Dose he like me or not

I am a lass (obviously) my bf isn't really doing anything with me. He never holds my hand or anything. I have only been going out with him for a month. What do u think I should do?

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Comments ( 82 )
  • RomeoDeMontague

    To answer this we need more info. 1.Virginity(yes or no?) 2. is he shy 3.has he ever dated before? If you answered no to all these it could be he has no idea what to do, is scared how you'll react and is too nervous to try.

    I have dated people are who are either too shy, are virgins and or never dated before and lack of experience tends to do this to people.

    I would say make the first move and if you don't want to be the lead I would say try someone else who has experience. However lack of experience wont necessarily do this. Some people are naturally confident if they have done this or not. Those kind of people are generally easier to hook up with.

    I would say talk to him and ask him whats up. If he is nervous take the lead and if you want someone who takes the lead find another partner. It can be difficult when your on level 8 and dating a 1. Since the 1 is going to be reluctant and not know what they are doing at all.

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  • quigers112

    Seriously? A month? What you do is you walk up to him hold him by his collar and tell him what you want.

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  • The_Truth_Hurts_Doesnt_It

    He doesn't like you. He REALLY doesn't like your grammar. I don't either.

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  • DreamerxX

    If he doesnt hold your hand or do things like that it doesnt mean he doesn like you. Maybe hes just taking it slow and thinks you want to take it slow.

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  • sapincher

    one of the rules of this website is that you need to be 18... somehow i don't think you meet this qualification

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  • CrayolaCookies

    I'm going through a similar situation, if you guys do nothing but have's only for the sex :P

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  • lk4me

    dump him and go out with me instead. i'll treat ya nice!

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  • NoFix_LawMix

    hes probably nervous, or doesnt know how much you like him or something alone the lines of that, and if its his first time, he probably doesnt know what to expect/ probably hasnt read any girlie books to point him in the right direction

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  • hallo101

    is it his first time? mabey hes nervous

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  • combatgal856

    Ive been in a situation like that, instead I didn't want to hold the boys hand and showed no emotion to him, mainly because I was confused. If it's bugging you then talk to him and try to see if you can sort things out

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    • Second that, he is often retarded.

      Guys are often afraid to make the first step and if he is with you and not making a move, odds are he really likes you.

      Why don't you let him know how you feel about him and start something for once. This is a bullshit double standard and guys are afraid of looking like an ass a lot of the times if denied.

      If he is with you he likes you and odds are your rather cute, better looking than him. If he is a good guy, he is just afraid.

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  • tintedcouture

    Ahh, the throes of young love. So emotional. So heated.

    You'll get over it, I promise.

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  • ShiraSenju

    Well you know, is too early in your friendship to tell him how you fell, wait a little longer but dont wait too much. This is a girl whom is in love with her bestfriend and told him and was rejected, but now that he knows I fell better. And who knows maybe he likes too and it would end up in a beautiful longlasting relationship.

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  • Clovis5119

    Depends on your ages and how much experience he's had. When I was younger and inexperienced I didn't really feel like I needed to hold my girlfriend's hand or do things - I was just damn happy to be with her at all. Haha ^_^

    Communicate with your man. Ask him these questions instead of posting them online. Good communication makes all relationships better :)

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  • cjwright79

    As Halle Berry recently said, a women is responsible for her own orgasms. If he's not getting it done, perhaps you should make a move. Just be nice!

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  • i have the same problem, my boyfriend is really shy, so i was told just to be really flirty with him, grab his but and run your fingers threw his hair and just be a flirt(:
    it WORKEDD

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  • DramaGurl113

    Talk to him about it, if you dont you will both get hurt. But you might want to see what he wants in a relationship...maybe he just doesnt want to go to fast with you cause he doesnt want you to get mad and break up with him.

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  • Gerald

    have you tried holding his hand??? a guy shouldn't have to make the first move all the time.

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  • TheJudge

    When I was starting dating I was reluctant to hold a girl's hand because I thought she would reject me. Looking back on my life, I am aware that girls may have thought I was rejecting them. You have only dated this guy for a month. Give it more time. If several more months go by, take the initiative. (By that I mean, hold his hand. Don't try to have sex with him. You might frighten him.) Also, if several weeks go by and he doesn't call you, call him. Don't ask him why he didn't call, but make it clear that you like him and have been thinking about him. Good luck! I wish I was young again and could use insights I learned by making mistakes I could not recover from.

