Drinking more than often because i'm in love?

I've found somebody I have feelings for; however I'm absolutely terrified about it. On top of this, people have been telling me I'm drinking a lot recently and asking me whether I need help. I'm completely fine, and I'm not sad or anything like that. I was just wondering if this was normal and what I should do to try and stop? I'm just scared about how I'm feeling, and it's eating me up a little. Sorry if this is a stupid question, haha. I just didn't know if this had happened to anybody else.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • idolomantis

    Honestly, you probably just aren’t ready for love at the moment. Your drinking is a warning sign, too; I have no way of knowing what it’s warning you of exactly, you’d know that better than anyone else.

    I drink too much also by the way. I’m a “problem drinker” definitely, but I haven’t crossed the line to being a full on alcoholic personally. Not at this moment in time anyway. Please just recognize that addiction IS a realistic possibility, even if this isn’t where you’re at right now. I’ve seen it happen to many people.

    Alcohol is a poison that your mind and body can’t help but love, it’s no joke.

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    • Thank you very much, I will try my very best to drink a little less. If you think the drinking is a warning sign, then that honestly makes more sense than you'll ever know. So thank you for your answer, and thank you for your concern. It means a lot.

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      • idolomantis

        I’m glad it was useful to you.:) For further context on where I’m coming from I’ve been to a few AA and NA meetings, and I’ve also spent a full 90 days in rehab. It’s a long story(and not really one to be proud of. xD), but my point is that I’ve seen many people in various states of substance related issues.

        They were all, without exception, genuinely good people when you actually got to know them. In my experience, at least; other people with more experience in this than me have definitely met a few monsters, but I think that they’re relatively uncommon.

        When it comes to drinking LESS rather than just cutting it cold turkey, here’s a few things that have worked for me:

        *Try a drink counting app. They’re both useful and subtle. I started out with one but now I just wing it...I’ve also been drinking more, so maybe I should reconsider :P

        *If you like hard liquor as much as I do then please use a shot glass.😑 don’t do that drink straight out of the bottle shit too much lol. You’ll lose track at least a little bit, trust me. Sometimes a “little bit” is all it takes for consequences, too.😳

        *I hate to say it but milder vices can help fill the void...I vape a lot personally. If you already happen to like PuffBars or something, try puffing on that instead of having another drink.:P

        I’ll leave it at that lol, hopefully there’s something useful in there.

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        • Grunewald

          I love the care and vulnerability about these exchanges 💕. I wish you both the very, very best.

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          • Thank you so much, it means a lot :o)

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    That’s an excuse. If anything, the fact that you’re in a relationship should lift your spirits and make you to want less alcohol.

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  • my_death_my_way

    What is it about this that drives you to drink?

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    • Confusion I suppose. I've not really felt like this before, so it's pretty new and scary haha.

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      • my_death_my_way

        That's perfectly understandable. Just be careful. I wish you luck.

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        • Thank you.

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  • libertybell

    Being in a good mood probably makes you want to drink more,cause you think it'll put you in an even better mood. But,be careful. You don't want it to get out of hand.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Binge drinking will not solve your problems, only create more. Listen to your friends and put the bottle down for a week. If you can’t be around your love interest sober that’s not a good sign.

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    • Understood.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I had that same issue. Maybe you feel more entertaining when you are drinking and it makes it easier to socialize with the significant other.

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    • Ah, I suppose that would make sense...

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        It goes away when you get more comfortable around them

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        • Gotcha, thank you.

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  • Nice, it will make you more romantic and poetic.

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