Family don't want to help me act like they don't care but when
I complain about my illness (M.E) they tell me it's my fault that I have to see doctors as if a doctor can treat me not realizing it's an incurable illness...
I have M.E. I've had it almost half my life now I've been to over 100 doctors none helped even the top rated I saw didn't know what to do. There's no specialist for M.E you just go to a primary doctor complain and they say I can't help you I'm sorry and that's it. They also love saying eat healthy and exercise despite me telling them I did that and I'm not capable of exercise anymore but I do eat healthy so that's it but my family don't care including my siblings and tell me it's my fault I'm not seeing more doctors to treat me... they can't do anything. I went to neurologists, endocrinologists any you can think of even holistic doctors they had no answers for me but still my parents roll their eyes at me, my sister tells me I'm lazy and my brother keeps telling me along with my parents it's my fault because I'm not seeing doctors. It's been years. I've exhausted all doctors. What do they expect? They never even have any sympathy