Embarrassing secret


I am a man in my 20s. Decent looking, reasonable smart, good dresser (I hope) etc. You know, a regular guy.

When I'm alone however and I'm listening to music, I always queue up the Celine Dion. I own her entire discography (excluding French albums of course) and not a week goes by where I don't listen to her music.

I'm not an obsessed fan, not am I a homosexual (closet or otherwise) and I'm aware that there's no real shame in liking popular music. But Celine Dion??? Talented? Yes. Cool? f**k no!

I just can't help it, though. Her voice is amazing and the songs so emotionally beautiful...

I'm scared of the possible abuse I'm going to get (knowing you f**king lot anyway), but is this normal and what secret musical infatuations do you have?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 201 votes (157 yes)
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Comments ( 70 )
  • buriedalive

    yea, it's normal, I mean, she's sold like 175 million records, you're not alone. it's probably just one of those things that no-one will admit to liking.
    for example, I love ABBA. if you give me an album name and a song number I can recite all the lyrics from the track. but I still wouldn't mention it in public.

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  • suiri

    It's cute and yes it's normal. As for me, I like the oldies and I mean the oldies. One of my favorite songs is "Old Folks at Home" written by Stephen Foster and "Danny Boy". I like old American Folk songs. It's a little embrassing. I look like a middle school student, but because of my taste in movies and film and music, my friends all nickname me gezzer. I can see why you want to keep it a secret.

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  • Gabriell

    Actually I think you should mention it to dates, It's a great conversation starter and a way to get to know each other better as well as make them thing what a cute emotional boy you are.

    Ahem. To the point now.

    GO GET A METALLICA ALBUM or fuckin IRON MAIDEN... I mean, if you regard this music heavy then go buy an Evanescence album(better than gay).

    BUT if you want some REAL MANHOOD some real HEAVY ASS SHIT go buy a LAMB OF GOD album or maybe the best of ARCH ENEMY or like Children of Bodom . . . YOU GOTTA DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR SITUATION DUDE! I MEAN GET SOME TESTOSTERONE SUPPLEMENTS.

    Ps: I think the best group to go from gay to rock would be Muse. Very nice alternative rock band. Includes piano, great vocals and other special effects. Very soft and melodic too.

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  • SleazySaint

    Ugh. Not good.
    Simple solution.
    Shock therapy.
    Do you have a taser?
    Okay then just use a socket.
    Jam out to your favorite Celine Dion album.
    Then lick your finger and shock yourself.
    It works.
    You may think of it as stupid but you can completely reconfigure your brain.
    Trust me.

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  • Malfoy

    You consider that screaming hag to be talented? God damn, she yells so much.

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  • asentra9

    This is perfectly normal. People like what people like. Cant help it.

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  • Clovis5119

    It's just music.
    I'll easily enjoy listening to ABBA and Elton John (actually I'm a big fan of EJ music), and sure it's not that cool to talk about, but it's neither gay or abnormal.

    Music's amazing, keep listening to it :)

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  • fletcher94

    i listen to abba
    its normal

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  • MapleSyrup

    Hey look at it this way, you wont mind listening to your gf's music =D

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    WHAT IS WITH ALL THESE GUYS ON HERE THAT THINK THAT LISTENING TO MUSIC COMPOSED BY FEMALE ARTISTS IS SYMPTOMATIC OF HOMOSEXUALITY? WTF does music even have to do with sexuality? Was I in a coma or something? Music isn't supposed to be about status or coolness or orientation. It's all what you feel. Good music is good music. it's subjective. I bet all your friends have similar things going on. Shouldn't be a guilty pleasure though.

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  • tintedcouture

    Maybe she just connects with you on some soulish level. You have good taste.

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  • Vivacious

    love it! celine is AMAZING. there's nothing wrong with appreciating sincere and respectable talent, in any form. rock out man....rock out.

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  • hunnybunny

    I think its adorable! One of the ways I judge a person is the music that they are into - it says alot about a person - I mean I sing opera, and I love classical music. And I do alot of duets with men and they love her music. You are normal, dont worry.

