Every time i'm with family someone's pet pisses on my stuff

Every freaking time I'm with my family someone's pet pisses on my shit. Just now my sister's cat pissed on my blankets right in front of me! Gahh I love cats but now I shoot the stupid fucking thing. He's constantly clawing me 2 the little basterd. And no I'm not being mean to him he jumps on your lap and is like pet me so you do then he claws you

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Comments ( 3 )
  • JustMolly

    It's easy to forgive your own pet, but if it's someone elses you don't have that certain love for them. It's like kids

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  • TerriAngel

    Animals sence things.
    They aren't stupid.
    If you're having issues, look in the mirror.

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  • Nickvey

    im 61 and have not nor will i ever own an animal unless im using it for food.
    i happen to take photographs of wild animals on all my nature kayak trips . i just dot see them as a creature to be owned. thats animal cruelty to keep on in animal captivity just to see it survive its captivity as a pet. I think in the future pet ownership will be a criminal act with punishment.

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