Fake people aggravate me so much that i avoid eye-contact?
I usually don't mind people using their hands when they talk. I do it sometimes, and I hang out with people who do it regularly. But in those cases, the hand gestures seem natural.
But when the had gestures seem deliberate--like those YouTube videos where people speak like school counselors, and constantly move their hands around in corny gestures--it seriously pisses me off. I very often scroll down so the screen is out of view, so I can hear the information without having to look at these corny hand gestures. Because otherwise I get the overwhelming urge to punch the person in the video through my computer screen, and computers are expensive.
This has to do with hating "fake people." You know, people whose speaking voices, gestures and facial expressions all seem rehearsed. Obviously the people on You Tube are probably not "fake people;" this is just their performing persona, their public-speaking gestures. It's just that it's a really badly acted persona. So bad I literally can't watch it.
And then there's smiling. I know some people who smile a lot and it seems natural, so I honestly don't have a problem with it. They just seem like very happy people. But then there are "nice" people, whose smile for some reason just comes across as fake and pisses me off. I especially hate people who smile when asking a question about something they are having a problem with.
It aggravates me so much that I cannot look these people in the eye; I always look in a different direction when speaking to them, only making eye contact with their non-smiling partner/relative/whatever. I work in customer service, and almost every day there is at least one customer who I cannot look in the eye because of fake or constant smiling. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll fly into a rage and start punching their face repeatedly, which is obviously not what I want to do; I might hurt my fingers.
I know it's fairly normal to hate "fake people;" but does anyone hate them to this degree, of not even being able to look at them? Does anyone else avoid eye-contact with chronic smilers, or scroll down to avoid watching videos of annoying hand gestures?