Everyone here is a dumbfuck?

Advocates of war, racists, islamophobes, homophobes, anti-semites, weirdos, rude fucks, disgusting backwards thinkers, sexists, inhumane patriots.

If you fall into any of those categories, I just hope you're old enough to die soon because your people have wrought enough destruction on this world. I put my utmost faith in the coming generation and I hope your kind goes extinct.

Sincerely, someone who's not old, sad and pathetic.

Voting Results
34% Normal
Based on 38 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 100 )
  • KholatKhult

    I was actually awarded with a trophy at birth for how much I hate racism. The whole hospital applauded. The nurses shed a tear for how beautiful of an addition to my community I would become. Hillary Clinton was there

    When I came out of the womb the doctor said I was born with the heart of a lesbian and the only thing bigger than my huge honking dong is my passion for women’s rights

    As a true LGBT ally I kiss all homosexual men very gently and romantically, my wife nods her head in approval during this btw

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      "Hillary Clinton was there."

      Love that line.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I heard all of that in my head in a Russian accent.

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    • You're hilarious! Lemme hear another one 😻

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    • Grunewald

      This is amazing. Write a book.

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      • LloydAsher

        Pretty sure it was in Hillary's memoir

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    How much do yall wanna bet this was written by a young upper middleclass white girl?

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    • LloydAsher

      I'd second that. As I'm a young upper middle class white guy. Its within the MO of entitlement.

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    • It wouldnt surprise me but I'd go with it coming from an upper middle class scrawny white dude with your guess being a close second.

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    • GuvnorsOtherWoman

      Very likely. It's the sort of bullshit the so called 'upper middle class' idiots would come up with.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I object to “weirdos” being on this list as that eliminates the entire user base of this site.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      checkin in

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • Let me guess, you have opinions and anyone that disagrees with you is an "ist" or a "phobe" and you're so fuckin precious that you think we should give a damn.

    ...Except we dont. Man the fuck up.

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    • You'd think "ist" and "phobe" were created for a reason.

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      • LloydAsher

        Its overused. Example: People being transphobic because they wouldnt want to sleep with them.

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        • I agree that it can be overused. I'm not referring to such instances; in fact, I despise such instances because shaming someone for not getting with a trans person is in itself against the personal preferences that LGBTQ+ vouch for. I'm referring to areas where people are deliberately attacking a group for no reason other than difference. There is nothing wrong with intellectual criticism of a certain culture, religion or race, but there's everything wrong with pointlessly attacking minorities.

          Again, there's nothing really wrong with words, but hateful words towards certain groups breeds real-life violence, deaths and complications. Shouldn't we know this by now?

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          • MonteMetcalfe

            Are you saying it's okay to pointlessly attack the majority?

            "hateful words towards certain groups breeds real-life violence, deaths and complications. Shouldn't we know this by now? "...Your original post can be interpreted as being, well, kinda hateful.

            "I'm referring to areas where people are deliberately attacking a group for no reason other than difference."...That's interesting considering "Weirdos" made your list.

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          • LloydAsher

            Yeah but it's one thing to have a bad opinion it's another to actually act on it. I stand with the side that promotes everyone getting to say what they want. As it opens the discussion for changing them. Shunning them will just create a bubble for them to congregate and share even worse ideas or even worse act on them.

            Censorship is just sweeping a problem under the rug.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I don't think not wanting to have sex with a trans person makes anyone transphobic, never ever. No one should ever have to explain to anyone why they aren't attracted to them, and or don't wanna have sex with them.

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          • Pilum

            I've heard this before though, explained by a frustrated friend of lgbtq that it isn't phobic to not be attracted to someone. So it does need to be explained unfortunately.

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            • RoseIsabella

              Yes, it's totally fine to be not attracted to anyone for any reason, and honestly don't think any explanation is ever needed. I really can't stand the way some people can't handle rejection!

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      • None of which are to appease your sensibilities. They have reasons to exist beyond making you feel like a good person for turning the world against those that disagree with you, like a bully.

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        • I'm sorry you think that way, but things like islamophobia and homophobia aren't really personal to me. None of this is to appease my sensibilities. I'm anonymous for God's sake.

          I'm not turning the world against those who disagree with me, I'm trying to bring awareness to this website. People here are against all forms of humanity; they advocate the genocide of Palestinians, exclaim how much they hate Muslims, how much they hate Indians, how much they hate immigrants, how much they hate Jews and every other thing that isn't them. There are two sides to every story, and voicing opinions is okay, but those kinds of opinions on online domains lead to group-against-group hate which leads to real-world violence. It pits people against people for trivial stupid reasons like my color, my accent, who I fuck, or what I decide to worship. And no, this is not a way to strip you of your freedom of speech, it's a way to call upon your humanity. To make you realize that your actions have consequences. You lot may not give a shit about the world and consider anyone who does to be with a superiority/savior complex, but some of us care that people fall victim to your ideas. Some of us know of family and blood who suffered due to this. Excuse me if I came out as a bully, you'd understand if you saw your people bleed for the actions of others.

