Election 2012

With the US elections approaching, it's THAT time of year to get out the vote and vote for the candidate of your choice! Just wondering, who are you supporting this year?

(D) Barack Obama 51
(R) Mitt Romney 35
(I) Independent Candidate or other 3rd party 16
Can't vote (Not old enough) 11
Will not vote- apathetic/ don't care 16
From another country 32
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Comments ( 81 )
  • MissyLeyneous

    A true Ron Paul supporter won't settle for four more years of Obama and his Executive Orders and his NDAA. Mitt Romney is also just as bad.

    They all fucking suck.


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    • NothingxCrazy

      I'm with you on that one.

      On the ballot I will write in "Revolution".

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    • FrancoisDillinger

      Thank you!

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    • LizardSkin

      No, Mitt Romney is not just as bad. He may not be Ron Paul but the chances of him running this country "just as bad" as Obama, are slim to none.

      As I replied to another post, I've been in the Ron Paul camp a long time. Since before his first run.

      My advice is don't be foolish and let Obama back in just cause you're upset RP didn't get the GOP nomination, and still vote GOP.

      I guarantee you RP would back Romney before Obama.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        Ron Paul won't even endorse Gary Johnson, much less Romney! Paul is smarter than that. We need action NOW to prevent an economic collapse, and Romney offers NOTHING, and neither does that prick (libertarian in name only) Ryan.

        And then even if we take action right now to correct the dollar bubble, we may not be able to stop the complete shit storm we are being set up for.

        I respect your opinion and I admire your optimism... but I implore you, don't be fooled by Romney's promise for "change". He's all air and no action.

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  • How many threads is this now? 5, 7?

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  • howaminotmyself

    Can it be over now? I'm so tired of this election bullshit.

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  • Cul-de-sac_Nightmare

    Mitt Romney because of OBAMA'S anti-Romney ads that make me want to vote for Romney.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Worst. Reason. Ever.

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      • Cul-de-sac_Nightmare

        that's not the main reasons. I do not know why I wrote that.

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        • PumpkinKate

          lol I figured, but honestly BOTH the commercials are like whiny 10 year olds going "My opponent is a doodie-head"

          They've been driving ALL of us crazy.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Are you a silly goose?

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    • 1000yrVampireKing

      That's the spirit!

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    • lufa

      Totally agree there-some of the shittiest ads I've ever seen made me want to throw a rock at my monitor.

      The kids singing about how Romney will destroy the US, the liberal virgin bitch hoping to get de-flowered by Obama, it just get sicker and sicker.

      I can't believe as an atheist I'd vote for a Mormon, but then the other guy is a terrorist-loving muslim so I think the Mormon is a much safer bet.

      Too bad I'm in Canada, otherwise I'd definitely vote for Romney and swim through the flood to get to the voting booth if I had to. :)

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  • Devyn

    This election is basically loads of ill-informed people who don't understand what they're doing voting about people whom they don't know much about, based on their advertising campaigns... Democracy ftw!

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    • NothingxCrazy

      Isn't that every election..?

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      • Devyn

        Yeah, but you'd hope that it would be different when electing the most powerful person in the world...

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        • NothingxCrazy

          Well, in the country. I'd hope there would be more informed people but people usually take things at face value. They like to be told what to think.

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  • NothingxCrazy

    Ron (Mother Fucking) Paul 2012-forever.

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    • lufa

      Ron Paul's a racist hatemonger. Is that what you support?

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      • NothingxCrazy

        Not at all. You must be talking about Romney.

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        • lufa

          You must be illiterate because I clearly typed Ron Paul.

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      • lufa

        Thumbs down for telling the truth about Ron Paul being a racist? Racist Paul-bots trying to cover for their 'grand wizard.'


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    • LizardSkin

      I was in the Ron Paul camp since 2007. I campaigned heavily for him in my state.

      That said, he is out of the race. Do the only smart thing left and vote GOP.