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  • AverageTMcFlannigan

    Everyone likes things that they're embarrassed to admit. For instance, I enjoy anime. It's not popular. It's not cool. But fuck anyone who doesn't like it, because I do. Why do any of our opinions matter in the least? It doesn't change how good the music is or how it connects with your personality. Just ignore the haters.

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  • chunkybongo

    You're cooler than most...you have a real appreciation for beauty. I had a similar dilemma when a person gave me a Justin Timberlake album. At first I wouldn't even touch it (I mean, who needs some N'Sync sell-out idiot's excuse for music?). One day I popped it into the CD player out of boredom, and noticed how tight the production, songwriting and singing were. Now I can't stop listening to it. Justin Timberlake is damn good! Good music is good music, whether it's Metallica, Mozart or Madonna...you get my point...and I'm not gay at all, BTW. I'm a guitarist and a singer. Listen to whatever the hell you feel like listening to, and f**k what other people think.

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  • dude when i work out all i listen to is Avril Lavigne. I just love her voice and music.

    one time a friend inadvertently listened to the "workout playlist" on my ipod and was like "wtf??!"

    I really don't talk about it. no one knows. It's not a secret, but its just something i like. i wouldn't wear an avril lavigne t shirt or go to a concert. I just like her music.

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  • Mersaphe

    This is far from embarrassing and anyone who says otherwise is a shallow ignorant fool.

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  • wannarocktheworld

    Its okay bro. I've come to understand we are human, so deep emotion like that has to be acknowledged. Usually women are stereotyped to be emotional.

    But hey we guys do have emotions too. We need to cater to them too. Its just that, I guess, we have a lot of violent and action and sports type hormones in us that we stereotype ourselves as rock hard and impervious to such emotion inducing stimuli.

    You know, I watched A Walk To Remember and a few tears did depart my eyes. Hated the fact that the bitch didn't tell already she had cancer. Such a fuckin' heartbreak for the dude bro.

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  • AssBurgers



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  • la_la_la_la


    I love the blues and I’m always making up my own songs.

    “Woke up this mornin', my laptop shut down
    Woke up this mornin' I said my laptop shut down
    Thank the Lord I got my boy to throw my arms around.”

    I've got a real thing for folk, in particular unaccompanied folk singing too. Can't do it though. I love it so much I’d become Amish in a heartbeat just to hear it (because it's quite hard to get hold of) When I heard 'Bright Morning Star' at a gig I was in tears.

    It seems to me (just my opinion of course) that when people bandy their favourite band's name around and force them down people's throats, that's actually what they like the least. If people get to know me well they'll find out eventually.

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    I am a girl... Id chew glass before I'd listen to Celine or ABBA or any of the emotional happy lala or heart break sob stories.. BUT! what ever floats ur boat! I got nothing against it those who do. I'll crack a joke about it but meh!

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  • jimdog

    Where im from and among my mates im suppose to be tough, i like abit miley cyrus and cheryl cole i dont give a fuck.

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  • Assisted

    yes its normal im straight and do things that would be flagged as gay

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  • your gay faggot

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  • randomjelly

    Society had a ridiculous double standered. Women can listen to men...but turn that around and BOOM we've got a Peter puffer!

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  • beena

    Huge ABBA fan, Barry Manilow and yes, I've downloaded my all time favorits... (shhh) ... the Partridge Family! ! Wierd for a metal and hard rock head but who cares? Come on get happy! Sing at the top of your lungs in the car at a red light with the windows down. The looks alone will make you giggle and has the added benefit of humiliating yor stepson. Tee hee hee. Oh for that simple time in my life. Those songs bring you back to a better place and time. Guilty pleasure.

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  • lambertluver

    I am obsessed with Adam Lambert!

