Evolution question.
what benefit is there to humans having motion-sickness from an evolutionary stand-point?
none. | 21 | |
i'll list a benefit. | 8 | |
i don't know. | 14 |
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what benefit is there to humans having motion-sickness from an evolutionary stand-point?
none. | 21 | |
i'll list a benefit. | 8 | |
i don't know. | 14 |
Motion sickness is caused by the sense of balance in the inner ear that has adapted to dry land. This is your brain telling you that something is very wrong and that you should do something about it. Many other species have this exact problem (dogs, cats, horses ect.) because they have a sense of balance as well.
From an evolutionary point of view, this is just one of many defects caused by the most powerful optimization process focusing on optimizing one aspect of our lives.
From a creationist point of view, God created it to punish people for sin.
You can go ahead and decide for yourself which sounds more realistic.
People with motion sickness tended to drown less in the past and consequently had more access to mates on good old dry land.
Ok, that was total bullshit, but it sounded good didn't it?
Not every evolutionary change is beneficial or even makes any difference: for example, things that don't kill you (for example motion sickness, colour blindness, short/long sightedness, deafness and heaps more) and therefore take you out of the gene pool before you reproduce will still be passed on genetically.
I know someone who's slowly dying from a rare genetic condition her mother didn't know she had until long after she'd had her children and which isn't always passed on and doesn't show up until quite late in age.
That's why it's so stupid that some people actually believe that a non birth injury can be passed on: for example, someone who loses a leg in an accident won't pass on one-leggedness to her/his children.
Maybe you should research what evolution actually means: it's actually fascinating, as is most science once you look into it.
Well a certain amount of motion could kill. So maybe it's a warning from your body, to take it easy. (And some people are more sensitive than others.) Like how pain is a signal from the body that something's wrong. That's my guess!
Are you trying to say that those who don't suffer motion sickness are superior to those that do?