Extremely irritated at fat worship in pop culture.

Nothing infuriates me more than seeing fatness being celebrated, encouraged and normalised in popular culture. I do not respect people who do not respect their own health and bodies, and are lazy with no discipline. I do love when people try though, if they are successful and don't fail. Is this normal? It REALLY REALLY gets to me.

Voting Results
56% Normal
Based on 39 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • unionclocks

    Imo, two sides-

    There's making sure fat people aren't bullied for being fat, and ensuring people with body types that tend to store fat are accepted in that same token.

    On the other hand i genuinely have seen fat glorifcation - or encouragement to be fat - which i totally agree with you on.

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    • Ellenna

      Now that's a wonderfully balanced response! Keep it up, that's far too rare on this site

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  • CorruptedSoul

    Mine your own business and worry about your own body

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    • No. It's being normalised in popular culture and it is bad for the society I live in, it is my business 100 percent, especially when I live in country with socialised healthcare. Bad health should not be being celebrated or accepted as a choice. My own body is perfectly fine I don't need to worry about it, I do worry about impressionable children that are being told it's ok to be fat. It isn't.

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  • Drugsmoker666

    I do a ton of drugs, but I'm way below the average weight for my height. Probably way healthier than if I switched unhealthy habits for gross fast food and sitting around all day. This way I'm sexy

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  • azizedelash

    Being slightly overweight actually has a positive effect on life expectancy.

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    • GYBY

      If that where true then it wouldn't be classed as being overweight.

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      • azizedelash

        That's why in the medical literature there's a difference between overweight and obesity. Overweight is just a matter of taste and aesthetics. And even with obesity, the effects are negligible in the lower brackets, especially in women.

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        • GYBY

          The bracket really isn't that wide.

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      • Wisp

        There is a difference between a little and far too much.

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  • Justmehere

    Nothing to do with politics, so, please..Kill that part of the conversation..It has to do with pop culture, TMZ, etc, and being TOLD what's acceptable. It should be individual. One of my good, female friends, and, FWB, is slender, thin, never above 106 pounds, and takes pride, if not a tad obsession, with staying so thin. I won't be with her five minutes, and she'll lift her shirt up to show me her thin, concave tummy, and affirm she's still thin.

    She'll see a fat woman on tv or when we're out, and sometimes comment..Look at her, that's disgusting, how does she not hate herself or lose weight..My friend can get nasty at times..It's all about confirming her own body is sexy and men want her, as opposed to the biggies.

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  • Sluts

    Liberalism (which spawns stupid things like fat acceptance) in general is failing on a broad spectrum of things. Typical liberal policies are formed with almost no input taken from general human behavior.

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  • Lry333

    This sentiment is due to a lack of real education about the dangers of weight, which are grossly exaggerated. I did extensive research on weight because I have a chronic illness that made me gain a lot of weight and I got scared for my health. The book The Obesity Myth led me to a lot of good research. People who are overweight actually live longer. It's not until you become extremely, morbidly obese that any health dangers become significant. The most dangerous thing for mortality is being underweight.

    Most people don't understand this because the media over- exaggerates that dangers. News stories about weight and health dangers gets clicks (even if the science is bad behind the article if you get to the nitty gritty), weight loss companies, weight loss supplement makers and gyms would lose MILLIONS if people realized their health wasn't in danger and fat phobia stopped being socially acceptable. You're buying the hype. It's understandable, sadly most doctors even buy the hype because they don't know any better. They're barely trained in nutrition, weight, etc in school. We have so much to learn about weight loss and why people gain, so doctors can't know what medical science doesn't yet. If it gets you that mad, why not educate yourself vs just assuming what you hear in the media is true?

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  • Knightmare

    I disapprove of it, as well as fatshaming. It's hard to strike a balance though. And what really need to happen is encouraging people to maintain a healthier weight, fatshaming doesn't help that.

    I know that in the past the media was hating fat people a lot, but my theory is that this has been replaced with "fat worship" because they're overcompensating for all that before.

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  • criminaljustice1977

    I am 5'8" and 145lbs. I weighed nearly 200lbs and with my frame I looked like a total chubby slob. I decided to change my eating habits by eliminating candy, junk food, and pop and increase fiber, complex carbs, protein and workout like a boss. I loss nearly fifty pounds. I did this because I was unhappy with my appearance and health. With that said, some people are happy with being obese and some people want to change but they don't know how to. I see passed all the liberal bullshit about fat acceptance. I don't care if others want to be obese but for myself its not for me.

