Extreme feeder sex

Is a Feeder Normal?

I am very overweight and had a hard time in high school. Then I went away to College and met a guy who was an Extreme Feeder. We met at a College mixer, It was strange cause he passed right over all the other girls and made a bee line straight for me. He was 6 feet tall a trim 180 pounds and he was very good looking. I knew about guys who preferred fat girls but I never met a guy who was as obsessed as he turned out to be.

He was so romantic and I really liked his personality, to tell you the truth I was falling in love with him. We had a few wonderful dates and I could not resist his advances any more and I made love for the first time. It was the most overwhelming experience of my life, he totally loved every inch of me. He made me feel like the most beautiful Goddess there ever was!

Things were perfect at first but then he slowly started to show me his sexual perversions. He told me that he LOVED my fat, that FAT and SEX were the same to him. He loved to take me Fast Food Hopping, we would hit all of my favorite places first White Castles, KFC and then Pete's Pizza. My biggest problem is that I am a compulsive binge eater and this guy was going all out to encourage me to over eat. He would order two meals of my favorite food and he ate practically nothing himself and would encourage me to eat more! He told me that to see me on an eating binge was a HUGE turn on for him!

He would spend less time on me and more time fondling my fat! Then he told me that he is a feeder fat fetish! He would bring me food and then put hand cream in the deep fold of skin between my rolls of fat and want me to eat at him as he had sex with my fat rolls. I really wanted to please him but things kept getting worse and worse.

What he LOVED to do was to Funnel me. He got me a clear plastic funnel and put it in my mouth then he would pour cake batter down my throat while I would stroke him. He would then have sex with me, fondling my fat and telling me how he loved seeing me eat myself Fatter and Fatter! Then he went WAY over the line.

He told me that he wanted to feed me to over 500 pounds, I was in shock. I was at the heaviest I ever weighed, about 340 pounds, my doctor was pressuring me to get Weight Loss Surgery, and my lover wanted me to gain over a hundred pounds more. Well THAT did it. I told him that I was going to try to keep where I am, even though I would love to lose weight. He told me that if I don't gain weight he would leave me. God, my love meant nothing to this guy. He wanted to force me to be his super morbid gaining sex perversion!

I still love him but I am not going to let him feed me to death. I refused to play his weight gain games any more and then he left me for a fatter girl. I am happy with a guy who loves me the way I am. I do not want a feeder who wants me to burry myself in my own fat. Am I wrong? Is it Normal?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 1759 votes (708 yes)
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Comments ( 48 )
  • brassanubis

    I also have theis fettish, although I wouldn't inflict it on someone I loved in real life, infact my boyfriend is very slim. In all honesty I hate having it, it's very confusing and conflicting. I would never want to cvhange the man I love, and although I have these weird fantasies I'd never want to change him for the world.

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  • Cuiebirdgal

    I'm so glad you found someone who loves you. You were right- he was into you for the fat and not for you. Congrats on escaping an abusive relationship! I'd advise not getting the surgery. As long as you can move there is hope for losing some weight without needing to have your internal organs mutilated. What you said about eating being a great pleasure for you... well, I have to admit that statement makes me a little nervous (they've had Dr. Phil episodes about that) but I'm not going to judge because, well, I'm not you. I have to admit, though, thinner people tend to have happier lives and the whole exercise=endorphins thing is nice. Whatever you do, be happy! I battled bipolar disorder for a long time, and being unhappy just kills any hope you have in life. Rock on!

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    • TinaPannus

      Yes Cuibirdgal, my new love is wonderful, yea he is way into my fat too, but he loves me the way I am. I am taking your advice and I am not getting the weight loss surgery. You are right about my LOVE of food, yea I am a food addict and Dr. Phil would have a field day with me, but Dr. Phil is fat too, so should he be preaching diet to other fat people? Thank you for the encouragement.

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      • Plussizecasting

        What is normal but ridiculous is people judging others about their own opinions, sex lives and lifestyles.

        I am actually looking for Feeders to participate in a project of mine and aren't afraid to break the ridiculous stereotype that the people out there have.

        If anyone is interested in being involved, feel free to reach out to me.

        There are fetishes out there, get over it.

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        • BlackTar

          @Plussizecasting - "There are fetishes out there, get over it."

          No, we will not get over it. Didn't you even read this girls story. Pretty messed up!