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  • lil18angel

    As for xxsexilassxx, He probably likes you a lot and get really nervous around you because he doesn't want to screw up. Talk to him and tell him how you feel about him and try holding his hand. open and honest communication is the key.

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    • Oh and by the way if you scroll way up there you will see I did give a little adivice on the matter.

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  • lil18angel

    Ok, to gizzie and cabinet, knock the fucking shit off. Seriously! You are suppose to be commenting on this girls situation and helping her so knock the fuckin immature shit off and use the site as it was meant to be used assholes. If you have a problem with eachother, email or call eachother, hell even meet and beat the hell out of eachother! I don't care! Just knock the shit off

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    • Well thanks for the comment and I apperciate your spunk you are a new member here and you already have my respect good for you girl!

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  • Gretchin, is this Really you?

    Honestly, princess, IF you are going to stick around here (Which I doubt) you'll need to grow a slightly thicker skin.

    In the meantime little girl, shut up and look on the internet for men seeking a pampered plaything - you'd fit perfectly.

    IIN Diva who tells it like it is.

    Tobra Marie

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  • melissacooperson

    I dont care what you think. Everyone on this forum is a fucking loser! I have my own business. But coz I think all you guys are married to losers and you dont know wat it is like to be pampered. Thats all I was looking for, being a lil mollycoddled and pampered by the person who claims to love me!

    Miss Oct- I hope you end up with no one coz anyone who gets married to you will end up killing himself anyway!


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    • divineintent

      i agree, when your with a girl she deserves the best you gan possibly give.
      so this guy, maybe hes afraid that if he tries to hold your hand you will reject him and ruin everything you have.

      im a guy by the way

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  • @Gizzie and Cabinet,

    You two are really cute, like a couple of old marrieds - I definately feel some homosexual curiosity going on here. ROFLMAO!

    Seriously, why don't you two just pull your pants down, take some pictures, post them and COMPARE!

    I am not complaining, and I certainly love seeing you two sniping at each other, but what is the point?

    You two are just so Cute!


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    • Thanks Tobbs me and Gizzie enjoy our arguments on here glad you like well do some more just to please you

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      • Lmao! Yeah Cabinet we might put on a show once in awhile just for shits and giggles.

        @ Tobra

        Hun I don't have a gay bone in my body, and I mean that seriously. I am 40 years old, and I still think about pussy every day; I just love the female gender.

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        • Ah sweet, I KNOW you're not gay, nor is Cabby. It was just to much fun not to put the needle to y'all a lil. (Feel free to return the favor if you must - MY sexual perversions are well known to old timers here.)

          Luv ya both. :)

          Tobra. (Tobbs? Hmmm, kinda like that.)

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          • I would still love it if you took a nice long piss on me. LOL

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            • Y'know gizzie, I would get right, erum, On that - but I hear you're married.

              Would hate to be a home wrecker, but maybe Cabinet could help ya out (OMG! How's That for a menatal image...)

              Now if you wanted to pee on Moi..... :) :) :)

              ROFLMAO! (Which is good, I am deeply into things tonight)

              Tobra Marie

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  • ms_spectacular

    when your walking with him just grab is hand and act like you did nothing out of the ordinary...he'll get the hint

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  • NeoFalcon

    Males in general are notorious known to withhold such emotions at times.

    Don't take his unwillingness to not hold your hand or his lack of showing love as a sign of some form of deterioration in your relationship.

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    • Neofalcon is correct young guys havent developed all those skills yet women mature much more quickly than guys as long as he treats you right that is whats important. Dont think going with his best mate will be any better if you like this guy give him a chance dont make any rash decisions think things through carefully.

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  • I think he is just a virgin young man that isn't quite sure how to approach you when it comes to intimacy sometimes that can be very hard. Just be very patient with him and things will come naturally.

    @ Tobra( I gotta admit, your trash talk is cute tho.)

    Wow you really surprise me, I didn't think you of all people would accept such shit talk about women I actually am kind of disappointed in you.

    I am very glad to see back I really missed your "divine" personality.

