Everything i eat/drink is drugged


I'm terrified everything I eat/drink is drugged. It all started a few months back when sometimes, rarely, I'd get this feeling perhaps someone's drugged my cigarettes. Yes, I know smoking is a bad habit, I'm trying to quit. While the feeling of my smokes being drugged got worse, came the fear of everything I eat/drank being drugged.

It progressively got worse to the point where I started to eat less, and stop eating some foods completely. I would smell my foods and drinks and inspect them to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. If anything seemed out at all, I immediately threw it away.

The only drug I've ever done has been weed, and very few times had I ever had bad experiences with that. But still I would never consider doing it again, anything to do with altering my reality/perceptions terrifies me.

If I get dizzy/tired/anything out of the ordinary conscious feeling I nearly have a panic attack. It was starting to get better, but I was looking up more information on lsd and the feeling came back.

I've searched everywhere for what this might be but no one has had an answer. (And no, nothing has ever been actually drugged, but the feeling wont go away.


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Comments ( 16 )
  • squirrelgirl

    Sounds like paranoia to me.

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  • rosesarered888

    I think it would be very wise for you to seek help from a professional. This could be a psychological disorder. This is something that is ruining relationships and, as you said it yourself, controlling your life.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Sounds like a bizarre way to lose weight!
    If you are not eating enough, you are low on energy and essential nutrients which may increase your sense of paranoia.
    Perhaps if you turned it around a little bit and tried to figure out why anyone would want to poison you, a total stranger, it might help. In all reality, no one out there who you don't know, could give two shits about you and wouldn't waste the time, energy and poison on you, when there's an ex-something (bf, gf, bff, etc) out there they really would like to poison.
    I'm not a fan on psychologists etc, but you do need help from someone.

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  • Stay away from drugged butt sluts.

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    • RoseIsabella

      But, those are the easiest ones.

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      • I called first dibs already.

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        • RoseIsabella

          Hahaha... Honey child, I don't want them nasty ass skanks. I was just sayin' is all I was doin'.

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          • Hahaha

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            • RoseIsabella

              *hands the load blower a box of Popeye's chicken and buttermilk biscuits*
              LOUISIANA FAST!

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    ill help you hold on im tracing your ip adress and will be with you shortly... if that bothered you you have a bit o' paranoia
    no but seriously if your not getting enough sleep you go a bit nutty i have problems sleeping and have had similar thoughts but just try to think rationally and get on with livin mah life

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  • Shnaz

    There is no help for you.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Dont leave your stuff unintended, careful what you accept from strangers, and make sure everything you buy is sealed.

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  • are bullets organic?

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  • flowergirl87

    Sounds like you have a problem with paranoia. But don't panic, it's totally dealable with. Is there someone you trust who you can talk to about it? You don't have to go through this alone.

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