Ever taken a dump while in a moving vehicle?

Have you ever taken a dump while in a moving vehicle equipped with a bathroom, such as a bus, RV, or airplane?

Of course, I mean as an adult (or potty-trained at least, whichever came first).

Oh hellz yeah! I do it on purpose! 2
Yes, if I have to, I just go. I don't care. 8
Yes, I have, but I didn't WANT to, couldn't hold it. 1
No way! I hold it till I'm home or at a real restroom. 6
I wear diapers. DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME!! 1
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Darkoil

    Ive been wanked off on a plane and got a bit of finger pie, not really what you asked but it's all i have to contribute really.

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  • VioletTrees

    Yes, a plane. It's not a big deal?

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Considering I'm a former sailor... um yes. If you want to count being on a ship that's deployed that is.

    If you don't then... it's still yes. I've been on flights that have lasted over 5 hours. So sometimes you just have to poop.

    I recommend aisle seats however. it's easier if you don't have to ask someone else to let you out.

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    • No, ships don't count because it's expected you'd be on it for an extended period of time.

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      • TerryVie

        fine, following your next comment:

        "Because it's my goddamn poll and I say fucking boats don't count, that's why. Go post your own poll about shitting on ships if you want to."

        i withdraw what i said and would like to tell you that you seem very small-minded considering you ask the _INTERNET_ community for input.

        As for the POLL. Of course, if you ever had a 14+ hour flight you would understand it's somewhat difficult not to, and for what moronic reason would you try holding it in?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've never taken a BM on a public toilet of any kind. I was always advise against as a kid. Why, I don't know. But, now it has become an aversion of mine. I will hold it in and go later on my own toilet.

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