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          • I wonder why I didn't get a response. Almost as if we both know exactly where I was going with it and how it pointed out my point.

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          • I'm a Trump voter. What's your thoughts on that?

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    • RoseIsabella

      Do you ever wear a kilt? 🤔

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      • Only for catalogues. ;)

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        • RoseIsabella

          Very nice!

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  • allialli

    right. most of the posts on here leave me traumatized. i dont know why bigots love to flock to this website.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      If you get traumatized by what you see here you're gonna have a lot of problems in life

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      • allialli

        that was a joke buddy

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        • Pilum

          I wasn't entirely sure you were joking either sadly

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        • We don't take too kindly to jokes 'round these parts "spits tobacco spit*

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          • BleedingPain

            *Takes offense to your tobacco product*

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    • 12345678912

      If you get traumatized by what you read here don't login . If you aren't able to stop yourself from logging in, thus lessening your daily trauma(and eliminating one source of which you have control) seek the help of a professional.

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  • bigbudchonger


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  • BleedingPain

    The internet is a cesspool of morons using anonymity to get away with being dumb. Everyone has said something stupid to someone. No one is exempt.

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  • Clunk42

    Then leave.

    - A Gen Z-er

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    • Highly doubt it

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      • bigbudchonger

        I'm on the cusp on gen z to millenial and I don't hold your sensibilities either. A lot of gen z finds the sjw shit annoying and played out.

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        • LloydAsher

          Arent we zillenials? Terrible name but it just consists of adult zoomers. Dealing with the stupidity of the millenials. Because we were born from generation X.

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          • Inkmaster

            I've never heard the term zillenial before.

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          • bigbudchonger

            Maybe dude I'm not quite sure

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  • Pilum

    You have some personal problem that you're projecting out onto the world at large. Little do you realize these oppressed people or whatever you're taking the side of have their problems too. You just identify with them because you feel oppressed in life yourself. And these people you're insulting are probably mostly well meaning human beings just like you. You are young. In time you will see your mistakes. I used to feel the same about the younger generation but I wanna pump the breaks because of the exact attitude that you have. Don't need to be so extreme.

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      I feel you're making the mistake of viewing this as a left-versus-right sort of thing or something similar. Notice they didn't say "Republicans" in the post (although of course it's possible they mean it) or something like that. I can't say what OP will say in the future but as currently stood their post merely addressed racists as racists, etc.

      So there's not (presently) any burden of proof here regarding whether or not a certain group meets these descriptions. Therefore in this context we're simply talking about straight up, definitive racists, etc. regardless of anything else about them. Surely you wouldn't then insinuate these people should simply be overlooked, perhaps heard out.

      "You just identify with them because you feel oppressed in life yourself."

      I can't speak for OP but that's a deeply troubling assumption. Why reach that conclusion? Must one fear rape to have a problem with rapists? That takes us to the next common assumption besides personal oppression, virtue signaling.

      I'm a straight, white, cis male, so I'm not exactly oppressed, at least no more than anyone is (we all are), and I feel deeply for the victims of all of these issues. Anyone who finds that (even remotely) hard to believe has said way more about their own personality than mine. It's incredibly revealing when people cry "virtue signaling" and the like in response to criticism of xenophobia. If I say I'm against rape I'm not virtue signaling. If I say I'm against the human trafficking of children I'm not virtue signaling. If I say I'm against animal cruelty... oh wait. Uh oh. Lines are already blurring. Maybe virtue signaling? Homophobia, definitely virtue signaling.

      I've went over it and over it in my mind and sadly the only thing I can think of is that it's where their own empathy begins to drop off. It's where the issues begin to become non-issues to them regardless of what they say. If it's not, then why have I never once been accused of it when discussing human trafficking? Why am I not just trying to look like a fantastic guy? Is it because we just assume everyone should have a problem with that and don't do the same with these issues because they're... just not that big of a deal? It is. It is what it is and it's fucking sad. These people look at someone who says they have a big problem with racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. as if they've just said, "I just donated half of my organs to dying children right after I sold all my possessions to fund my trip in which I personally rescued 200 polar bears."

      Not being a xenophobic asshole isn't worthy of a damn gold medal! It's not far from the bare fucking minimum you can ask of a person in modern society. Are we virtue signaling because we mention we don't intentionally piss on the floor in public restrooms as well? Is there an award for that? Maybe a gold star sticker that says, "Congratulations on functioning in society."

