Explain your scars

Curious to hear about people’s scars, I’ve always thought I got pretty unlucky with them.

By severity:
Amputated foot, frostbite when I was 11

Big slope scar from my chin across my mouth, getting kicked in the face by a horse at 9

Crooked nose, head butted by some drunk when I was in highschool

Missing ring finger end segment, frostbite at 17

Short surgical scar on abdomen, organ atrophy at 12

Little knick scars on shins, running through brambles at 20

Other than that.... unscathed!

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Comments ( 115 )
  • dimwitted

    Do you fall asleep on glaciers or something? How do you get so much frostbite?

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    • “Mother Russia is a big, mean, bitter, bear of a woman. But I’d be damned if I didn’t want to impregnate the bitch.”

      The foot was done to me, the finger I did to myself by being stubborn and angsty as a teen

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      • litelander8

        Are the Russian fuckwad who shoved his wife down the stairs?

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        • Nope, not me, not married. Contrary to popular belief, Russia has more than 1 computer

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          • litelander8

            There may be more than one but are y'all even allowed to use them? JK.

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  • DIO

    I have small scars on my hands due to martial art practice and fighting.
    I have one on the left corner of the forehead because I failed to jump over a moving fence. I have one tiny near the right tample and one on my right knee due to a fall from a bike when I was 8. I have stretch marks on my knees and hip because I grow up too fast. I have another tiny one on the forehead, almost invisible now, from when I was a kid because I fell in school. I have one on my left thumb because I was sliced open by a shower head (not joking). I have a long one on my right elbow because I was operated twice.
    I may have more but that's all I kind think of right now.

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    • Any certain style you’re into? I spent some time in China and a lot of time in Mongolia and got the opportunity to meet some guys who trained in Shaolin Kung Fu/Gongfu.
      I did Cа́мбо Or “Sambo” up through school.

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      • DIO

        That's a nice coincidence, I've actually been practicing Shaolin Kung Fu too for about 5 or 6 years now.
        Before I've done feeding crane kung fu, karate, kobudo and jujitsu. I can also do some BJJ.

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        • That’s impressive... though not sure what BJJ is
          The defensive or super in close stuff I always liked more, I wouldn’t consider myself as an aggressive type though and I have noooo interest in gun fights, but Sambo is a lot like what most people call wrestling so I liked it.
          My amputation makes me hellish with balance, so anytime I ever have to scrap I go for a tackle. Cause honestly I’ll wind up on the ground no matter what, so best to go down on my own terms lol

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          • DIO

            Like donteatstuffoffthesidewalk said, BJJ is basically ground fighting.
            Do you usually fight on one foot or with a prothesis on?

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            • I forgot Brazil was a country I had to google it lol, but I appreciate their style
              I have a prosthetic, I still have my heel and ankle so I can rotate my and roll my prosthetic. I walk and run and do everything fine, just off balance. Luckily I’m large enough of a brute to just bully my way through any trouble or at least look threatening enough that they don’t try anything

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            just to chime in bjj is brazilian jujitsu its a ground fightin technique which sounds perfect for how youre describin yalls situation

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i got a buncha scars in the crooka my right elbow thats caused numerous doctors and one cop to accuse me of bein an iv drug user

    first time it happened this doctor was bein real patronizin repeatedly tellin me its ok to admit my problem and im not doin any good lyin to her

    i got pissed and asked exactly what the fuck you think it is you see there ya fuckin dr house wannabe?

    she said yall got track marks and pointed to the crooka my arm

    i said if yallre any kinda fuckin doctor youd see theyre not over any fuckin veins ya dolt theyre burns from arc weldin spatter

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    • Where the hell are you from you talk like a kook.
      I appreciate that.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Scar over my left eye from boxing

    Crooked nose from boxing

    Bump on my right hand I think from hitting a punching bag for so long

    Weird scar from getting burnt with a freezing tube at work

    Track mark scars on my left arm from drugs.

    Scar on my lip

    Scar on my ankle from surgery to repair break

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  • UselessTrash2

    I have a small one on the back of my left hand from being an idiot in 5-6th grade and doing the "eraser challenge" (I think it was called that) where you get a pencil and rub the eraser on your skin for as long as you can, as fast as you can.