          People with fetishes who actually act out on them are selfish. Get help for your mental disorder.

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        • ITEngineer

          I would be interested in helping. It may also help me... Become more comfortable in myself.

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        • freeasair93

          id be interested!

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        • wantabiggergirl

          id love to help out with your project :)

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  • restless

    Well for one partygal07 sounds like an anorexic, self centered, superficial bitch.

    Anyway, I would definately suggest losing weight due to the fact that it CAN hurt your health.

    And I've actually never even heard of a fetish like that...but damn...that must be really hard to deal with having been with a man like that. That's just as bad as men yelling at girls to lose weight. No one should ask the other in a relationship to change their body, unless it IS indeed for their health and not cosmetic reasons.

    Good luck with your weight loss and remember, any man that puts way too much emphasis on appearance, whether it be fat or thin isn't worth shit.

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    • TinaPannus

      Restless, I am having trouble trying to keep myself from gaining weight. See restless, at my weight, most of the guys that want to date me, prefer me fat. I have read about many other guys with the same type of Feeder Fat Fetish Perversion that my former boyfriend had, it is a sad way to be.

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      • restless

        I wouldn't worry about what other people think. I woudl worry about your health first, and then start looking for people to date.

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      • Wulfheard

        I don%%u2019t want to be mean but let me be frank, if you are one of those big fat chicks what%%u2019s wrong with being hooked up with a feeder? It%%u2019s not like you are going to lose the weight anytime soon because obviously judging from your profile pic, food is your thing in life. If the guy loves you and wants to make you happy by feeding you and gets off on making you bigger, I think you should roll with it and enjoy. Don%%u2019t worry about what other people think because it%%u2019s none of their business what makes you happy. And for God%%u2019s sake don%%u2019t worry about your health because your health is obviously already screwed as you didn%%u2019t care enough about it to keep from growing enormous in the first place. So how can anyone take you seriously now? Crying and worrying about your health at this point is a waste of time and only exposes you as a hypocrite.
        Furthermore since by your own admission you are a huge fatty I don%%u2019t think you can afford to be picky about the type of relationship you can get into. Face reality, really fat chicks like you are not going to get many chances to be with a good looking normal guy. You pretty much either have to hang yourself out there and attract the hoggers or deal with the freaks and geeks. Unless you want to be alone for the rest of your life with your box of Twinkies and bags of chips you are going to have to settle for whatever you can get.
        At least a dedicated feeder will make you feel wanted and desirable no matter how grotesquely fat you become. In fact the more monstrous you are the more he will appreciate you, so it%%u2019s really a win, win for the both of you.

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    • Fobling

      Ur the retard party girl is friken so god dam right far out ur sticking up for her wen she put this on herself (unless its a medical condition)

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  • bigirlover

    I'm into exactly the same thing as your ex was and it's hard to find someone that is either into this fetish or willing to participate in it. It's not so much that he wants to change you, well it is. I'm in a feeder/feedee relationship with the love of my life. This is something that she's into also so it's been easier for us than it has for the both of you... So, getting back to him wanting to change you. It's about adding to what is already there. It's definitely a love for fat and wanting more of it. It's not easy to explain to someone that doesn't "get it". Now, for how he handled everything. He did it completely wrong! He was probably soooo excited that he thought he'd found someone that was willing to satisfy his fetish. You never know, if he was more mature about things and not jumping to, "I want you to weigh over 500 lbs!". Maybe starting off with a lower weight or something MIGHT have worked???

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  • Wulfheard

    Don’t try to explain the situation to the civilians. People who are brainwashed into thinking that there has to be a victim in a relationship like this will never understand that they are very wrong. There is such a perverse fear of obesity in our society today that it breeds a negative impression of anyone that isn’t at least trying to lose some weight. It also sends a very strong signal that anyone who is actively trying to gain weight is either mentally ill or a victim of some kind of diabolical abuse. This societal anti-obesity concept is propagated by a culture that is obsessed with placing far too much value on appearance. The worst part of this whole anti-obesity concept is that it is a hypocritical one; as concern for individual health is routinely used to mask the shallow nature of the obsession with looking thin. I for one find this more disgusting than any form of feederism or sexual kink short of child molestation. The faux outrage expressed in many of the comments here are testament to the ridiculously hypocritical nature of it all.