      People like OP don't have to be personally oppressed and they don't have to be trying to impress anyone either. They just care about issues that leave us feeling mind-boggled as to how others wouldn't also care. I feel that their very understandable anger makes the still-harsh words they have said appear harsher on the surface than they really are. Notice they actually haven't wished a premature death on anyone. They've simply made the mistake of assuming these problems will all but vanish with the older generations and they're quite ready for that to go ahead and naturally happen.

      Personally, I'd prefer these people simply change and keep on trucking with us. Like you said, sometimes they mean well. They're often more motivated by a perpetual cycle of ignorance than malice. But I'm not going to act like there isn't an enormous problem.

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      • Pilum

        I guess my heart bled all the way out in my early 20s. I don't care to even read all that, so you win professor.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          There wasn't anything to win here and if you read it all you would know I agree with you as far as I can tell except for on the assumption that the OP necessarily feels oppressed.

          Much better to hope people change than to impatiently await their death.

          My 20s were something as well.

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      • Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Of course. I'm basically right there with you. Even I think these problems are more prevalent in older generations (but not all older people), just oddly not so much in here which is a bit of a right wing circle jerk as you can see.

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    • I don't identify with them, I'm not "oppressed" in my own life, and I hope people who advocate war and the genocide of children are well-meaning human beings who don't mean to traumatize generations of minorities who have access to the internet.

      I'm sorry if I made this an age issue, but it really isn't.

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      • Pilum

        Ok now you've used an example that is extreme which you hadn't mentioned in your original post. You did not specify advocates of genocide on children..

        All the ists and phobes you mentioned get thrown around alot so they've lost some of their meaning. You say homophobe and people don't automatically think of some gay basher like decades ago. They think of someone who disapproves of one aspect or another of lgbtq. Which would include alot of People.

        Same thing when you say racist. The word doesn't imply serious hatred or violence anymore. When I hear someone called racist I'm thinking they said the wrong thing in some context. Because that's all I ever see. I've never seen or heard of any racial violence where I live in my lifetime. So when I think of someone who has an unpopular opinion or a different opinion than me, I don't automatically assume they are a monster.

        Genocide on children? OK that's different.

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        • bigbudchonger

          You're really on point with this, dude. Op is trying to do what's known as "moving the goalposts".

          No one here wants to direct calls to genocide children. Op knows it and we know it. He's just throwing in there to buttress a point from the dying age of sjwism.

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD

            Good luck with that. Just because IIN is a right wing circle jerk doesn't mean "SJWism" is going anywhere. Whether any of you like it or not less than 100 years from now half of the opinions shared here are going to be viewed in the same light as the views of people who weren't so sure about women voting or blacks using the same water fountain. It's incredibly easy to see who is on the right side of history.

            In the long game, progressives always win because things, well, progress. That's the arrow of time. That's progression. It's right there in the name. Progressives are just ready to be on with it. Blacks are free. Women vote. Blacks vote. Gays can marry. Now things are getting easier for trans people. You can't stop it. This is the trajectory.

            As cringe as some might find SJWs, I find it more cringe something as noble sounding as "social justice warrior" has seen an attempt to have it painted as a bad thing. You bet your ass I fight for social justice. Social justice is obviously a good thing. Justice is a good thing.

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            • bigbudchonger

              Lmao ye dude, people who don't agree with you? Must be a right wing circle jerk!

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  • jrbsportz

    Who the fuck is this pansies ass? who couldn't fight his way out a paper bag if he had a knife.he be worry about why the hell he's in a bag ,fucking dumb shit!!

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      YeAh bOy hAtIn ThE oPprEsSiOn oF OtHeRs iS 4 pUsSieS! JUs sAyIn!!!

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        theres so many layersa sarcasm here i need a fuckin flowchart

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I think I know who asked this lol

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    • LloydAsher

      Enlighten us

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  • mouldiwarp

    I vote not normal- your feelings are normal (except for wishing death upon people...) but these people you talk about are not. I’m very sick of them on IIN too.

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      It's a right wing circle jerk here. Honestly makes it kind of fun for me though because they're easy to pick apart.

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    While you're absolutely correct that this, in general, is a problem that seems to correlate with age, not all old people are like that and most of the ones spewing this nonsense here seem to be relatively young and lacking life experience.

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    • LloydAsher

      Or are legitimately like that. That's why it's so tasty to converse with them to try to break their thought process.

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        If I correctly interpreted this, you're saying you enjoy leading people with these problems to a better thought process and thus a better way?

        I'm actually really happy to hear that if so. I guess it's safe to assume then that you have a serious problem with racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia too?