    Another one on my knee from trying to race a car (on feet) when I was 5.

    And a few tiny ones from my chickens being assholes when I was 19 (a few months ago)

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  • 19sammi91

    Age 18 months had an operation re-attaching my Ureter to the bladder (apparently)

    On my left leg I have a circle scar when I fell through a glass table when I was around 8 yrs old

    And my 2 favourites; I scratched myself on the face and I scratched my chicken pox on my face as well (both apparently)

    Other small scars on hands and various places

    By apparently I mean as I dont remember them, I was told

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    • The “apparently”s are funny because it reads that you suspect something else happened and those are suspicious reasons lol

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      • 19sammi91

        Haha well who knows I've been fed these memories as I dont have any memory of it lol

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  • Grunewald

    One on my left knee.
    As a kid of about 9 I switched bedrooms for the spare room with the double bed. I loved bouncing on it.

    One day I did that and a bedspring poked out through the mattress and sheet as I landed on my knees, and went deep into my left knee. I cried and panicked, exclaiming that it was really deep and hurt, and would leave a scar there forever. My mum told me to stop fussing and said I was overreacting because I wanted attention. She said, 'It's only a scratch, it'll be gone in a few weeks'.

    Well, I turn 30 next month and the scar is still there. And it's of little consolation to me now to be able to prove her wrong after 20 years with this ugly white scar.

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  • TheBlindInquisitor

    I use to cut myself.

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  • TobiasTheNinja

    I mean, i got some scars on my wrists from biting them. I got a scar on my left knee from when i was 3 or so because another kid had stabbed me with a metal shovel. Random cat scratches turned to scars on my arms. A tiny circular scar on my right thumb from when i was picking at the skin with my nails. On my left leg from climbing a limestone wall and scraping my leg on it. On my right leg i got a scar from when i was attacked by a branch. And finally, i got scars on the top of my head from some wires needed to be inserted. Let's just say that i got lost before i was born.
    But honestly, any injury i get turns into scars now. Sadly.

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    • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

      Well I know what this kids gonna be later on haha
      One day we’ll see him in the news cuz of murder

      By a branch?

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      • TobiasTheNinja

        Lol probably

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  • Tealights

    On going cat scratches from age 11 to present cause my family is full of cat lovers.

    Scar on foot from stepping on a glass cup and having it shatter when I was 12 or so.

    Yeah, nothing major.

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  • megadriver

    Jesus Christ, so much damage... damn... You live on the North pole, or something?

    I mean, I'm sorry for everything that has happened, but damn...

    I only have one scar It's from where I got really drunk on my high school prom and picked a fight with a guy. He nailed a good one on me and I have a very small scar on my lower jaw. Not noticeable, unless you look for the scar. He got a much more noticeable scar from me on his cheek in return. It's one of those moments I wish I could go back in time and punch myself for being an idiot. But what's done is done...

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    • Proudly raised in Siberia! though my foot went away in Murmansk, and Mongolia took my finger tip.

      I never felt ashamed for my scars, the amputation was rough growing up with, but the scars I actually thought were quiet cool.

      And you can always lie about how you got them... The prettier the lady, the larger the “beast” that “clawed my face” during a “fight” becomes

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      • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

        An old adventurer here, eh?

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        • Ack! Old?! I don’t want to hear about being old yet I’m only 27! Though my back has been a bit sore lately... and my vision is getting kinda wonky... but that’s only because of these damn computer screens you kids put in front of me! Why, back in my day-... oh no

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          • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

            Yeah yeah yeah trying to talk yourself out of it now, eh?:P😂

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    I have one on top of my right eyebrow from hitting my head open and the wound ripping apart again cuz my mother somehow had to take me on a bike in winter and slip

    There are three on my lower belly from getting my appendix removed

    Self harm stuff

    A lot of scratches from my cat
    Especially this big one on my arm where he scratched me, couldn’t get out and basically hung around in my flesh haha

    And a few I can’t remember

    Things I did as a kid always healed, so only 4 scars stayed from then actually, I also have stretch marks but I don’t think those count
    Also something that probably doesn’t count, but I have extreme muscle tension since I was like ten and it was that bad that when growing 4 of my fingers got kinda messed up and are now crooked. I consider that one of my internal scars, but u can see it kinda on the outside, soooo

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  • chuy

    Surgery scars mostly various ages, chicken pox age 12 burns on left leg from coffee kettle's handle breaking and spilling on my leg age 8

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  • bigbudchonga

    I have one on my penis from the operation I had to reduce it to 9 inches. It's right at the base though, so I'm not too worried about it.