    Face it we feeders and feedees are few and far between. We practice of special brand of kink in the privacy of our own lives and we do not seek or expect approval from any of the general public. Especially since most of us already know that the concerns and outrage expressed by outsiders is based on the fact that they are full of shit. If it wasn’t so sad it would be almost laughable that so many of these intellectually challenged excuses for human beings are only getting revved up over this because they are the same lowbrow creatures that think nothing of paying good money to buy tickets to see the Jerry Springer show.

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    • freeasair93

      i agree entirely...

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  • XxXstrightedgefeederXxX

    *SIGH* unfortunately some people take this way too far.. being forceful with getting someone to eat can be very fun when you have that fetish and can put you in a nice dominant state of mind, but if the person you're with cares more about their fetish than your feelings, it's not worth it. I have that same fetish, my ex WANTED to gain weight, it was lovely, we had ALOT of fun until his doctor got on him and I encouraged him to try and lose weight. I loved him more than his fat. That's the way it should be.

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  • VirtualMannequin

    You poor, poor girl. Listen, Men like him DON'T appreciate women, they DEGRADE them. What he had you do was degrading. "Feeding" women severely damages their health, turns them into sexual human vacuums, and implies that all they could possibly do to make themselves beautiful is to do these things that damage their bodies and sometimes their minds!

    He is positively DISGUSTING for leaving you.

    A man that doesn't care about your wants, needs, health, or happiness is not worth your time. All hope is not lost.. I am so very sorry for the abuse you endured.

    And just so you don't get me wrong, I am a fat girl, too. And I have a boyfriend who loves my body not because it is plump, but because it is MY body and he loves ME. If I lost or gained weight it wouldn't matter to him unless it was starting to severely damage my health to the point of death. I am not bragging, I am only saying that there are men out there who will love you for the right reasons. Ha, if someone can love ME unconditionally, I'm sure someone will love you that way too. Just don't sell yourself short and remember you deserve a good man.(send me a message if you need someone to talk to <3)

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  • Bobert

    You should have realised he didn't love you if he was trying to change you. To him you were nothing more than his sperm-whale.

    I think you should try losing that weight though, it's really unhealthy.

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    • TinaPannus

      Hey hey, I was not his sperm whale, Fat Lady yea, but not his sperm whale.
      Oh You think I should lose weight cause of my health, like I didn't try everything already to lose weight. My problem is that when I eat a "normal" amount of food my appetite skyrockets and I just can't stop myself from binging. I know it is bad for me but I am just too weak to resist my overwhelming hunger.

      My Dam Doctor wants me to get Weight Loss Surgery that would surgically remove most of my stomach and then to bi pass my large intestine so that I could not absorb anything but a "normal" number of calories. I am NOT going through that nightmare, I do love food and I hope that I have reached my set point in weight.

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      • roger49

        Could sperm whale possibly be a pun ya think? Get the surgery, your body will thank you later.

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        • TinaPannus

          My girlfriend got that surgery and most of her hair fell out, she pukes a lot. Two years after surgery she had to get gallbladder surgery that was related to the bypassed intestines. When she lost over 150 pounds she had to get very painful reconstructive surgery to remove her excess dangling skin -- She looks 20 years older. I like the way I am better than to mess with my body like that.

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  • Maki_P

    This guy is a perv, you did well at leaving him.
    I don't think Feederism is wrong, I'm a bit of a feeder myself, but I know the difference between a perversion and a preference; and he had a perversion, he didn't care about you he only wanted you for your body, he's as bad as those guys obssesed with skinny girls.
    Of course, anybody can want a woman like that or being a woman like that, but that's your choice and you can't endanger someone's health for a fetish.
    You need someone who loves you and your body. You can be with a Feeder, so long as loves you and respects you. Or you can loose weight and find someone you loves you anyway.

    The Point is: Avoid those who don't make you feel confortable and safe. You deserve better

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  • zii

    dump his ass. get healthy for you. If he loves you he'll stay with you even after your skinny.

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  • StarGirl13

    he needs therapy. his fetish is too far

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  • MadameSativa

    I look at sex and fetishes this way... What is normal for me, might be completely weird and uncomfortable for you. Humans are weird. Sex is weird. Fetishes... Those are pretty weird too. I try not to judge others for their proclivities, but it sounds to me like you don't share your man's particular fetish. I dated a feeder back in college. I got very sick, lost a ton of weight, and he promptly dumped me for a SSBBW. No joke. They seem quite happy together, really.

