Factual saying

Sign on the internet has interesting fact, which applies to more than the subject matter:

People who "don't" understand same sex relationships make me laugh because fuck, I don't understand Korean but I still know it's a real fucking language

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Comments ( 7 )
  • kelili


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  • olderdude-xx

    That certainly seems true... and I can think of a lot of other subjects it applies to.

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  • LloydAsher

    Most of the time they do conceptually understand it. It's just that they are having a hard time perceiving themselves in the circumstances thus they lack the insight into the peculiarities of the situation.

    People understand how gay relationships form but by only using straight relationship experiences you can get confused on how that would work in a gay relationship format.

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    • olderdude-xx

      I'm not so sure of that. I don't have to feel that something applies to me to understand that it exist. Nor do most people I've met.

      As for your 2nd paragraph: Most real relationships are about a lot more than sex. I sure as heck did not get married to have sex - I got married for a lot of other reasons.

      A relationship just for sex tends to be very shallow, and my observation is that they rarely last long-term.

      Those other relationships form for the same reasons that regardless of sexual orientation. Friendship, companionship, emotional support, etc.

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      • LloydAsher

        My second paragraph was not about sex but rather the traditonal gender roles that relationships tend to follow. That's where the confusion could stem from. Not that I share that confusion but simply I was offering the OP about an alternative answer vs "huh those people are dumb"

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  • Bulgae

    That's true

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  • Hookerfall


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