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    • Gotta stop tempting me you big stud

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      • bigbudchonga

        I'll try

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  • Jokars

    I got one under my thumb from accidentally breaking a glass cup coz it had frozen water in it, I got scars appearing strangely out of nowhere on the back of thighs and hips, Im pretty sure they're from stretch marks, I got this scar on the left of my fore arm the shape of a half moon ever since I was a toddler I have been calling it my moon. I have another one on my thumb from a game called chicken I played in primary with a chick who tested to see how much of a chicken I was, the rest are all on my wrists from suicide.

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    • Yeah I have the tiger stripe stretch marks on my shoulders and center on my chest from broadening. Not sure how long those things will last

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      • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

        They don’t go away
        Welcome to club of stretch mark misery

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  • charli.m

    One about an inch or so long on my calf from where my grandmother accidentally stabbed me with scissors when I was 8ish. Three stitches. It's the most visible. I don't think it was well done.

    Three tiny incisions on my side and belly, plus one through belly button from surgery three (I think...) years ago.

    One smack in the middle between my eyes from a particularly pustulant chicken pox blister. One on the side of my face, too, that's only really visible when my face goes red.

    A few random scratches. I can't think of any others.

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    • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

      How does one accidentally stab someone else with a scissor that much

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      • charli.m

        She didn't know I was holding them (wasn't allowed to have them) so I had them hidden in my hand/arm. She chased me down and hit me on the upper arm. I don't remember why. It must have been something completely unrelated to the scissors.

        So I guess technically, I stabbed myself. I still get told it was my fault. I still maintain you shouldn't hit kids.

        She didn't learn her lesson. Nor did I, I guess, cos I don't remember wtf I was meant to have done.

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        • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

          I agree, you shouldn’t hit kids. Though some people are too conservative and can’t deal with new thoughts at all, sadly.
          Damn dude I’d stop visiting her if she’s still alive
          The only thing u learn from hitting is fear and despair

          Parents and such often can’t see why anything should be their fault, I think it’s part of that they felt bad about authorities in their youth too, so now being in that role they can let out anger and unfairness in some way

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          • charli.m

            Nah she's a good person. Just how her generation did shit.

            Yeah, she doesn't understand why I talk to kids instead of hitting them. I keep the buggers in line and rarely even have to raise my voice haha.

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            • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

              Oh dear, and there’s really no way to make her understand?
              Like getting her into psychology for a lot of years or showing her what hitting did to a lot of people that turned emotionally unstable afterwards

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    • I’ve never heard of Chicken Pox before but apparently a couple people have scars from it

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      • charli.m

        Idk why I didn't see this earlier :/

        How old are you? There's been a vaccine for a long time now, maybe it's been discovered before you were born? Idk.

        Maybe you've heard it called varicella?

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        • I’m 27 but English isn’t used in my country so we probably just call it something else. In the rurals anybody who gets vaccinated gets the rabies and tetanus ones. But our vaccination regime has gotten super poor lately.

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          • charli.m

            That's probably it, I'm dumb.

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          • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

            It’s that one u usually get when ur small, those itchy pimple like things u get all over u body that are highly contagious. U usually get em once
            I don’t really know people that have been vaccinated for this anyways
            Maybe put it into google translator

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      • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

        Well it’s common to get it when ur small and then never again
        But usually nobody gets scars? I dunno it surprises me that so many have those
        All of us back then in kindergarten got it and went through it without leaving anything

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        • charli.m

          I think it's dependent on whether they're scratched and/or get infected as to whether they scar.

          I think the severity can depend on the patient's age, too, as well as their immune system. I know some of my cousins/aunts ended up getting the blisters inside their mouth, throat and genitals. Idk if that's even considered a "serious" case. I know severe cases can be life threatening. Plus, now all of us can get shingles. My grandmother had shingles about six or seven years ago now. She still gets neuralgia from it.