    However, if *you* don't enjoy it, it's probably not going to be something that you can do forever. It's not normal for you. Maybe you have fetishes of your own or not. It doesn't matter. The control issues with feederism are a concern as well.Some people really enjoy this kind of interaction with their partner. Nothing wrong with that, but this is clearly not working for you, and it seems a little bit abusive or controlling on his part. Obsessive too, perhaps. I wouldn't consider it abusive if you were both completely into it, completely consenting, and both aware of the dangers. It's your health that could be at risk.

    Ultimately it's your choice, NOT his. If you choose NOT to particpate in this, it's no blemish against those who enjoy this fetish together in a safe, trusting, stable, and (hopefully) loving relationship.

    It simply means it's not *your* normal, and you don't need to feel bad that it's not. Based on the detail given here, I'd say this guy is a bit selfish about it, or obsessive. All women are beautiful in their own way, and I know you'll find someone who will treat you as the goddess you are... with love, and not control.

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  • stjimmy

    Feederism fetishists are related to rape fetishists in the sense that the person doesn't turn them on, the person they're fantasising about can be batshit ugly. The dominance turns them on. They like to be in control. It's clear that he DOES NOT love you, this is an abusive relationship. You don't love him either, you're dependant on him which is common in abusive relationships. Get out of the relationship, eat healthily, go to the gym, start jogging, and loose the weight. At your weight it'll be difficult, but weight loss surgery at your age (you sound like you're in your twenties) is not the right choice.

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    • bigirlover

      Not true! I'm absolutely in love with my girl. You're ALWAYS are gonna have people that handle things in the wrong manner.

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      • indie_bbw

        i bet you if your gf decided she wanted to lose weight and get into shape you would either try to talk her out of it or leave her .. even if she was losing for health purposes

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  • Purple_Monkey

    Don't listen to him and try to loose some weight. It seems like he doesn't really care about you. Women shouldn't become anorexic or morbidly obese just to satisfy someone's crazy taste.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    What is a feeder?

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  • FredSumper23

    Damn it. Wrong button again. One of those votes is supposed to be a "Yes"

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  • SilentSister

    Since there is a lot of comments I will confess to not having read them nevertheless I would like to add my two cents if I may. I am a very large person myself. I weigh roughly about 380 pounds. Because I am so large it has been really difficult to date and fall in love. Recently learning about the BBW world has given me hope that I will not be single forever. (Now if only I can find a guy who likes larger women AND who lives the same moral values as I do.) With that said I just wanted to add that while I believe there is absolutely nothing wrong with having personal preferences (Let's face it we all have them.) I believe it becomes wrong when preferences turn into fetishes because when that happens love for the person takes a backseat to love for the fetish and that is not healthy in any relationship. Even if both people have the same fetish it is still all about the fetish and not about the people involved in it. Although food has been a downfall of mine for a very long time I wont claim to understand the feeders and eaters fetish. It's one thing to prefer to be with fat people but to not recognizing how unhealthy and limiting such a lifestyle can be for those who are being coerced or are choosing to be morbidly obese is not love. It's downright selfish. That is why when the person decides to loose some weight to be healthy and active they run the risk of loosing the person who claims to love them the most.

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  • bagels

    I find this post easy to masturbate to.

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  • cjisms

    I think he should never have ever tried emotional blackmail to keep you, or control you at all. He should have been greatfull for your inittial willingness, and i hope you enjoyed that bit of libiration also. But he went too far. Good on you. although i think feederism is normal. It is always about your wishes and your body. He makes the rest of us who apreciate feeding, look like total frieks. There are extreems in behaviour in every taste, belief, fetish, Etc, not just feederism. And i hope natural justice does its wonders here.
    Live well, eat well, love life, try everything more than once.

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  • Fobling

    Extra: Start a friken Bakery

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  • Sullen_Sufferance

    `hey not listening to what others think is def the best thing to do and just do you, Me I had a hard time not letting what people said get to me, I was overweight most of my life at the age of 21 i weight in at 450 pounds :)

    lazy and all that shit is not always true, i was very active in weight training and all that cardio crap but never seemed to loose alot of weight anyways I ended up getting Gastric Bypass surgery at 22 and now i weight 215 and i love my body now, the surgery aint that bad

    ask the doctor about an appetite suppresent called Phenthermine it really works and if u have a costco near by they have a pharmacy which sells it for under 20 bucks its prescribed so you cannot just go in and get it,

    anyways its up to u, i would recommend the surgery it will improve health problems plus confidence in yourself if not then it's your life do as you will.