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        • LloydAsher

          I do have a problem with racism, sexism and homophobia. I'm still skeptical of transphobia since it's such a new concept of gender and sex being different. Got to wait on how transitioning and acceptance actually helps the individual. I perfer finding a more pharmacological way to adjust the brain to accept the body.

          That being said you dont deserve less rights for anything. I'm just saying that you dont deserve new rights to "fix" history. You dont fix racism by using more racism. If afirmitive action went by class rather than race I would be 100% more supportive of it.

          Homophobia is stupid, who cares if you have sex with the person or the same sex. Sexism and racism are stupid because we all have the same rights as autonomous humans.

          That being said I do think it's not racist or sexist to delve into the differences. Simply for expanding our understanding of how the human body adapts to different climates and social structures isnt inherently wrong. It's just when you use it as a singular justification for discrimination does it stray into stupidity.

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  • Grunewald

    This has got to be a troll post, right? I mean, you don't just write a thing like that on a site like this.

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      Why would it be a troll post? Besides seemingly blaming it all on older generations and eagerly awaiting their death, I agree with it.

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      • Grunewald

        Because it's too provocatively written. Like the whole purpose of it is just to get an extreme reaction. Even if it's just OP wanting to see lots of people passionately agreeing with them.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          I think OP is just annoyed with all the hateful, xenophobic posts over the last month. I have been too.

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          • Grunewald

            It comes with the IIN territory... If you don't censor that kind of stuff, you're stuck with it.

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  • Saturnian

    I have yet to see any of these posts the OP is speaking of, perhaps it is because you look for these types of responses?

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    • BlackPeople

      As a black man trying to make it in this world, that explains why you only have two other comments as of this response.

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      • Saturnian

        I never knew this site was the world.

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        • BlackPeople

          As a black man trying to make it in this world, I suspect there's a great deal of things you never knew.

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  • AmourPropre

    Everything’s some kind of ist or ism now

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Ya she ageist

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      • Yoclassic

        btw why do people always blame others and elders some elder yes, have done mistakes but some old people are / were legends such as elon musk or Abraham Lincoln

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      Yes. That's indeed what we tend to label discriminatory views

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      • AmourPropre

        Yes but it has gotten quite out of hand recently with all mundane or humorous things being labelled as discrimination now

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  • Inkmaster

    Interesting that you include patriots in your list of "dumbfucks".

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      To be fair, they said "inhumane patriots" although I'll be honest in that I find blind patriotism in general idiotic.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it's a stupid opinion, or an opinion that most people don't share.

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    • What do we do when widely shared opinions turn into action, conflict, further segregation, further protests, further deaths?

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      • S0UNDS_WEIRD

        "Rape is okay" and "children can consent" are also opinions I've seen shared here. I somehow don't think anyone would be giving you a hard time about condemning those opinions.

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      How would you feel about someone sharing the opinion "rape is okay" or "children can consent" here? Would we be out of line to condemn that? I've seen both.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Those are the opinions of idiots!

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          And the opinions of sexists and homophobes aren't?

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  • dude_Jones

    Be sure to take a History class to avoid the mistakes of the past. Realizing your ideals in the future will be a challenge. Internet bots are already using AI to bend minds for nefarious purposes.

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  • 360Degrees

    it keeps things interesting, unlike twitter where you have to adopt a virtue-signaling persona to get engagement

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      I lasted about 5 minutes on twitter before a i got banned. Oddly enough it said on there if I gave twitter my real name and cellphone number I could be unbanned but that just sketched me out

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  • Somenormie

    I 100% hope that no one here is a dumbfuck.

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  • Yoclassic

    Okay muffin head so you wanna fight
    first of all lets conclude before explode . You are an idiot to cause lets face it you said it yourself EVERYONE HERE IS A DUMBFUCK

    Dale Carnegie said in his most famous book HOW TO WIN FRIENDS that DON'T CONDEM COMPLAIN OR CRITISIZE . So if you think that old people are any of the ones you mentioned at the start (Advocates of war, racists, islamophobes, homophobes, anti-semites, weirdos, rude fucks, disgusting backwards thinkers, sexists, inhumane patriots. ) so that's cause you think they are

    I don't know you but your attitute clearly tells that you're not gonna give a penis about what's going on n the world and just CRITISIZE and MOVE ON

    One day our own next gen will critic us because the world always criticizes their past

    AND YES FINALLY I AM NOT AN OLD PERSON i just respects them because they're human too


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      I certainly _hope_ the future criticizes this period. It's pretty fucked still.

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      • Yoclassic

        yeah man the thing about this fucking world its never always good
        The most organic lyfestyle is good but very slow and the most advanced is fast but not peaceful

        If you are religious which I am so pray to God that we are happy in the here after

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