time rather than put it off for another night assuming you'll be able to do it then plans change and you didn't have time to do it. Otherwise you'll end up not doing the work sometimes.

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