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    • Great! That's what I call respectable.

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  • Well we must stand up for common sense!

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  • Wisp

    PSA: Read it as an set of observations not petty bitter rambling as it might come across as because i'm not the best with words. Also bear in mind as much as im reasonably semi-well versed in biology my real passion is plants (botany) not people so i'm by no means an expert.

    There are many facets to this topic as a whole depending on what facet of the topic you choose to focus on and why.

    As another commenter said: Acceptance of it being a thing is one thing and glorification of it is another.

    - now onto my opinion with a few of my viewpoints and opinions on some of threse 'facets'-
    Not everybody is the same and it's not natural for most to be able to 'attain' let alone 'maintain' the ridiculous 'beauty standards' the media and the like wants to try to enforce as 'attractive' or w/e so for somebody who doesnt fit such a standard to not get shit for it all the time would be pretty damn great.

    Not to mention there is a plethora of reasons why the person might be like that: medical related issues, genetics, a wide variety of factors that IS NOT SOLELY lifestyle based.
    Being allowed to be comfortable in ones own skin while not being a 'skinny and perfect' or w/e bullshit people are trying to sell it off as nowdays should be a accepted thing.
    Not everybody likes the same stuff in another aesthetically (this can even apply to how the person views themself) and not everybody fancies looking like that. HONESTLY in my opinion i have met people who said to me (and others i know) good words and all that crap when they were 'skinny/trim' (lol even like that i was still accused of being fat because you cannot exactly do shit about your skeletal frame buddy) and whether it was lost in a healthy way or due to stress (which was my case) was another.
    Then gain a teeny bit of weight and then be instantly accused of 'eating yourself to death' (been there so many times since i was a kid so i'm pretty damn astounded i never ended up with a eating disorder by now tbh; which is another can of worms in itself)

    Todays society in regards to this shit nowdays is pretty fucked up tbh and seeing a variety of people in 'pop culture' stuff so to speak instead of so many almost (if not) cringeworthy gaunt figures or w/e (primarily talking about what i have seen about models here though. I dont really lurk around 'pop cultute' media much or media in general really) and wonder if they naturally look like that or if it's malnourishment or something.
    And seeing a wider range of body types is FAR more realistic and thus pretty damn normal if i say so myself thankyouveryfuckingmuch.

    And on your 'in respect for ones health' thing being skinny does not automatically translate to healthy; It can vary a lot from person to person and a 'healthy' weight tange for one might not be idral for another. ALSO did you know constantly bothering a 'fat' person about their weight can after a really long time be detrimental to their mental health too! Who knew! So if your going to be saying stuff like that keep that in mind too because that is JUST AS impotant as being physicslly healthy if not probably a little more.

    It doesn't have to be worship/idealising to be acceptance. The two are pretty different when you REALLY think about it.

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    • I'm sorry but it's perfectly natural. It isn't natural to be overweight, it is more dangerous for you than smoking is. Acceptance is what I have an issue with, we don't accept smoking, we don't accept heroin. We shouldn't accept something that is not natural at all. The body isn't built to be able to be obese. It creates serious health problems in each case. It's very ignorant to teach people that keeping up with a healthy body is unnatural, that is absolutely false and absurd.

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      • Wisp

        Contrary to the popular belief at lest a little body fat is healthier than absolutely none. (It helps insulate the body and a few other things)

        There is two extremes and then there is the median area in between.

        Also what classifies as a healthy weight can vary.

        Sure the human body isnt made to keep up with highly excessive amounts that often is part and parcel with being obese (the extra weight can put strain on things and make some every day things harder) but even slightly chubby people get fat shamed and constantly told they need to loose weight and that they are simply eating themselves to death (which is not always the case) and that part in itself is taking one problem and going waaaay too far with it.

        There is moderate concern for health of the general population and then there is fatphobia.

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        • Fatphobia doesn't exist, no one is scared of fat people. I'm irritated by popular culture normalising unhealthy weights, and by the fat lazy people who actively promote it as a beautiful thing, it isn't beautiful at all. It's unhealthy, the scope of what is healthy is not that wide.

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          • Sluts

            Being fat is not "okay" and telling people it is, is not only damaging to their own health, but its damaging to society as well since there is a clear link between obesity and a variety of negative health conditions. Society is becoming more and more crazy over time and this is just one example. Can you imagine humans from a few hundred years ago seeing some of the 600+ lb behemoths that exist today? I doubt they would even recognize them as human.

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