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  • idntknwy

    I believe the presidents are selected not elected. So i dont vote but i would much rather see obama win before that racist romney

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  • disthing

    I'm a Brit so my voice isn't amongst the voters, but as much as I appreciate Obama hasn't delivered on his promises or necessarily brought the degree of reform anticipated, he is the lesser of 2 evils. Neither are in any way ideal, but just because Mitt is the alternative to Obama doesn't mean he should get a vote. At least with Obama I get the sense that the US might not invade yet another country. With Romney I can just see that warmongering glint in his eye.

    Ron Paul seemed the best bet; not perfect, but honest and with different ideas. It was nice to see an independent candidate receive so much support and hopefully the election after this one will see more independents getting attention, maybe a new party or two more reflective of the population's desires. I'd like to see that in my own country actually.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      This. Honestly I'd probably support Ron Paul if gay marriage wasn't kind of an important issue in my mind. No way in hell I want Romney in office. Don't need to lose ownership of my uterus, thank you very much.

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  • thanksforthefreecar

    Obama is a threat to our freedom. I don't like Mitt Romney that much either but I dont want to waste my vote on somoene who cant win.

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    • Cul-de-sac_Nightmare

      Obama IS a threat to our freedom. People need to pay attention in history class, especially about that part about the FALL OF ROME because they made treaties with the enemy tribes. Yes, it is more complicated than that, but it is still the same overall concept.

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  • iEatZombies_

    I'm voting Obama.

    Next election- Ron Paul, if he runs again.

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    • LizardSkin

      Ron Paul would sh*t in your fruit loops for voting for Obama and say no thank you to your vote for it.

      Also, Ron Paul won't run again he will be 80 years old in 2016. However his son Rand Paul may well be running.

      Rand Paul is also backing Romney for presidential nominee 2012.

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      • iEatZombies_

        Ron Paul isn't so arrogant to deny my vote simply because he may not like who I vote for.

        I like RP, a lot- but I'm not interested in sucking his asshole, you clone. I have my own ideas and I'm not interested in what you, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, or Barack Obama have to say about them. If I were not to vote for Obama, I'd vote Paul. If not Paul, Bob Saget. I will vote for ANYONE except Romney, even George Bush again. And there isn't shit you can do but complainan on your computer.

        Also, unless there's nobody better, I will not vote Rand Paul.

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        • LizardSkin

          Please enlighten me on why you'd like to vote for the terrorist, Obama, so I can take you to school on politics you silly sheep.

          Obvious moron is obvious. This is what's wrong with this country.

          I've read to Obama books and I don't even like him. Please share with me your research.

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          • iEatZombies_

            I have no interest in enlightening you. I promise you this, Romney is going to screw up just as bad. I'll even tell you something about my feelings on voting for Obama; I hate him, too. I simply think he has more morale. A teeny bit. That's it, though. Just picking my poison.

            Ron Paul is the only one who would've tried to help.

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            • LizardSkin

              Well I'd gladly enlighten you, that Obama is morally bankrupt. No pun intended on the bankrupt part.

              If putting millions of Americans out of work is moral, then I don't want to be.

              Barack Obama was born of Marxists; mentored by a communist writer and activist during his formative years; spent his college days hanging around Marxist professors and activists; worked as a radical community organizer, using the radical tactics of the communist, Alinsky; attended a radical church; was introduced to Chicago politics by a communist in the home of two communists; and now lends his political skill to the international goals of radical activists. He had radicals on his campaign, and has them in his administration. The simple fact is, since the age of 12, the people closest to Obama have been active, radical Marxists, and dues-paying members of the Communist Party USA.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    I would vote for Rocky Anderson. Gary Johnson seems good too.

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    • anti-hero

      Rocky Anderson? Are you serious?

