Eugenia has to be stopped

Follow the link if you're interested in more info on this discussion there's now substantial evidence that the YouTuber Eugenia cooneys audience is now becoming exposed to an environment as toxic as her eating disorder (E.D) is becoming. I am first posting this anonymously because I've seen her fans painting those that talk about her E.D in a bad light I don't think I'm a bully but I'm aware if I publicly announce myself, that if it gets back to her she will say I am one and have her closer fans witch-hunt me. I am doing this out of worry it comes from a caring place. I think I found a solution to get her to focus less on video making and more on her health.

I want to make it clear of the importance of reporting anything construed as negative IMMEDIATELY, especially in her discord community. I also want to make it clear that talking to her isn't going to make her change her mind. She sees any form of confrontation as bullying even if it's from people that are genuinely concerned for her health.

Instead we have to stop fuelling her by clicking on her videos to see if she's recovering. We should as the masses stop watching her and the moment she gets suspicious tell her we will watch her again if she's going to consider to go into rehab again after this relapse.

She won't listen to reason so that's why I've come to the conclusion that people should stop giving her acknowledgement under the terms that we will only if she gets help. Otherwise she's going to keep perishing. Acknowledging the problem is just adding to it, so we should just cease any attention to her until she realises how much of a toll it's become on her fans

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Comments ( 18 )
  • my_life_my_way

    It’s her body, her business. No one is posting that obese youtubers need to be stopped.she isn’t responsible for her fans actions/if they choose to starve themselves

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  • ellnell

    Yeah this is an old issue and it has been suggested that her home environment is abusive. I have followed this on and off out of curiousty. I believe I found her channel years ago, a makeup tutorial, she was still somewhat healthy then. The only way to help is probably to remove her from social media, none of us can do that and youtube doesnt shut her channel down either and the only friend she had who truly cared she ghosted for not enabling her like everyone else in her life so there is no hope. I also dont think this is the right forum, most people in here probably dont even know about her. She has a subreddit I believe though where people have been saying these same stuff about not clicking her videos anymore but obviously she somehow still has fans and they will not stop watching and even others keep going to her videos to comment their concerns. Therefore only youtube could help her by taking some responsibility for what they allow on their platform and shut her channel her down.

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  • RoseIsabella

    She's quite unhealthy, and obviously anorexic, but otherwise I don't real notice, or care about her, and her YouTube channel, it's all just meh to me.

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    • Somenormie

      If she is anorexic then she needs counselling.

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      • RoseIsabella


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  • Boojum

    Since I have nothing better to do at the moment, I just wasted a few minutes of my life skim-reading the Wikipedia entries for Eugenia Cooney and Shane Dawson.

    My conclusion is that these two morons typify the age of narcissistic idiocy we live in. They're a couple of superficially pretty fools whose only talent is an instinctive understanding of how to manipulate chumps who respond to 'celebrities' in the same brainless way as a cat chasing a laser pointer dot.

    If someone is incapable of accepting that they're slowly killing themselves by malnutrition - even after those who care about them have intervened and they've received psychiatric help - then I think the best thing to do is to respect their decision and let them get on with the job. I know I should be all caring and crap: self-destructive people should be saved from themselves, we're all God's ankle-biters, everyone is a special snowflake, blah, blah, blah. And who knows, if she doesn't kill herself before she's thirty, maybe she could achieve something truly awesome in her life and come up with some makeup tricks that cure diabetes or solve global warming or some such shit. But she appears to be about as deep as a mud-puddle, and so that seems highly unlikely. I don't give a damn what she does with her life and nobody who has any sense and knows only the self-curated image she presents on social media should give a damn either.

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  • bigbudchonga

    I feel so sorry for her, for the eating thing, but also for all these people who have a go at her. I know you mean well, but what you're doing, and no doubt what hundreds of online people who don't know her do to her, would be bloody horrible to live with.

    Also, I'm sorry to say this but 99% of the people doing what you do are massive hypocrites as well. I haven't seen a single post or even comment of people trying this kind of shit for obese youtube creators, but you guys do it for anorexic ones? Just leave her alone, dude. You're doing far more harm than good; she's not going to listen to people like you saying this shit, and I say 99 to 1 you don't even follow through on your logic with other creators.

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  • Bluishorange

    She is a lost cause who attracts others similar to her. We need to, as a society, stop criticizing people for their body. Stop glorifying unnatural body types. And stop shaming people for being both fat and skinny. It is hard to get at the root of this issue because it is unhealthy patterns of behavior unconsciously passed down from mother or grandmother to daughter. Society has unreal expectations and impossible goals. And we did this. We fucked everything up sideways.

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  • YE

    Funny how her head hasn't shrunk.

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    • Boojum

      Her skull hasn't shrunk, but for all we know, her brain is the size of a walnut.

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      • YE

        Social media users can be delusional. Especially ones who fail to start creating their own trail in their lives. Always looking for suggested friends notifications, always following whoever already has a large following, always subscribing to whoever or whatever is hyped about in their social circles, just to fit in. Not taking a step back and assessing their goals in life and primarily use the internet to find info or avenues of realizing those goals.

        I don't mind anyone sparing a couple of minutes in between watching profession related YouTube tutorials to zone out to social media banter, or some humour online forum, or, YouTubing any other topic of choice for entertainment purposes.

        For me comedy sketches and particularly, Saturday Night Live sketches are my favorites through working on my design projects.

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  • litelander8

    I feel like this is her promoting herself.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    ive said it before

    the only youtuber worth watchin is andrew camarata

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    • Boojum

      I've watched a couple of videos of Andrew Camarata doing his manly (and very American) things, and I see the appeal.

      I've watched most of the videos of a few people on YouTube.

      Veritasium pokes around in weird corners of science, and one of his things is counter-intuitive stuff. Vsauce explores psychology and neuroscience.

      We're beekeepers, and Southern BeeMan is amusing and informative, even though the climate and botany of the area he lives in is totally different to the UK.

      I'm interested in chemistry, and there are quite a few people doing interesting stuff: NurdRage, NileRed and Doug's Lab, for example.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        they dont dig holes and fix shit across the pond?

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        • Boojum

          The UK as a whole has a population density that's roughly equivalent to that of New Jersey. But that only tells part of the story, since less than 2% of the land area of Britain is actually built-on, and the only people who own land on the scale of Camarata's spread are extremely wealthy.

          The scale of earth-moving equipment is also different. He routinely uses heavy plant (as it's called here) that you only ever see on large building sites and major civil engineering projects. The biggest piece of equipment that you usually see on house-building sites here are tracked excavators that you can load on to a trailer and tow behind a pickup.

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  • Somenormie

    She really does need help.

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    • She cant do that... she isnt being mindful of herself or others unless if shes getting no more views then maybe she'll learn her lesson. Because shes turning herself into a workaholic for validation and denial of an illness oh and her refusal to admit it to herself too. Her brain is now getting messed up with her E.D and its obvious from the way shes no longer able to make wise decisions for her fans letting a pedophile sexually harass minors on her discord and not doing anything about it for months. She just needs to be taken somewhere without internet, preferably

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