Dont blindly follow religion
Well I have noticed that many religious people seem to be very intolerant of other religions even though there isn't any solid evidence to back them up. And that many people just blindly follow their religion without ever stopping to think about it.
I'm atheist and I have tried to stay very tolerant of religions but recently I have been getting more and more intolerant of those who stick by their religion without ever questioning it. I do not like the idea of organized religion, I do not mind people believing that is true, I am all for that, but the actual organized religion takes away what you are meant to believe in, which is whatever you think is honestly true, I have listened to many different religions and why they dislike the whole atheism thing and why they think that their religion is right, I honestly believe that most-all parts of atheism is true, not because I was raised that way(i was raised a christian) but because I had thought about it a lot and thought that atheism was true. That I do not mind, if you think about your religion compare it in an un-bias way against the other religions and you still believe yours is true for more reasons than just you were raised to believe it, then I can respect you, if you believe in anything that your priest, rabbi, etc... tells you just because they are your priest or rabbi or watever then I really cannot respect that.
I have a thing against organized religion in general, it just distracts people from trying to find out about what they truly believe in, I urge you to take some time and think about what you truly believe, stay unbiased or it will not work and you will be even worse than before.