Dressing for your taste in music

I think that its something mainly teens do, you know having to dress "edgy" and in lots of black etc if you like emo music like I did but why is that and why some people never stop with it? Me i've grown tired of so much dark clothing, I like bright colors now and cute stuff which I kinda always have just like bright makeup colors suit my face a lot more than dark tones but when I was younger I had this really strong compulsion to dress like the music i'm into and fit the right aesthetic which is stupid. I've stopped wearing tons of black eyeliner now and I feel very bored and disappointed with myself that my wardrobe is so boring and lacking color. I still listen to rock although I kinda prefer interesting, psychedelic melodic songs nowadays and when it comes to rock I prefer grunge and post-grunge over emo or screamo which I dont even like anymore. I guess it really was a phase after all.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    White tshirt, blue jeans, belt buckle, work boots every day of the year for me. If im feeling fancy I may put on a button up shirt and my gold bracelet.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    thats why i always wear white bellbottomed jumpsuits with sequins all over em and heavy framed gold glasses

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  • Somenormie

    I do that on some occasions but I do also see the appeal of it.

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  • litelander8

    I’ve got massive holes in my ears. I only wear skinny jeans. And black is always involved in my ensemble. EMO KID 4 LYFFEEEE

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    • Im glad I didnt streatch my ears as a teen and especially glad I didnt get snakebites like I wanted

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