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      • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

        He's for withdrawing from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, strengthening labour laws, promoting and incentivising fair trade, abolition of the right of federal agencies to spy on US citizens without a warrant, ending indefinite detention of foreign and U.S. citizens, incentivising businesses to harness green energy, ending torture with regards to interrogation, foreign policy based on national defence (not engaging in aggressive, illegal wars), universal healthcare, closing down Guantanamo Bay, legalization of industrial hemp, abolition of the death penalty, securing internet freedom including ending SOPA and PIPA, marriage equality, abortion rights for women, ending the war on drugs, fairer pay for workers and more which I agree with him on.

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        • anti-hero

          Many apologies. I mixed him up with Virgil Goode. Yeah Rocky sounds good. Too bad neither he or Johnson will win. That is why I was confused I was thinking how can anyone like Anderson (thinking of Goode) and Johnson. haha

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          • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

            Honestly, while I was typing my response I was sure you had the wrong guy in mind, don't see how you can really be against him. But too many people just aren't aware of him or Johnson, or they just feel forced to choose between Obama and Romney.

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            • anti-hero

              Really I would rather have anyone besides Obama or Romney. Except Goode. Out of Obama and Romney though, I still have to go with Obama.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Me, myself, and Irene.

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  • I'm running for election. Didn't you hear?

    Here's my speech. Ahem.

    Women are victims in life in every way. We must protect women in every way. We must pay for women in every way. We must pay women more in the workplace for less risk.
    ...What? Obama has pretty much already done that? Well darn.

    I think I'd win on that alone.

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    • NeuroNeptunian

      Add women are guiltless saints and should not be held responsible for their actions and you've got a full "Women's Rights" platform.

      And you want to know what the worst part about this is?

      He could literally say that as a serious campaign statement and it would probably only BENEFIT his campaign.

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  • i guess Ron-Paul whenever he try's again i'll vote for him i wouldn't vote for Mitt-Romney i don't think he'll win anyways not with what he wants to do. and also i'd rather see Obama win

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      I agree. Even as a non American I like Ron-Paul. He seems to have actual reasons behind his opinions, other than just what most people would vote for. But that's also why he will never be president.

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      • i know

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    • NothingxCrazy

      Ron Paul is getting old so I hope he can make it through another election year.. Plus he has no true media to back him. He was whited out from this election on every news channel, radio station, and newspaper. The people in charge don't want him to win, so they won't give him air time. It's a damn shame. The only people that really knew about him were the technology savvy adults and the youth on the internet. Not enough to get him votes.

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      • yep

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  • anti-hero

    You left out the I am not allowed to vote because I am a convicted felon. Not that I am.

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  • and if Romney won he wouldn't do nothing more different than Obama is doing he may make stuff worse

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    There needs to be no party system at all! The united states government is set-up properly...it's just the cliquey nature of our government causes us not to get anything accomplished because we're divided. Also, the president is a mere spokesman...he does not actually run things, rather things are set in motion by congress and he takes the beating from the world! Hey, someone has to do the job, right? I will be voting for a third party candidate because with the electoral college, my vote is pretty worthless!

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  • stupidassholeguy

    Mitt Romney. He was a buissness man for...20 years (right?) and Dosen't lie like Osama-I mean Obama. (I know that's not how you spell Usama

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    • Smartasscookie

      But you don't want someone to run a bussiness...you want someone to run your country.

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      I wanted to say something. But then I saw your username.

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  • Smartasscookie

    Please let Obama win *goes to pray*

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    I wanted Cain.

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  • Imsupernormal

    You heard the people which care not about the NDAA, Patriot Act, drone strikes, and endless war on terror and human right violation by the US. All they want is free healthcare. Thats why they voted for Obama.

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    • Couman

      And he couldn't even deliver that. Instead they got "it won't be free, but if you don't buy it we'll fine^H^H^H^H tax you".

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  • LizardSkin

    ROMNEY. When a negro successfully civilizes and stabilizes a functional government in an African country maybe one can try and run for the U.S. presidency again.