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          • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

            Ah alright so that’s why it’s not harmful to kids at all, but very serious for adults
            If it’s that bad u should vaccine the newcomers in the family maybe:/

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            • charli.m

              It's part of the immunisation schedule in childhood here (and should be elsewhere), now, and anyone who hasn't had it as a child prior to vaccines, is re commended to get it.

              It is still a serious illness in childhood, even the "mild" cases, if only due to how contagious it is. Plus the shingles thing. The vaccine is super effective, too.

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          • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

            YeH I know, that’s why u shouldn’t scratch pimples

            But like so many
            Normally it’s just there when ur very young, it itches a lot, u put stuff on it, sit it thru and then never again. That’s how I know it. Interesting I’ll search thru the internet a bit

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  • BleedingPain

    I have a bunch of self harm scars on my ankles/ lower legs... I also have a nice scar on my right knee from surgery I had when I got hit by a car.

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  • Ellenna

    I used to have a scar on my right knee from chicken pox as a child: just checked and it's totally vanished and I hadn't even noticed!

    I have a very faint scar on my right forefinger from slicing a bread roll with a bread knife when I was a child.

    The most dramatic is my 47 year old emergency caesarean scar from my daughter's birth: the obstetrician was in a hurry because she was dying. It was the old style surgery from the navel down, it's not even straight and the stitch marks are still visible. Worth it though: my daughter survived and has three children, all delivered by modern style caeserean section, which leaves a much more discreet scar.

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  • My ankle skin is especially messed up because I was walking through woods with thorny vines. It turned into eczema and left discoloration.

    I burned myself on the oven rack on the same spot on my arm while cooking on two separate Christmases.

    Most of the scars on my arms are from getting sliced on wire.

    I was also given a very un-sexy peck on the mouth by a chicken, and it was swollen for days. I thought it would scar, but fortunately it didn't.

    You got your foot amputated at 11, but ran through brambles at 20. Do you wear a prosthetic?

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    • Yup, I was lucky enough to keep my ankle intact so I have a heel and kept a lot of the important foot movement stuff just no metatarsal bones, so getting a prosthetic didn’t slow me down a bit. Plus getting it so young so I’ve had a long time to adapt. Can’t balance for shit though. I still even work a military job now
      I’d be able to explain it better if I knew the English anatomical terms

      My girlfriend had eczema as a kid on her forearm that doesn’t tan so it’s like a large white patch

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      • I'm happy to hear that you're doing so well with it.

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  • McBean

    One very large, asymmetric scar under my jaw. It has caused social problems all my life. It can't be fixed.

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    • Oh face scar buddies, we should be extra excited for another Joker movie to come out again, right?

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      • McBean

        I'm just tired of it.

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  • LloydAsher

    From navy bootcamp.

    Scar on my right thumb... impact trama from being hit with a rescue poll from a lifeguard who saw I violated a guide buoy and yelled at me but there were a hundred others in the pool so the only way to get my attention was to slam a 20ft pole in front of me. Which the tip has hit me square on the thumb right under the joint. Fractured it and caused an impact scar

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    • Which navy? I did ground forces “bootcamp” for my conscription term but decided to work in border security instead, so I only did pretty minimal training.

      Ahh, breaking bones always scared me the most, the horse kick broke my teeth but only cut my flesh so my jaw was alright.
      I guess my nose bone must’ve broken but I never got an X-ray or anything so I wouldn’t know, just stuffed it and iced it at home.

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      • LloydAsher


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  • ToTheMoon


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    • Booooooo

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      • ToTheMoon

        Mental scar now

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    I don't really have any lol.

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    • Hm. Extra careful or extra lucky?

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Lucky? I have been injured a lot just not the scar-leaving kind. I have torn my hip flexor twice which hurts worse than anything. Hurt my back once really bad as well. Broken leg as a young kid but no scar. Gotten sick asf and fainted and puked a lot as well. Had some digestive problems giving me diarrhea for days on end back when I was eating a shit ton. I have been hurt pretty bad come to think of it.

