Electronics malfunction in my presence

I notice that quite often lights will flicker as I walk past, streetlights will turn on or go out at random, the radio and tv malfunction, also I've noticed that and electronic stuff just generally goes haywire. This has started since I have begun to see the energy fields of others and at times have read them with astonishing successes, learning a great deal about other people that would be seen as "unknowable" to a lot of people. Also, I began lucid dreaming and even have had a couple of out of body experiences. It's almost as if I somehow influence the electricity without realizing it. This has been happening for a while and it just puzzles me sometimes. On one hand, it sounds quite implausible that somehow I have some strange powers that effects electrical devices and maybe there is another explanation than this, but it's weird as hell and I don't get why only when I'm around do electronic things go haywire all the time. Like one time, my tv randomly changed to static as I walked past, it was so weird. Sometimes, my radio will go out a good bit, the tv will flicker and fade. There are a couple streetlights that always seem to malfunction as I walk past, but only when I'm thinking about certain types of stuff and in a certain mood, it's weird. It almost seems as though maybe my energy fields are influencing things, I know that sounds insane but who knows maybe it's possible. I can see the electromagnetic fields of other people and at times can read them, effectively utilizing a form of telepathic communication that is likely inborn that all people have. Maybe at times, my energy fields extend further out than other people's due to my extensive work on increasing my overall frequency to open myself to higher dimensions and my energy field is influencing these electrical devices such as the radio, the tv, the streetlights, and other stuff.

You Probably Have Strong Psychic Abilties 9
Your Imagining All Of This 17
Everyone Else Experiences This 7
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Comments ( 10 )
  • EccentricWeird

    Then how the exact fuck did you post this?

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    • It only happens sometimes and at times i seem to be able to channel my energies into the computer and other electronic devices to make them work better as well. Once, i even shut off the computer using only my mind or so it seemed, it was pretty freaky. i thought about turning it off and then it did shut down without me even touching the button. It ran out of battery at exactly the second I put my hand on it. It was as if my thoughts shut it off not the button! It was the most utterly incredible thing I have experienced in a long time

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      • EccentricWeird

        Alrighty then.

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  • poon_jabber

    I saw an episode of unsolved mysteries about a lady that caused such a thing. Except with her, she would make glass shatter. It's possible.

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  • howaminotmyself

    It sounds like you have a magnetic personality.

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  • dirtybirdy


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  • wistfulmaiden

    Im not sure if everyone experiences this kind of thing but I definitely have. I also notice a lot of things falling and breaking when Im around especially off of shelves. I am a pretty chaotic person so maybe Im unintentionally spreading the chaos ?

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  • pixie_dust

    when I use my amethyst I always hear what sounds like the house settle, little creaks and stuff. We all affect our environment. Your mission? To practice with it and learn how to use it in a controlled way.. You have the capability.. just figure it out! ;)

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  • pdx

    Then how did you send this message without your computer malfunctioning

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  • Tommythecat.

    I am Satan, I've come to earth to give you the heeby jeebys.

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