    Until then we have enough problems and need a man ho can create jobs and fix the economy. That man MIGHT be Mitt Romney, but it sure as hell isn't Barack Hussein Obama.

    One more thing, voting on 3rd party or write in is essentially a thrown away vote. You should probably just stay home on 11/6 if you plan to do that and save the gas.

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    • ForMyPeaceOfMind

      You say when a "Negro successfully civilizes and stabilizes a functional government in an African country maybe one can try and run for the U.S. presidency again." What does that have to do with an "African American?" We are not talking about having someone from Africa run this country, but someone who was born and raised here! I assume from your comment, you're a pale skinned person! As soon as you boat it back to your home country and run it successfully, don't speak hatred about another person's aspiration to be president! I hope you're not under the illusion that America belongs to only whites! Please let's not go down a race war path! When you come down to it, it's not about race, because as you know...Obama is pretty well mixed....so that's a moot point! It's comes down to his way of doing things vs. your way of thinking! It's understood that you have different ideas; however, why talk about a group of people? By the way, I will be voting 3rd party...no vote is ever a wasted a vote! The other candidates are still candidates, regardless of being unpopular...they're hoping; just like Obama and Romney, for a seat in the President's chair! Besides, with the electoral college, what difference does it make how I vote? It'll essentially, in your words, be "thrown away!"

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      • LizardSkin

        Blacks are less intelligent, even when on equal footing with whites in terms of education. That's a statistical fact. Yes, I know black people hate statistics, because they always fall short. Tough cookies.

        In 1995 the American Psychological Association, in response to The Bell Curve, published the report "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns." They report that blacks indeed do score below whites on IQ tests and these tests are unbiased and correlate strongly with social outcomes . But the APA was unwilling to speculate why the difference is so constant and repeatable over time and by test method.

        And buddy, who the hell do you think created the United States of America? No, it wasn't the indians(Native Americans) they were simply occupying unclaimed land.

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        • ForMyPeaceOfMind

          Despite the facts that you presented,there are many intelligent blacks who seek to improve things by either running for office or starting organizations that showcases their willingness to participate in rebuilding communities. You cannot speak for a group of people! I understand you're hatred for blacks, it's coming through loud and clear; however, Obama...along with that Cain fellow were not the average black person...or the ones you think are a disgrace to the human race! Can you at least give them the respect they deserve!

          This truly is the silly season as every person in this country becomes an analyst all of a sudden! I'm quite confident that the best person for the job will win...point blank! It doesn't matter to me one way or another as my personal situation will be the same! The debts I have will still be waiting until I pay them off, and I'll be working the same job...as I continue to search for something better! For your sake though, I hope your favorite candidate win!

          Whites did not create the United States of America. This country is a melting pot of people. It was a mixture of many different immigrants: Irish, Asians, Mexicans, American Indians, Italians, and so forth. It was a group effort. Blacks mostly did agriculture, Asians/Irish are the ones who actually built America. Besides all of that mess, it's just skin color...there is so much more to people than their physical attributes!

          If you don't like blacks, that's fine! Some people are just set in their ways, unwilling to change and at some point...there's no need to continue on talking in hopes that the person will lighten up a bit! You bleed red, that's the same color blacks see when they bleed....imagine that! You're human just like them!

          Well, I am literally falling asleep as I type this, so I guess it's time for me to call it a night! I hope you sleep well, my friend! Enjoy your Wednesday! :)

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          • LizardSkin

            I don't hate blacks. And I didn't say they are incapable of becoming intelligent. I am simply a truth teller, I don't apologize if the truth is sometimes offensive.

            I would just as quickly say, blacks on average, tend to be more athletic than whites.

            This obviously doesn't mean, every white person is smarter than every black person. Of course that isn't true. Anymore than saying every black person is a better athlete than every white person.

            I'm speaking based on the law of averages.

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