Don’t reproduce if your genes are shit

I just read an article of a family who has Cystic Fibrosis - all 4 of them! And they have the nerves to complain about medical bills.

Well shit for brains, what did you think was going to happen when 2 people with C.F. has children? You’re polluting the world with your garbage genes. You two shouldn’t have ever had children. So please stop trying to get people to feel sorry for you!

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Comments ( 37 )
  • SmokeEverything

    People should just stop having babies in general. The government won't let overpopulation beyond what they need for a labor force so selfish people who won't stop having babies only lead to more poision in the food and water to kill the old. Babies are the ones who need to be killed so we can protect ourselves, so actually having deformed babies that die immediately would be the ideal the way I'm looking at it.

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    • Fugazi,again

      If you think there are too many people you can do your part to reduce the number by 1

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      • TerriAngel

        Thats a foolish statement.
        Use your logic.

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    • bigbudchonga

      Idk where you live, but most western countries have a declining birth rate, and it's currently a struggle to support the old people as it is. Who's going to support the old people of tomorrow, or even provide the most basic services, if those of today take up your no baby policy?

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      • SwickDinging

        People forget this and get the numbers mixed up. Overpopulation is a massive problem in places like India and sub-saharan Africa. We have the opposite problem in most of the developed world.

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        • megadriver

          This... I'm 27 and I won't even think of a family before setting myself up financially, only then can me and my girlfriend start the baby talk. And I would only want one child. One child that we will raise as best as we can. At that point I would me in my mid 30s.

          Where as someone in a village, in the ass end of nowhere, in India at age 27 has at least 9 children. And once his offspring learn how to reproduce, they are gonna do just what pop did and pop out more uneducated, uncultured and unneeded people to be a burden on our struggling planet.

          And because of medical advancements and cheap meds, the lives of our Indian kids are in good hands. They will grow up to be strong young men and women, making even more babies.

          This is a catastrophe in the making, because it's entirely possible for all of these uneducated people to lead future superpowers, grind progress to a halt, or even destroy the world.

          With educated people an abused and bullied minority it's entirely possible for mankind to die out.

          Leaving a bunch of idiots left to destroy themselves and rid the Earth of humanoids. Take your pick: Idiocracy future on steroids, or the nuclear option...

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          • SwickDinging

            It seems that our world view is very similar. I'm glad someone else understands this because, honestly, I sometimes get depressed as fuck at the amount of seemingly educated people blaring on about how none of us should reproduce because the planet is overcrowded already. All the wrong people in all the wrong places are reproducing in record numbers. That is not a good reason for decent people, with enough money and stability to support a family properly, to stop reproducing. It won't change the fact that those places are overcrowded and it won't stop those people from making their own countries even worse.

            If someone truly believes that there is no reason for anyone anywhere to have a baby because of the environment, overcrowding etc then I think that person ought to just kill themselves right now. I'm not being facetious and I'm not making a joke. It is the only logical conclusion to their arguments. It is the only course of action they can take which doesn't make them a huge, selfish hypocrite.

            I have a lot of kids. But my husband and I have the money to pay for them. He earns well and we are immigrants so we don't get child benefits or any of the other "handouts" that exist. We pay for everything on my husband's salary plus my savings from when I was working too. We are both very employable and can easily pick up extra contract work if times get hard, and our jobs are not dependent on our physical capabilities or our youth. We can afford for me to stay at home indefinitely with the children to provide a stable and loving environment for them, instill good values into them, and we can afford to send them all to a good school. I make no apologies for reproducing. I'm doing a fucking good job. My kids are going to make the world better, not worse.

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            • SmokeEverything

              Having kids is a waste of time you could otherwise devote to having fun. If all you do is stay at home and hang out with children that just sounds like a sad life to me. Also, there's no reason TO have babies in the first place. Stop providing slaves to the rich people who own us like cattle. If a beef farmers cows all stop having babies the farmer dies broke. That's what needs to happen to our pedophile NWO overlords, having babies just keeps the system working. I mean even all that aside, kids are just annoying and dirty. They spread disease, they have really grating squeaky little voices and they never shut the hell up. Shouldn't even be allowed in public. When I see kids being annoying on the subway I always wish I could tell them a monster lives under their bed that's going to kill their whole family, kids are stupid so they'd believe it.

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          • SmokeEverything

            You're just saying what happened in the movie idiocracy. Mankind needs to die out so society can collapse and take the wealthy down with it. "educated" is just another word for brainwashed, or do you think the point of western education is to make people smarter?

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        • TerriAngel

          That solves nothing.
          If that part of the world USES resources, Pollutes with no care, gets hungry and decides to invade your country.
          Overpopulation is EVERYONES

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        • andithoughtiwasweird

          Nice username

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        • bigbudchonga

          You've hit the nail on the head, dude!

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      • TerriAngel

        Sorry bud, If you actually love your kids.
        Don't have them.

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      • TerriAngel

        Bigbud, thats not a good arguement.

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        • bigbudchonga

          What don't you like about it?

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    • I agree, but with others who say overpopulation isn’t a problem in developed nations.

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      • SmokeEverything

        The social structure of the world is the problem. Society needs to collapse so we can kill all the rich and take the world back.

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  • Meowypowers

    Steven Hawking is shaming your logic from beyond.

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  • litelander8

    I agree.

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  • LornaMae

    I've never had or even wanted kids partly because of that. Although I have pretty good physical appearance and health genes, like naturally good teeth, skin and hair, 20/20 vision, strong immune system, muscle strength and flexibility, etc., I would never ever want to pass on my borderline traits and depression. To me cystic fibrosis is a penny in comparison, TBH...

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  • Aethylfritha

    I hate telling people what to do but i actually agree. I wouldnt put it as indelicately as " garbage genes polluting" but I wouldnt want to have more babies that you pretty much know will suffer some awful disease
    Thats what Id personally do anyway.

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  • TerriAngel

    Can any of you read?
    The O.P.
    is asking specifically about people with a desease.
    NOT reproducing people in general.
    The world has enough people.

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  • --

    No I think it is cars that make pollution so stop driving them.(Like that's ever gonna happen)

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I think they should do studies on this but not force it. Id have no problem entering the program if I qualified. Just smash some super chic thats like super hot and smart and then our children smash other super ppl. Then in 500 years they'll be super smart and strong or whatever. We do that with animals why not try it with humans?

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  • SwickDinging

    If two people have CF they should really just adopt. I agree that it is wrong to knowingly pass on this condition.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    100% agree.

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  • SunSnow

    What is CF

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    • controversy

      short for cystic fibrosis.

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  • windyleave

    I wouldn't put it on those terms but I agree. I mean if they both had the illness they should have some compassion and not have children because they knew what they were doing to them... if you think about it it's a really mean thing. I wish there was some kind of punishment or measure against that. They can always adopt healthy children that are in need of loving parents if what they wanted was to form a family!

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