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  • Apple0727

    Awwww!! I think that's adorable and no, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with liking Celine Dion! We all have different tastes in music and it DOES NOT MATTER if we like certain things, regardless of gender. I have to admit, I'm a 20 year old female and I have some strangeee music on my iPod that I would never let anyone listen to. But, if they did, who cares. I like it and if they don't well they can shove it. I like what I like and noone's gonna stop me!

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  • I don't really like Celine Dion but I think it's not an embarrassing secret. It's normal.

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  • notHere

    I listen to the same Paul Young album from the early 80's. I have never grown tired of it. I could listen to it everyday.

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  • freethinkerguy

    Dude. Really? It's just music. Get over it.

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  • xRiceBunnyy

    That totally normal! Stuff those ppl who think its weird for u to like GOOD music!

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  • wwalkingwolfw

    despite my feelings about celine and her melodic hollering/howling/yelling to be a dude and like girly music is totally normal. her voice just does something foe your heart and mind. just don't mention it to any of your male friends. i can forge bowie knives and flake arrow points and knives from glass. make and wear buckskin cloths and build beautiful furniture of of dead branches but i have all of prince's music. i listen to classical and big band. everything but gospel, reggae, c(rap), and anything metallic. your normal. totally normal.

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  • poisongirl

    Yip totally normal , everyone has guilty pleasures :)

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  • totally normal!i know a few guys who listen to rihanna and beyonce..its ok..im a girl and i prefer abigail williams and trivium.not im not gothic or emo i just like metal music =)

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  • that's so cute.
    just don't mention it to perspective dates ;)

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  • DrQuinnMedicineWoman

    Well i'm sure after all the comments, you feel you are normal. My guilty pleasures, music wise, would be Pretty Ricky. And any rap you hear, that basically has the shittiest lyrics, soulja boy type, crank that batman type....my secret guilty pleasures.

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  • JustDeep

    lol i like robbie williams a bit

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  • Zombie_girl08

    *with heh heh

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  • Zombie_girl08

    lol that is adorable! I know how you feel, I'm 18, I hang out wiht punks,emo,scene kids and I lerv Chicago! Hahhaha 'ohh hoo no.. baby please don't go!' :D

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  • Healey

    You're adorable.

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  • simba1

    nice music. you only live once. Do whatever makes you happy

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  • nothing2

    you took some drugs maybe. guys do weird things

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  • Its juvenile to have imposed upon you & be judged by your musical tastes - but that is what teens do - so your secret is safe here.

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  • Lettuce12345

    Omfg!! How is this NOT normal?? I thought that this was actually going to be something embarassing with shock factor."Omg. I have a penis and Im a dude. Is it normal?"

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  • gateboy6

    i love a gay song so much an im not gay im straight

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  • Starbuck

    It's called a guilty pleasure. Don't get all worried about it. It's fine.

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  • XxgemdinxX

    Yes it's completely normal. I had an obsession with the Jonas Brothers for the longest time. I had all their albums, knew everything about them, seen them in concert a dozen times. I was not afraid to tell people that I was basically in love with them. Sure people made fun of me, I didn't care though. They can't tell what music I should like. But eventually, I grew out of them, then I moved to Linkin Park. I still am in love with Linkin Park and I have basically all their albums and I have seen them in concert once or twice. So, it is completly normal. I mean I did and still do it.

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  • HisaoNakai

    It's normal,I'm pretty young and I love Elton John, and Billy Joel,They aren't the coolest,and if anyone found out they'd laugh at me more than usual,but It's what I like and I don't let it bother me,You're completely normal.

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  • GLASrazUMA

    it's music dude... i could never grab on to being hardcore fan of any music genre... today, for example i started of with punk rock, then psytrance, some jazz/funk after lunch, and now i'm listening lounge music... and some people say that's strange... maybe there something in her voice... there is a lot of 2-3 chords music that people hook onto... if you like it i don't see why you wouldn't listen it

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  • weirdo555

    It's more of a guilty pleasure than anything else.

