Dreams about the same girl beating me up?
When I was a little kid, I would be having a completely normal dream and then a girl would arrive (the same one every time) and beat the living shit out of me. I don't remember most of these dreams but two come to mind. When I was six, I had a dream in which I was a secret agent investigating a water park. I had a whole crew of guys working under me and, while investigating a ride without those guys, I got into an argument with some girl who proceeded to beat the shit out of me. Since I was a secret agent, I thought I would win the fight because of years of combat training, but I lost horribly. When I was eleven, I had a dream where I was a samurai, whose only superior in the army was a kid who beat me up earlier that year. I guess he was a general of some sort. The same girl, seemingly older, came along and kicked me in the face, knocking me out. In both of these dreams, I was highly trained at fighting but lost to an opponent who shouldn't have been that difficult.