Embarrassing secret
I am a man in my 20s. Decent looking, reasonable smart, good dresser (I hope) etc. You know, a regular guy.
When I'm alone however and I'm listening to music, I always queue up the Celine Dion. I own her entire discography (excluding French albums of course) and not a week goes by where I don't listen to her music.
I'm not an obsessed fan, not am I a homosexual (closet or otherwise) and I'm aware that there's no real shame in liking popular music. But Celine Dion??? Talented? Yes. Cool? f**k no!
I just can't help it, though. Her voice is amazing and the songs so emotionally beautiful...
I'm scared of the possible abuse I'm going to get (knowing you f**king lot anyway), but is this normal and what secret musical infatuations do you have?