Don't do that you dumb bitch!

Why do women, when they think some unsavory male, or a minority person is following them on a poorly lit street reach for their cell phone and hold it to their ear as if talking to someone. If the guy is going to grab you honey don't you think the first thing he'll do is slap your phone out of your hand? It's like your holding it out for him to do so. Cross the street and face the guy THEN snap the cell out, always having 911 on speed dial. Usually it's just paranoid panic anyway. But protect yourself by being cool, calm, and show some balls. I think that would be the normal thing. Wouldn't it?

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50% Normal
Based on 18 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • gloryholeflasher

    I would guess that you are the unsavory minority male that's following her (or them) or you wouldn't know what they do at a time like that. You sound like you don't have much respect for women. Maybe in addition to being on the phone and giving a play-by-play report to the person on the other end of the call she should have her other hand in her pocket on her "concealed carry", just to be on the safe side.

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    • snarkygirl

      Yes he is.
      Btw I carry a knife if I feel threatened not a phone.

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      • LittleGirl-BASHED-and-RAPED

        I opt for carrying an "expandable stick" because id bludgeon my wouldbe attacker to death over stabbing stabbing him too bad their illegal. The law is crazy

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      • gloryholeflasher

        Using a knife for self defense puts you too close to your attacker. He probably has a weapon of some kind also, maybe a knife. Are you capable of doing hand to hand combat with a guy with a weapon?

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        • snarkygirl

          Perhaps. I work out:)

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  • RoseIsabella

    I have Bluetooth headphones so creeps don't see my phone.

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  • Millybyh

    I've never done this. I cross the road and hide my knife in my hand.

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  • KeeperOfTheNight

    From what I've heard, the person is less likely to attack you if you're on the phone (I think I learned this in psychology class?). I'm guessing it's 'cause if something were to happen when the victim is on the phone, the person on the other end hears that something is wrong really easily?

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