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        • Shit. That does sound rough. Besides getting organ atrophy once I’ve been pretty good with all my internals.
          I’ll take my surface wounds over internal wounds any day!

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            You sound worse off than me.

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        • DIO

          Are you serious right now? How can you put digestive problems and diarrhea on the same level as a torn hip flexor and a broken leg? The laters are way worse and more serious.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            The digestive problems are worse or the hip flexor is worse? Both affected me about the same honestly. Hip flexor injury is not super limiting but it is really painful so it's hard to gauge.

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            • DIO

              Hip flexor is way worse. Digestive problem is just painful but you know it's going to end at some point unless you have a disease and doesn't need to heal like a torn muscle.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I have some acne scars on my face. The scars have faded somewhat over the years, but those scars are the reason for my love of department store skincare, and cosmetics! Acne can be extremely disfiguring, it leaves emotional scars that can't be seen, nor removed with the help of cosmetic procedures like microdermabrasion, or laser resurfacing.

    I have always wanted to have some work done, but I can't afford it. The funny thing is that I have been consistently told that I look younger than my age, so I guess that's a good thing. I'm probably more aware of my scars than other people.

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    • Ah, I lucked out with acne, never had any. But after spending some time in the US I became aware that I was “unnaturally pale” and tried my hand at tanning. Couple sunburns later I just accepted my snow skin and moved along.

      I knew a few people who get acne harsh, definitely made me like my skin more after hearing how they talk about how brutal that stuff is to treat.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I'm light skinned, but not super pale per se, and I tend to stay out of the sun, and use higher SFP sunscreens, because I don't want to get wrinkles. I also have some sun damage in my left eye so I'm at a high risk for skin cancer, and I don't want to lose an eye.

        I personally think sun tanning is overrated.

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    • Sleepykitten

      I think acne scarring is almost invisible to people who've never had really bad acne, or haven't had to deal with it lately. It sounds like you look fantastic.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, thank you, that's very kind of you to say.

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  • Sleepykitten

    Oh, the physical ones? Good, that's a shorter list. ;)

    I split my head open on a wooden toybox when I was a toddler, so I'm off-brand Harry Potter now. I also have a permanent cat scratch scar on my hand from rehabbing a litter of kittens a relative found under their porch. They're little assholes by human standards but pretty decent by cat standards. Little brother is currently napping on my feet.

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    • Aw kitten you can rant to me about your deepest darkest stories anytime.

      Always thought of kitty cat scratches as a source of love-branding, can’t get enough of those little bastards

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      • Sleepykitten

        Sames. Love these dumb fluffballs. We have three siblings at the moment and they're all deranged, just like you'd expect. You're not supposed to have a favorite child but my favorite is the reverse Gremlin who only wants pets between 12am and 6am. He's like 20lb and legitimately not fat, just this big muscular cat who wants secret cuddles.


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        • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

          Cats are to be worshipped and loved<3

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  • raisinbran

    Rather not.

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  • DIO

    The post is literally called "Explain your scars". GTFO MATE

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    • LifeIsWhatever

      Okay, want me part do you want me to explain?

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      • DIO

        All of 'em.

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        • LifeIsWhatever

          The scar on my thumb, I honestly have no idea how I got it.
          The one on the back of my left arm I got doing self-harm but when people see it I say I fell out of a tree (I don't do it anymore, and I thoguht if I did on the back no one would see)
          I got stiches on the side of my left knee from getting my leg caught in a nail from a tree house, and on top of that scar I have another where I got from really falling out of a tree.
          The one on top of my knee is like a round scar I got when I was eight or seven falling on a rock in my neighbors yard, which really hurt like a *****
          The small scar near my eye I got when I was a baby, I'm pretty sure I got it falling off a bed.
          Now, the one down my the back of my neck, is little to personally if thats okay?
          (There you happy) -_-

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          • DIO

            No I'm not. You're saying on your profile that you don't care what people think of you.
            You obviously clearly do if you don't want to talk about a scar on your neck because you don't want people to judge you. The one who doesn't care what people think about him as nothing to hide.

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            • LifeIsWhatever

              No, it's personal, and people don't need to know shit if I don't tell them.

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            • LifeIsWhatever

              Oh, and I am female.

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