Every left-handed person i’ve met was mentally off

I haven’t had good experiences with left-handed people.

My first girlfriend was a lefty, she stole prescription medicine from my dying grandmother.

I’ve had two coworker who were diagnosed bipolar, they were both lefties with chaotic swings in temperament. One threw hot coffee at me before getting fired.

My former friend was a lefty. He would always cry randomly and loudly during grade school. He came out as gay but joined a Christian cult to cure himself, he was a lefty.

All other left-handed people I know just to be on another universe with emotionally unstable. I can’t I’ve met any that were normal.

Voting Results
19% Normal
Based on 16 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • 1WeirdGuy

    As ive gotten older ive often pondered if the odd traditions that were in place way back were actually quite helpful. Its easy to look at people from the old days and think theyre just doing things out of ignorance and cruelness alone but often times it proves to have some benefits.

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  • kikilizzo

    Coincidence. The unstable people ive met were all right handed.

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  • idkyourmom27

    lefties are subhuman, fucking lefters!

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  • Clunk42

    Throughout history, left-handed people were often seen as at best slightly disordered. That's actually where we get the word "sinister" from; it's Latin for "left-handed". Of course, whether that holds any sort of weight or not, I doubt, but it was a thing.

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    • Grunewald

      In the Old Testament, left-handed soldiers were considered among the best, though. Presumably that's because they could strike in ways that the soldiers of the opposing side couldn't defend easily, because they were right-handed and held their shields on the other side.

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  • Tinybird

    As usual, I fall into a group that people hate.

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  • Anonnet

    I write left-handed (I do almost everything else with my right hand, though), and I think I'm pretty normal. Then again, I'm also on IsItNormal, so...

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  • RoseIsabella

    I had a left-handed boyfriend in college, and he was crazy.

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    • Lalalaland900

      Lots of exes are crazy, regardless of age, race, gender, dominant hand, etc lol

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      • RoseIsabella

        This is true.

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    • How so? I’m curious what your stories are.

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      • RoseIsabella

        He was very handsome, like a model, but he hated having his picture taken. It was very embarrassing when I took him to a party, and he caused a scene, because some girl from my major suddenly took his picture.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Barack Obama is left-handed.

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    • You’ve proved my point even more so.

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... and John Lydon. 😁

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Also the homophobia and not allowing women to vote actually had utility.

    If you look at voting statistics women are 10x more progressive. They're more emotional creatures. If only men voted almost every state would be red. Also telling them to focus on careers has created a birth rate issue.

    As far as homophobias utility we gave the gays the right to vote and just a few years later theyre putting drag shows in kids cartoons and throwing drag show book readings for kids. As a society we'd benefit not allowing it.

    The modern philosophy is more of "do what makes you happy" the old time philosophy is "happyness has to take a backseat to duty which in turns makes us happy"

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