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    • TinaPannus

      Yea Sullen congratulations on your success. I am scared to death of getting weigh loss surgery cause I hate the idea of cutting out most of my stomach and bypassing my intestines --- Oh my God I HATE the sound of that.

      The idea that on a hot summers day when I am very thirsty, that I would no longer be able to get a big glass of cold ice tea and drink it down without puking -- that is not for me. Eating is the second greatest pleasure I get in life, and to give that up to become a thinner, empty bag of loose hanging skin, who faces a series of painful corrective surgeries, that is not for me.

      You were lucky or had a great endurance for pain. I am going to wait till they come up with a less drastic and painful way to lose weight. I will check out Phenthermine on the web and see if it is for me, thanks for the advice.

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  • Some men like this I dont know why but you were right to end it with him yous obviously didnt want the same thing. I would try and give up the KFC too thats poison

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    • TinaPannus

      Yes cabinet 70, that guy was bad news, it was too bad cause his personality was wonderful except for his Extreme Feeder Fat Fetish obsession. I enjoyed some of the Fat Fetish Sex but the forced weight gain feeder thing was terrible. Give up my KFC Extra Crispy Chicken with mash potatoes and gravy, oh no, that food is totally orgasmic

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  • indie_bbw

    I think it's sick your health comes first I'm a big girl WAS 460 now i'm 280 .. you don't need weight loss surgery nor do you need to give up foods you love.. exercise more and drink plenty of water .. make sure at least 50% of what you eat is fruit and veg. there is nothing wrong being bigger or liking yourself the way you are there is also nothing wrong with enjoying the occasional take out.. Weight loss surgery is the lazy way out and getting off the weight doesn't change your lifestyle .. you need a lifestyle change. more then 50% of people who have wls gain it all back as they arn't willing to change lifestyles..
    as for this guy feederism is a dangerous game

    pick carefully

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  • crazyme

    Wow I'm so glad that you and him be apart now. Getting fatter and fatter is not a good health for you. He is not the one for you. Well good luck on the loosing weight.

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  • Fleabitten2

    You did the right thing! Sometimes, fetishes take over a person's life. It sounds like that was what happened to him! You as a person became secondary to the fetish object--fat.

    HE'S the one who is not normal. Hopefully he gets help.

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  • xllewellynx

    I understand the feeder fetish mostly because I have a friend who is a feeder. However, I agree with alot of the comments here that this is indeed an abusive relationship. Ultimatums that jeopardize happiness - especially health - should never be made.

    Furthermore, in terms of your current weight, you DO need to drop because whether you see this or not, binge eating or compulsive over eating is an eating disorder. I just got discharged after 5 weeks of treatment for an eating disorder and a lot of people who were in program with me had binge eating or compulsive over eating problems. Please PLEASE research the effects on this disorder and realize you need to get help! You might be happy wiht your body but I assure you your organs and your body aren't happy with your body. keep yourself healthy.

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  • mymunchkins

    Overweight is not healthy, and a man who has no greater fantasy than having sex with a fat roll is quite perverse.

    Good for you putting your foot down. I'm glad you've got a new guy. Keep up the good work and you'll get that weight off! :)

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    • TinaPannus

      Yea, Mymunchkins being me is not healthy, and my current boy friend loves every roll of my fat, but he does not push me to gain weight and that is a big improvement. I don't think I will be able to get much weight off, but I hope to keep from gaining.

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    • Wulfheard

      Yes it is perverse but who says perversions are bad. We are all perverse in our own way. I can identify your perversion without ever meeting you by the fact that you are perversely and possibly obscenely judgmental. Personally I%%u2019d rather hang out with someone that gets off on fat a chicks blubber than a self important idiot that judge%%u2019s people based on their narrow view of morality.

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  • Fobling

    Wow go on biggest loser theyll probably chuck u on and island and ull have to feed off ur fat and the last person standing (or sitting because of their obesity)wins!!!


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