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    • I don't "Accept" shitty talk about the siterhood, lol. I am trying to let things go by more often now and not jump on Everything said that pisses moi off.

      @Poster, well like I said, if you are youngish, he might be feeling the same bit of frustration as you - not knowing how far he Can go and not wanting More frustration on top of it.

      Communication is the key. If you really fancy him that much, talk to him, gently and in private. Men, for all their other Great qualities, can be like little boys sometimes - insecure. Actually, it is rather cute. I mean, you like him, but I doubt you'd want him groping you 24/7.

      Talk to him about your feelings/desires AND HIS.


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    • Wow you really surprise me, I didn't think you of all people would accept such shit talk about women I actually am kind of disappointed in you.

      Gizzie when are you gonna wake up to what this site really is. You can clearly see that you can give funny replies and serious ones and the fact that you cant see that was humor and you tell Tobra your disappointed in her for one comment tells me exactly what I was suspicious of all along. You come here acting the big man who tells it like it is to these women well let me tell you I know exactly what you are a pussy whipped hen pecked little faggot. I have forgotten more about women than youll ever know. I would bet anything that you have a different persona for you friends the people on this site and your wife I have a friend exactly like you who has been divorced once and will end up being divorced again. I thought we had made our peace but once again you feel the need to defame me on these boards. I have just told it like it is deal with that.

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      • Cabinet I will admit this now that you are being so truthful about your thoughts about me, from the first comment I read of yours until now I have always thought you are a total and complete jackass/idiot! You are a rude crude mother fucker and if I was to get a chance I would beat you so bad your own mother wouldn't recognize you.

        "I have forgotten more about women than you'll ever know."

        I don't think so you little maggot, I have been happily married for 14 years, and I know how to make a woman happy, otherwise I guess I would be a lonely little destitude faggot like you. Cabinet pull your fucking head out of your ass you stupid prick, I knew what you were saying was in humor, and what I said was meant as a joke also.

        Oh and I don't have a "different persona" around other people I am me and tell it the way I see it on here on the job and at home. After observing your conduct on here I know you have different personas otherwise you would be getting your pussy ass kicked on a daily basis.

        Oh and one more thought FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!!

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        • That was very funny LOL. I have been married for longer than you BTW knobhead

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          • What was so funny about it?

            How long have you been married sunshine?

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        • xxsexilassxx


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          • No I was talking to the faggot in the pink skirt above my last post.

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  • I think the first three month of the relationship are the most emotional, therefore i dont think he really has emotions invested in you. I dont know why he would avoid doing that unless he is embarrassed or doest give a shit.

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  • hes probably gay if wont hold your hand

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    • xxsexilassxx

      he aint gay but his best m8 fancys me

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      • shadow1004

        ignore his mate that would hurt his heart even if you ended with him and dated his bestfriend

        listen her might be shy...
        i my self have a hard time just to talk to girl's... holding hand its a big step for me..
        i get highly unconfortable if i girl sit's next to me cuse i cant stop looking at the girl
        especially if shes attractive... id start to sweat and blush... poor me... ._. lol

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  • Rule number one - Disregard Anything Cabinet says regarding relationships.

    Now, you've only been going out for a month, and how old are you anyway? What do you want? Hand holding? Touching? Kissing? What.

    It could be, if y'all are rather young, he is unsure of how to proceed.

    Find out and get back to me.

    Tobra Marie - IIN Glam Girl

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    • I know you want me Tobra stop keeping yourself in denial

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      • I'd rather have my rectum examined.

        By a Sumo Wrestler.

        Who has Poor Depth Perception!

        (I gotta admit, your trash talk is cute tho.)

        October M!

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        • I have style with women Im sure you can tell

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          • true. :)

            I just like a guy who can trash talk. And you can! :)


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  • pringletot2

    he might or he might not. Just because he doesn't hold your hand doesn't mean that he doesn't like you. If you would rather some more affectionate guy dump him, if you want him to do stuff with you then take off your bra, then ask him. that doesnt work then take off his pants... and yours.

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  • xxsexilassxx

    that is me lol

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    • silver

      If he really liked you he would hold your hand. I like holding the hand of a gf because I'm proud of going out with her and I want everybody to see that. It's also intimate and it feels good to have contact with somebody that you like.

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        Not necessarily. Some people are just shy.

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