Fake pearls
( this is a free write so no punctuation was taken into consideration) Ok so one night i had this dream where I was at a party and there were people who had those fake colorful party necklaces on. Like the ones you would find at a frat party. So I had a couple of them on and i was just being myself talking to people and having drinks and dancing (kinda). Then i just passed out. Later on I woke up with the neckless still on in a room, in a house that was floating in the middle of the air. I would say about 80 feet high. The room had a bunk bed but i am was the only one in the room. So as i look out the window, i see people under me running like it's the purge. So i back up from the window and turn around to a shadowy figure that resembled a women wearing a dress. She then told me that she wanted the necklaces on my neck and i refused to give them to her. So she kept bitching about the fake colorful neckless so i just pulled them and the balls scattered around the room. Obviously she got pissed and was just screeching at me so i bucked at her. Remarkably she vanished but popped up in another part of the room. Then she told me that i had until morning to get her the necklaces back or she would never let me sleep. But finally i woke up and never had that dream again.
Is this normal? or what does this mean?