Extreme pet peeve
Oftentimes online when I find myself debating or arguing with someone, especially on this site, I've noticed a very... annoying trend. Sometimes the other person will take your comment, break it down into fragments, all in quotation marks, and then proceed to put their own twist or interpretation on it. I'm sure you've all experienced this; you say something and the other person throws your own quotes at you, one sentence at a time. After each sentence, they analyze what you've just said, often asking needling, rhetorical questions.
Is it normal that I find this enraging? I mean, we are not talking about a normal level of annoyance. My heart starts to beat more quickly and I have to fight off anger. Most of the time I cannot even continue to debate with said person if they begin to use this tactic. And perhaps you may say not to get so affected by Internet debates..... (shrugs) I wish I wasn't affected by them, but I am. It's just this particular thing that really starts pushing my buttons.... It's like nails on a chalkboard, except it's ten chalkboards and a roomful of women with three-inch artificial nails.