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  • mike_fog0904

    i wouldn't touch a celine dion CD but i know what ya mean about liking artists which you probably shouldn't

    for my age, listening to stuff like The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Take That! is pretty odd to some of my m8s but i think you should share with them tbf...there gonna find your iPod one day!

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  • smeagolxx

    i'm a straight guy as well, and dude... celine dion is embarrassing yes, but check this out... i'm secretly into boyband music and if anyone found out i would kill them like a ninja (with a round house kick to the face)

    if i saw westlife live i might faint

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  • abnormalfreak

    hell ya its normal! i love KC (she's HOT!) and i like 1 of beyonce's songs. so yeah, its normal, just don't tell anyone and be careful even around ur gf.

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  • psyopusfan

    I don't know why everyone asks questions like is it normal to like female artists and all that? Like I don't know why it should be considered embarassing. Like for example,I love mathcore. I eat,breathe and sleep mathcore music. But I also LOVE the Jonas brothers. I love Drone Metal and Slowcore. But I also love Rap and Country. I dunno,maybe it's just me,but I have never seen the big deal in what people are into musically.

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  • Kindy

    Actually, I think you'd get a lot of chicks for making that public. You know how people always say "Be Yourself"
    That's exactly what they're talking about.

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  • rememberyourlimits

    My step-dad like Beth Midler, and he is straight. It is just the music you like.

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  • babyyboyy

    i fucking love justin timberlake but i tell everyone

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  • cockycunt

    You might have the approval of every last silly little life-affirming ditz here, you might be feeling ok, and all cutesy ladies' macho secret surprise, admit to a 'sin' oh yeah and come out big deodourised turd already but listen, you're still a faggot and you're still addicted to sanforised plasticated over-produced schmalz sung by a frustrated transvestite with a Streisand complex. Gotta upgrade that vice dood -- hey i'm just the messenger.

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    • wannarocktheworld

      dude if you have to "pick up" a genre or type of songs to feel secure about your sexuality, then i've got news for you buddy.

      better come out fast. LOL.

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    • PrincessOfSushi

      ^ Well he gets the girls' approvals. Isn't that all that matters? And keep listening to whatever you're listening to! Not that it's a secret to us anymore. Lol.

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  • bruhjay1

    i love herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!
    but why do you care so much about what others think ?

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  • Cajincatcher

    I LOVE Celine Dion! I think its amazing when boys like her too! its great ^^;

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  • geckopaws

    Um just because you listen to womens music doesn't make you a homo or anything of the sort. She is in fact a talented artist and that is all there is to it. Its just like if I were a girl and said I listened to Stevie Wonders music and thought I would be afraid of being called a lesbo or something like that because I liked more masculine things. After all I'm offended because homosexuality isn't a choice. In my book if its in your genes then well its in your genes and your basically going to be a homo. If you like more feminine things it really doesn't make you a homo. The definition of homosexuality is liking the same sex. You obviously like the opposite sex. And those are all stereotypes that you consider when you say things like this.

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  • CalvinNHobbes

    Celine Dion is HOT! I don't have all her albums, but I have gone to her concerts before. I think she sings well and carries herself very well. She is very pretty and a good entertainer. Why would someone say you are gay or wrong for liking her? If the music makes you happy, its ok. Romance music is very good. Message me for more. Look up white jazz like Candy Dulfer and Renee Olstead. Try modern Metal with female singers like Epica and Lacuna Coil. You are normal.

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  • spyderr

    she is extremely talented. I don't listen to her but she has quite possibly one of the greatest voices ever.

    it's fine, kinda cute lol jk

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  • mclovin123

    i listen to screamo and rock and shit like that.. but for some reason it gives me shivers down my back when i listen to classical music like beetoven and mozart.. its perfectly normal:)

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  • sharpiehighx

    hahaha i think it's cool :)

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  • ClickClack

    dont worry.. i would sing with you on 'my heart will go on'

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  • whattodo

    you not gay as the person said!
    i think its cute that you have that secret some girls would think its cute and a real turn on! i would think so ;) like i absolutely love her to! shes compleately amzing!

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