Enjoying abortions...?

I know often people will reply, "ABORTION IS MURDER!"
This isn't about that.
Please don't reply with that, I'm looking for some insightful opinion here. Approving or not.

I think.
I have had 3 abortions so far, and I find them exhilarating. Everything from going in to see the doctor, to the aftercare and follow up procedures. I think I may get pregnant again just to have another abortion!

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31% Normal
Based on 49 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 19 )
  • TheAwesomeGuy

    You are a sick person. You are murdering babies for fun.

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  • UsernameNotAvailable

    I'm for abortions for the right reasons but your just sick and it isn't normal.

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      Agreed, very well put.


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  • neopythagorean

    I'm not sure that this is a serious post but if it is, just know that this is NOT normal or healthy. You need immediate psychiatric help. I'm not trying to judge you on moral grounds but rather I'm speaking as a professional. What you are doing is detrimental to your physical and mental well-being. Please go to your local community mental health clinic IMMEDIATELY. If you don't have insurance or medicaid, you can sign up for a "charity care" program that will pay most (if not all) of your bill. Please. I would assume that what you find exhilarating is being the center of attention and being cared for in an intimate way. There are better and healthier ways to achieve this. Abortion may or may not be "murder" but that isn't the point, like you said. Deriving pleasure and excitement from ANY invasive medical procedure (especially procedures that involve the use of potentially dangerous drugs and anesthesia) is NOT normal or healthy. I wonder--and be honest--do you have a pain pill addiction? Are you getting pain pills when you have these procedures? If so, then that's another issue entirely but needs to be addressed in a mental health setting as well.

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  • BigShit

    Wtf is wrong with ou . You sick bitch

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  • Avant-Garde

    Wouldn't you be able to know how many you've had?

    I think you should see a Psychiatrist.

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  • ccjigsaw

    I'm not going to say it's murder, but that's definately WRONG! And also alot of strain on your body. Are you having some kind of godly power trip? I'm god! I can prevent life!! You should finf a different way to get your gidddys, Doctors do not enjoy cleaning up your messes :/ They have lives to SAVE

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  • burrrr

    i have had a couple abortions but that shit hurts if you are in it for the tylonol 300 go buy that shit off the street or stick a vacuum in your pussy

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  • thegift

    All good! You would have been a horrible mother anyways.

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  • moomus


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  • 13Swiftyfan13

    ABORTION IS MURDER! You are a sick person! You need to abort your own life. Your a fucking mental asshole. I dont even know why you ask cuz obviously its not fucking right. You killed 3 innocent, defenseless babies that you could have put up for adoption! Where they could have been loved. I seriously want to screw up your face right now. You sick, demented asshole! I cant imagine someone who would find abortions exhilarating. You demented fucker. Why dont you try to stop being such a slut! Close your fucking legs.. Whore.

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    • MahBoi24

      Fuck off, trash.

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      • 13Swiftyfan13

        Im trash. Yeah right.

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          Oded here, lets all like be a liitle more chill on the situation man. No need to blow a fuse. just sayin'


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  • you are messed up in the head i know you said not to say abortion is murder but it completely is and if this post is real you are a fucking freak im usually not mean but seriously killing babies? you are so fucked up someone should do the same thing to you i know this is mean but you are so cruel.why have sex if you are gonna kill a baby afterwards? a baby is someone to love and care for just like anyone else next time you have sex have protected sex because you are apparently not ready for the responsability this is a 100% not normal at all

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  • blue_burr

    Who would sex with you knowing that!!?

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  • hotchickie81

    This is awful. I think you need help. I heard getting an abortion can cause serious damage to yourself and can result in infertility. So think about that and the long run.

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  • thehollywood

    That's sick how would you feel to get killed three times to make someone else feel exhilarated?

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  • Bitcomet

    Very funny...

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