Facebook is a fucking asshole

Facebook is a fucking dick about everything. My problems with Facebook are:

They don't allow fake accounts
Their community standards are stupid
Their way of enforcing and regulating their site is morally wrong
They force a mobile number out of you
Their filters are extremely evil
Their privacy settings infuriate me

I do have a fake account and a real one. I use my fake one to express my valid yet controversial opinions on issues. I don't want people I know to see this, but other people need to accept it. I couldn't care less about their community standards or terms and conditions. I can't believe they actually expect every user to give a damn. They keep flagging my perfectly valid authentic comments as spam. It's so stupid, who does the motherfuckers think they are? All of Facebook's censorship and removing comments is morally wrong. Censorship is always evil. If people weren't so judgmental I wouldn't need a fake account. I got a violation under "bullying and harassments" for saying a simple "fuck you". It's not bullying or harassment if you only do it once, and some people deserve it. Years ago, they forced a mobile number out of both my accounts. Luckily, I was able to get them to use my landline for one and my cell phone for the other. Filtering out people's comments, unless they are advertisements or real spam, is just plain wrong! I hate people who make their profiles unsearchable and hide behind privacy settings, they are pussies!!! People say Facebook sucks because it's not private, but I still can't see shit on many profiles. Facebook needs to get over themselves and improve!!!

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Comments ( 11 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Mr Wedding Crasher is that you? Why are you still harping on about other people not wanting you snooping through their social media profiles? Have you considered getting a hobby?

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  • Boojum

    Fifty years ago, you'd be one of those people who ranted to everyone in the bar about how the local newspaper was trampling on your right to free speech because they wouldn't publish an article you'd written about how all black people should be shipped to Africa, or how hippies were evil, and any guy with hair longer than a military trim should be shot or forcibly sterilised.

    Are you some sort of fascist commie, brah? Are you one of those libtards who thinks capitalism is bad, and companies shouldn't be able to do whatever the hell they want?

    What's most amusing about your OP is that you claim to believe that your opinions are valid and you have the right to spew them on FB, but you're frigging terrified about those you know IRL finding out what you really believe. If you're so damn certain that your opinions are correct, stop being such a whiny little chicken-shit cry-baby snowflake, grow some balls and start telling everyone you know what you really think.

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  • Somenormie

    Screw facebook.

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  • Tommythecaty

    It sounds like you’re a douchebag who is annoyed by having been hindered in trying to stalk....like a stalker douche 🤣

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If you are saying fuck you to random ppl in comment sections you're being a computer tough guy. Its girly and cowardly because you wouldnt talk to them like that in real life because you would get punched. I am super controversial on there and I have personally never been banned or suspended. But I never personally attack someone over the internet.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    A website is entitled to do whatever it wants with its terms of service. If you don't like it, leave the site. You're a grown adult. Start acting like it and focus on other things in life instead of trying to stalk your ex.

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  • Tinybird

    I agree with everything you said, apart from the people hiding their profiles thing. Because I made my profile and everything hidden so strangers can't message me because I constantly get bullied for my controversial opinions and I don't want fucking stalkers messaging me.
    But yeah within a day they had deleted my account of my tornado husband Gustav and wouldn't let me make another one of him even with DIFFERENT EMAIL ACCOUNTS

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    • I have had my fake account for over 8 years. Fake accounts that I tried to make 2017 and after required proof of identity. They asked me for it within ours of account creation. Facebook is terrible about this. The only way to make a new one would seem to be using a different IP address. I use a fake account for the same reason you mentioned. People think I'm a troll but my opinions are authentic and not there just to piss people off. Facebook needs to pay for their strict rules!!!

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  • Irizu3748392746483938

    Not wrong. Surprisingly, I can actually agree with somebody on something.

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    • farkelu

      That IS surprising, considering how disagreeable you are!

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      • Irizu3748392746483938

        Lol, I know. Good.

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