Down with catholics and society?

Alright, so over the past year or so I have started to develop negative emotions towards organizations like The Catholic Church and just society in general. There was not a specific event that triggered it, and I do not think it is normal. Possibly they go against my moral code? I have started to do some research so whenever either subject is brought up I can shoot it down. I know that hatred for society/people is called misanthropy. Why do these things make me feel so disgusted?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • sgbslp

    The nuns of the Catholic church and some priests do God's work. Most of the men need to be thrown out. You need to pick and chose your people for the good things they do. Goodness is out there. Try to find it. You'll be surprised. I totally see your point. The more I'm around people, the more I like my dog.

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  • SoloBairx

    Fuck the Church, they want u to kneel, obey, and the worst of all "believe". The biggest enemy the the church establishment is a land full of hard dicked free thinkers, capeable of coming to terms with the uncertintys of life without the promise of divine immunity... Without the invention of religon the world would be atleast 1000 years more advanced in science & and the persuit of whats TRUELY important, taking care of our fellow man no matter his color, sex, or choice... Im going to end this with a quote, "When we can feed, cloth, and educate every man, woman, and child without one eception, we will be free to explore the stars as one happy persons".

    -Bill Hicks-

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  • Mastersash

    (^last comment, continued.. sorry for rambling..)

    k, so, THE GIANT corporations go into debt because THEY can't afford to support the loans they gave out to everyone (go figure since the credit system is based on a numerical-invisible-NOTHING), so then when THEY go bankrupt WE have to lose everything they took from US, even though WE were following all the guidelines! THEY fucked up, yet WE lose our homes and our social-security while THEY are granted a bail-out that ultimately puts us in twice as much debt with them as before! why does giving them more money for their all-paid vacations somehow help protect us from losing everything in the same system that keeps us trapped?

    Not that long ago, the market DID collapse, but by following the same sneaky guidelines the new deal once brought us, we have reinvested in ourselves once more. boy, oh, boy do the owners of the federal reserve have a shitty fortune cookie coming to them in their future (pun-intended.. them are gonna be some angry chinese :( ). why do you think billionaires are starting to give away their fortunes?? (check out paul allen, will ya?) either their buying their seat in a vessel that guarantees them protection from an up-and-coming apocalypse OR they know that being a part-owner of America (yea, that's not the citizens) will surely be a death-sentence to all of those who now call themselves "rich."

    THERE IS NO TRICKLE-DOWN THEORY- THE WATERFALL HAS TURNED INTO OIL. and we're all dying of thirst.. just slowly. so everyone, start saying goodbye to Disneyland!

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  • jermath35

    The Vatican has enough money to fix the national debt, end poverty and homlessness what does that tell u they are corupt! Quit giving money to churches instead give to the poor families u see everywhere....

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  • TheOmegaJuggalo

    Story of my life. I'm pretty sure we're normal. lol I hope at least.

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  • sanitycheck

    Hating society in general is like stereotyping everyone as various bad people. Everyone is different, just find some better friends.

    My personal choice of friends tends to be the people that don't really follow the crowd, but think for themselves more.

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  • cantdecide

    i agree with you but its not that normal. the catholic church has a bloody history, continues to prefer aids pandemics to condom use, tells people who they can and cant shag, and thinks that eternal torture is an acceptable form of punishment.
    hating society in general is a bit weird though. theres always some good stuff. oxfams pretty admirable. people are usually friendly to each other. even terrorist organizations usually have a charity wing

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