Eating an all meat diet

Im eating a all meat diet right now as an elimination diet to try to see if some food is upsetting my stomach. As time goes on I intend to include more foods in my diet slowly to see if I can find whats causing my gut issues. But whats really odd is despite me eating far more calories on my all meat diet I can not keep weight on. Weight is falling off of me fast. And it's not like I had a bad diet before hand. I barely ate bread, I didnt eat any junk food. The worst food id eat was a biscuit in the morning and I never drank cokes. Why am i losing so much weight so fast despite eating far more calories and fats? This goes against all nutritional science that I've read.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • olderdude-xx

    An all meat diet can be incredibly healthy IF it is done correctly. Done wrong and its just like any other diet done wrong: its unhealthy and can cause real harm.

    It's called a "carnivore" diet.

    Please get and read the book: "The Carnivore Code" by Paul Saladinao MD.

    It will provide all the medical and research background (so you can discuss it with your Dr if needed) - and tell you what you need to do to transition to an all meat diet.

    All meat diets are fairly rare; as most people do eat some amount of fruits and vegetables. But high meat protein diets are relatively common now.

    I've been on an all meat diet for about 2 years now because Covid messed up my immune system badly and I seem to have developed allergies to all plant based food items and additives (or I have not yet found something from the plant world that I can safely ingest).

    Note its best to use grazed animal meat (at least for a good portion of your meat). That's not necessarily the cheapest thing to do - but it is the healthiest as lot raised meat has an incorrect balance of key nutrients.

    I wish you well with this.

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    • Ive also read that it is healthy. So far it has been really good on my stomach I've had no problems. My problem is that I am not smart enough to know if the people telling me it's healthy are right or not. But I also believe the American Heart Association and FDA havent and still dont really give good nutritional advice.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Get and read the book. It will answer your questions.

        You can do further research (among actual research papers - not general garbage sites) after you read the book if you desire.

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        • Have you tried the diet? My stomach issue has not acted up since I've been doing it even once. I started it because I heard Jordan Peterson and his daughter fixed their autoimmune issues with it and I think this may be autoimmune related because its all in the family.

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          • olderdude-xx

            I've been on the diet for 2 years.

            But its key to eat the right kind of mix of meats (and not too much of this one and that one as well).

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            • Have you found it hard to keep weight on? Im losing too much weight

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  • Ligeia

    Lol you're capping about the calorie count. How closely were you tracking? You might just FEEL like you're eating more because at the level of restriction you're at (no food except meat) there's no need to portion control, and meat itself is highly satiating. There are lots of mono (one type of food only) diets out mono is a famous one, people have also lost weight on ice cream mono. Obviously not long term sustainable, but relatively satisfactory in terms of crash diet.
    It's good that you plan to incorporate more foods later though, fiber is important to your health and you can't get that in meat

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    • I am not lying about my calorie count. Meat is much higher in calories than anything else. Im eating far more calories than before. Its not even close. An ordinary day for me before would be (mind you Ive eaten the same exact meals everyday for about a year now because I have a serious gut problem)

      1:40am wake up drink tea with sugar (fast until 9am from terrible nausea unable to eat)

      9am 1st meal bacon biscuit

      11am 2nd meal ground beef and broccoli

      3rd meal 5pm ground-beef/chicken/pork chop, broccoli or brussel sprouts

      Now my diet is

      1:40am wake up eat a big thing of ground beef drenched in butter and salt

      9am another large portion of butter and beef

      11am abunch of rotisserie chicken from a place across work

      5pm beef/chicken/bacon/eggs or whatever meat my wife cooked for dinner.

      Between the butter and the beef im eating a lot more calories. I know what I am talking about because I have counted calories before to try to lose weight. I was 255 in March I'm now around 205. I dont want to lose anymore weight but its still falling off. I was trying to lose before but now I'm not trying and it wont stop.

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      • Ligeia

        Ok first of all it's hilarious you think not eating for eight hours qualifies as a "fast." Secondly meat isn't the most caloric food, fat has the most calories per gram and there are higher fat foods than meat (ie dairy). Finally I just don't believe that this is truly representative of what you were eating because it's an impossibility. If it is true you are losing weight on a calorie surplus you should go in for a medical study of sorts...

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    An all meat diet is actually incredibly bad for you due to the like of nutrition and vitamins. Similar to how being a vegan isn't exactly healthy. (Vegetarians have more options and are slightly healthier than both.)

    Try taking vitamin supplements if you really want to go through with this.

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    • olderdude-xx

      Wrong... It's very healthy if done correctly. See my post below.

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    • Vitamins cause me nausea and diarrhea. Im gonna get bloodwork in a few weeks to see how my levels look from the diet.

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